Welcome to Wong Hung Website

Wong HungI love teaching and enjoy sharing my values, knowledge and life experience with students. I share the joy of my students' achievement and growth.

My academic career means to me a mission for enabling and facilitating my students to become an independent, humane and reflective person through formal as well as informal education. In a globalizing world with increasing disparity among countries and people, a new generation of students who are aware of such societal changes and ready to transform the world should be nurtured.

In recognizing my outstanding teaching performance, I am awarded the Exemplary Teaching Award 2011 by the Faculty of Social Science, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Outstanding Teaching Performance for College General Education Course by Shaw College in 2016.

I am productive in academic publication activities. Since 1994 when I became an academic, I have published 91 externally refereed journal articles of which 60 articles are included in Web of Science Core Collection (58 SSCI, 19 SCIE, 6 ESCI) and 6 articles are included in Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI). I have published 23 professional journal papers, 3 books, 55 book chapters, 15 consultancy reports, 10 research monographs, 63 conference papers and 36 articles in newspapers and magazines.

I have been successful in applying for funding to support my academic and applied policy research research projects. Since 1994, as a Principal Investigator, I have received HKD 18.1M for 41 research projects, including HKD 4.2M (3 projects) from the Research Grants Council, HKD 6.4M (14 projects) from public bodies, HKD 4.8M (16 projects) from NGOs and HKD 2.6M (7 projects) from the universities. As Co-investigator, I have received HKD 37.4M (14 projects) of which HKD 32.4M (9 projects) from universities, HKD3.5M (5 projects) from public bodies. In total, I have received HKD 55.5M research grant since 1994.

I am committed to enhancing knowledge transfer to the public. I have frequently been interviewed by print and electronic media to demonstrate the results of my applied research studies. I have been interviewed and reported in 188 media exposure events since September 2013 while invited by more than 92 organizations or institutions to deliver talks and training activities since September 2013.

I set up the Good Impact Assessment Institute (GIA Institute) in 2018 with support of the Sustainable Knowledge Transfer Project Fund of the CUHK. The Institute supports social enterprises and NGOs by conducting Social Impact Assessment, programme evaluation and research services. In the Annual Report 2019-2020 of the University Grants Committee (UGC), GIA Institute’s achievement was reported as one the three impact cases of knowledge transfer territory-wide.

In the Research Assessment Exercise 2020 organized by the UGC, my impact case “Empowering NGOs to advocate effective poverty alleviation policies for the working poor in Hong Kong” was rated as a 4-star case. As only two impact cases of social work departments in Hong Kong achieved the 4-star rating, it shows that the social impact of my research was highly recognized by the UGC.

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. (Isaiah 60: 1-2)