Contact Information

Wong Hung

Associate Professor (Teaching), Department of Social Work, CUHK
Associate Director, CUHK Institute of Health Equity
Director, Good Impact Assessment Institute

Tel: 852-3943 7510 Fax: 852-2603 5018


Wong Hung

Department of Social Work,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, Hong Kong

Academic Position

8/2022 – present Associate Professor (Teaching),
Department of Social Work,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
9/2008 – 7/2022 Associate Professor,
Department of Social Work,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1/2020 – present Associate Director,
CUHK Institute of Health Equity,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong


1992 – 1999 Doctor of Philosophy,
Department of Sociology,
University of Warwick
1988 – 1989 Master of Arts (with Distinction),
(Sociology of Labour with specialism in Comparative Labour Studies),
University of Warwick
1980 – 1984 Bachelor of Social Sciences,
Major: Social Work
Minor: Economics
Chinese University of Hong Kong