Research Monograph
How to define poverty? -- Poverty line studies in Hong Kong
- Definition and Measurement of Poverty
- Income Proxy -Thresold of Change in Consumption
- Basic Need - Budget Standards Approach
- Relative Poverty - 50% of Median Income
- Deprivation - Consensus about Basic Necessities
- Social Exclusion - Social Processes that Prevent People from Participating
What are the Causes of Poverty in Hong Kong?
- Causes of Poverty in the 1990s: Macro, Meso and Micro Analysis
- 2002 Causes of Poverty in Hong Kong in the 1990s
- 2005 Quality of Life of Hong Kong's Poor Households in the 1990s
- Failure of Social Security – the "Unsafe" Safety Net
- 2000 HKCSS Impact of Reducing CSSA
- 2000 Failure of Social Security in Alleviating Poverty (Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work)
- 2010 Compare the recent changes of social security policy towards low-income population
- 2012 Impact of Active Labour Market Policies and Statutory Minimum Wage on Welfare Recipients in Hong Kong (會議報告)
- 2016 Deprivation and Social Exclusion of Social Security Recipients (Conference Presentation)
- Lack of Comphrehensive Old Age Income Protection
- 2006 HKCSS Old Age Income Protection Scheme
- 2012 Mandatory Provident Fund vs. Universal Old Age Pension : A Review of the I mpact of Mandatory Provident Fund on Women’s Poverty in Hong Kong (會議報告)
- 2014 Review of Civil Society's Advocacy of Universal Retirement Protection (Book Chapter in Chinese))
- 2016 Politics in Framing Retirement Protection Policy by Government, Civil Society Organizations and Young Localists (Conference Presentation)
- 2017 Retirement Protection in Hong Kong in the Crossroads: Forging Ahead or Dead-end? (Conference Presentation)
- Social exclusion of the Marginals
- 2001 Oxfam Marginal Worker Qualitative Research
- 2001 Globalisation and Marginalisation of Labour: The Case of Hong Kong (Conference Paper)
- 2002 Marginal Workers in Hong Kong under Globalization (Conference Presentation)
- Deprivation of Social Capital
- Geographical Concentration of Poverty in Old Urban Area
Who are the Poor? How Poor is the Poor?
- General View of Poor peoples in Hong Kong
- 2001 RGC Hong Kong Poverty Line Study
- 2012 Poverty in Hong Kong: A overanll view
- 2015 「無窮」的盼望:香港貧窮問題探析〈增訂版〉 (書籍)
- Impacts of Poverty on the Poor
- CSSA Recipients
- 1998 HKCSS Termination & Reactivation of Ex-CSSA
- 2000 Development and Prospect of CSSA
- 2020 Impact of poverty stigma on CSSA recipients (J Asian Public Policy)
- Marginal Workers and Working Poor
- Residents in Remote Area
- Elderly
Impacts of Poverty, Deprivation & Social Exclusion
- Subjective Poverty
- Children
- Social Acceptance
Anti-poverty Policies & Poverty Alleviation Measures
- Policy Impacts
- 2017 Impacts of implementing LIFA (Public Policy Research Report)
- 2016 Statutory minimum wage in Hong Kong: a family impact analysis (J Family Study)
- 2012 Impacts of the Introduction of Statutory Minimum Wage (Public Policy Research Report)
- 2012 Changes in Social Policy in Hong Kong since 1997: Old Wine in New Bottles? (Book Chapter)
- Misled intervention by Misplaced Diagnosis
- 2007 Review of Government Poverty Alleviation Policy (J China Review)
- 2007 Who create poverty? Causes and tackling strategies (book chapter)
- Human Capital vs. Social Capital
- 2006 Human capital, Social Capital and Social Exclusion: Impacts on Youth to Leave Poverty (Int J Adolesc Medicine & Health)
- 2011 Human Capital, Social Capital And Anti Social Exclusion: Review On Different Poverty Alleviation Strategies In Hong Kong (Conference Presentation)
- 2014 How to Eradicate Poverty in Hong Kong? Comment on the Poverty Alleviation Policies of the Commission on Poverty (Conference Presentation)
- Community Economic Development
Social Determinants of Health: Poverty & Deprivation
- Impact of Poverty and Deprivation on Health Outcomes
- 2018 Independent role of deprivation in abdominal obersity (J of Public Health)
- 2018 Deprivation is associated with worse physical and mental health (Quality of Life Research)
- 2020 Perceived poverty and health, and their roles in the poverty-health vicious cycle: a qualitative study of major stakeholders in the healthcare setting in Hong Kong(Int. J. for Equity in Health)
- 2020 Socioeconomic disadvantages and their influence on obesity among older adults (European J of Public Health)
- 2021 COVID-19 related health inequality exists even in a city where disease incidence is relatively low: a telephone survey in Hong Kong (J of Epidemiology & Community Health)
- 2021 Deprivation is associated with anxiety and stress. A population-based longitudinal household survey among Chinese adults in Hong Kong (J of Epidemiology & Community Health)
- 2021 Differential Impacts of Multimorbidity on COVID-19 Severity across the Socioeconomic Ladder in Hong Kong: A Syndemic Perspective (Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health)
- 2021 Socioeconomic inequality in mental well-being associated with COVID-19 (Scientific Reports)
- Financial Barriers to Health Care
- Impacts of Housing Condition on Health
- 2017 Living environment and quality of life in Hong Kong (Asian Geographer)
- 2018 Impact of Housing and Community Condition on Multidimensional Health (Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health)
- 2020 Housing Affordabiliy effects on Physical & Mental Health (J of Epidemiology & Community Health)
- 2020 Association of living density with anxiety and stress: A crosssectional population study in Hong Kong (Health & Soc Care in Community)
- 2021 Housing and Subjective Well‑Being in Hong Kong: A Structural Equation Model (Applied Research in Quality of Life)
- Bedbug Infestations
- 2021 Risk factors associated with bedbug (Cimex spp.) infestations among Hong Kong households: A cross‑sectional study (Journal of Housing and the Built Environment)
- 2021 The Impact of Bedbug (Cimex spp.) Bites on Self-Rated Health and Average Hours of Sleep per Day(Insects)
- Impacts of Labour Condition on Health