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Academic Service

Appointed as Member of the Social Science Panel of the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2020 by the University Grants Committee (UGC) on 20 July 2018.


New Journal Editorial with Peter Saunders
in Social Policy & Administration, 2019(53), 817-819.

Poverty and social disadvantage in Hong Kong

New Journal Paper with CHUNG, Roger, CHAN, Dicken, CHAU, Nancy, HUANG, Suki, WONG, Samuel
in Social Policy & Administration, 2019(53), 854-871.

Poverty affects access to regular source of primarycare

New Journal Paper with CHAN, Siu Ming
in Social Policy & Administration, 2019(53), 872-888.

The impacts of housing factors on deprivation in a world city: The case of Hong Kong

New journal paper with ZHANG, Yin, CHEN, Ji-kong, & TANG, Man-yu Vera
in Social Policy & Administration, 2019(53), 889-902.

Comparing income poverty gap and deprivation on social acceptance

Press Conference

Hong Kong Anti-Bedbug Research Action Group Releases Research Results on “Bug Problem in Hong Kong: A Pilot Study”

on 24/9/2019, CUHK, Hong Kong

Press Report by SCMP Web on 24/9/2019


Discussant, Seminar on "Exploring﹕Diversity of Community Development Service" organized by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

on 21/10/2019 Hong Kong