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SOWK2204/UGEC2686 Social Innovation and Social Change for Good will be offered in Term 2 to CUHK students!
Pilot Study on Bedbug Problem in HK -- Second Phase invite respondents for online survey
Welcome to Wong Hung Website 黃洪個人網頁
I love teaching and enjoy sharing my values, knowledge and life experience with students. I share the joy of my students' achievement and growth.
My academic career means to me a mission for enabling and facilitating my students to become an independent, humane and reflective person through formal as well as informal education. In a globalizing world with increasing disparity among countries and people, a new generation of students who are aware of such societal changes and ready to transform the world should be nurtured.
In recognizing my outstanding teaching performance, I am awarded the Exemplary Teaching Award 2011 by the Faculty of Social Science, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Outstanding Teaching Performance for College General Education Course by Shaw College in 2016.
I am productive in academic publication activities. Since my promotion as Associate Professor in September 2008, I have published 38 externally refereed journal articles of which 22 articles are included in Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), 3 articles are included in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), and 5 articles are included in Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI). I have published 11 peer-reviewed book chapters, 11 book and research monographs, and 31 conference papers and presentations.
Since 2008, I have achieved excellent performance in my research work by successfully sought funding for 25 research projects, amounting HKD 12,557,773, including 2 RGC projects (HKD 3,698,500), 10 public bodies (HKD 5,468,064), 9 external grants (HKD 1,144,324) and 4 internal grants (HKD 2,236,885).
New Publication
New Journal Papers in Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
New Journal Papers in Social Policy & Administration, 2019(53)
Poverty and social disadvantage in Hong Kong (pp.817-819)
Poverty affects access to regular source of primary care (pp.854-871)
The impacts of housing factors on deprivation in a world city: The case of Hong Kong (pp.872-888.)
Comparing income poverty gap and deprivation on social acceptance (pp.889-902)