2024 Journal Paper
New Journal Paper in Journal of Asian Public Policy
Measurement and determinants of multidimensional poverty: the case of Hong Kong
2023 Journal Paper
Habitat International
Impact of multi-dimensional precarity on rough sleeping: Evidence from Hong Kong
Leadership & Organization Development Journal
Frontiers in Public Health
International Journal of Social Welfare
International Journal for Equity in Health
Journal (2022)
Journal (2021)
Since 1994, I have published 91 externally refereed journal articles of which 58 articles are included in Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), 19 articles are included in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), 6 articles are included in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), and 6 articles are included in Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI). I have published 55 book chapters, 28 book and research monographs, and 63 conference papers and presentations.
Publication Citations
Web of Science Core Collection (Source: Web of Science retrieved on 28/3/2024)
- Total Number of Publication Indexed in : 66
- Total Number of Times Cited: 809
- h-index: 15
Google Scholar Citations on 28/3/2024
- Total Number of Publication Indexed in : 109
- Total Number of Times Cited: 1,849
- h-index: 22
- i10-index: 54
- Google Scholar Citations Current Statistics
Verified Journal Reviews
Number of Verified Review (Source from Publons) on 5/11/2021
Journal Papers Reviewed : 36 Papers in 13 Journals
- Applied Research in Quality of Life (5)
- Child Indicators Research (5)
- Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work & Development (5)
- Health & Social Care in the Community (3)
- International Journal of Social Welfare (3)
- International Social Work (3)
- Social Indicators Research (3)
- BMC Public Health (2)
- Journal of Asian Public Policy (2)
- Journal of Social Policy (2)
- Children and Youth Service Review (1)
- Cities (1)
- Plos One (1)
Publication by Types & by Topics
Externally Refereed Journal Article
Chan, S. M. & Wong, H. (2022). Housing and Subjective Well‑Being in Hong Kong: A Structural Equation Model. Applied Research in Quality of Life . DOI: 10.1007/s11482-021-10000-4 (SSCI)
Chan, S. M., Lam, C. W. L. , Law, W.Y., Hung, S. F., Chang, W. C., Chen, E.Y. H., Chung, G. K. K., Chan, Y. H., Chung, R. Y., Chan, Y. H., Wong, H, Yeoh, E. K., & Woo, J. (2022). Inequalities in Psychiatric Morbidity in Hong Kong and Strategies for Mitigation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(12), 7095. DOI:10.3390/ijerph19127095 (SSCI)
Chan, S. M., Wong, H., Au-Yeung, T. C., Hua, X. & Gao, Q. (2022). Impacts of poverty stigma on negative affect among welfare recipients: Path analysis on Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 15(1), 145-164 DOI: 10.1080/17516234.2020.1806428 (SSCI)
Chan, S. M., Au-Yeung, T. C., Wong, H., Chung, R. Y. N. & Chung, G. K. (2021). Long working hours, precarious employment and anxiety symptoms among working Chinese population in Hong Kong.. Psychiatric Quarterly DOI: 10.1007/s11126-021-09938-3 (SSCI)
Chan, S. M., Chung, G.K. K., Chan, Y. H., Woo, J., Yeoh, E. K. Chung, R. Y. N., Wong, S. Y. S., Marmot, M., Lee, R. W. T. & Wong, H. (2021). The mediating role of individual-level social capital among worries, mental health and subjective well-being among adults in Hong Kong during the COVID-19 pandemic.. Current Psychology (15), 8168. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-021-02316-z (SSCI)
Chan, S. M., Wong, H., Chung, Y. R., & Au-Yeung, T. C. (2021). Association of living density with anxiety and stress: A cross-sectional population study in Hong Kong. Health & Social Care in the Community, 29(4), 1019-1029. DOI: 10.1111/hsc.13136 (SSCI)
Chung, R. Y. N., Chung, G. K. K., Marmot, M., Allen, J., Chan, D., Goldblatt, P., Wong, H., Lai, E., Woo, J., Yeoh, E. K., Wong, S. Y. S. (2021). COVID-19 related health inequality exists even in a city where disease incidence is relatively low: a telephone survey in Hong Kong. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 75 (7), 616-623. DOI: 10.1136/jech-2020-215392 (SSCI & SCIE)
Chung, R. Y., Chung, G. K., Chan, S. M., Chan, Y. H., Wong, H., Yeoh, E. K., Allen, J., Woo, J., & Marmot, M. (2021). Socioeconomic inequality in mental well-being associated with COVID-19 containment measures in a low-incidence Asian globalized city. Scientific reports, 11 (1), 23161. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-02342-8 (SCIE)
Chung, G. K., Chan, S. M., Chan, T. H., Yip, T. C. F., Ma, H. M., Wong, G. L. H., Chung, R. Y. N., Wong, H, Wong, S. Y., Yeoh, E. K., Marmot, M. & Woo, J. (2021). Differential impacts of multimorbidity on COVID-19 severity across the socioeconomic ladder in Hong Kong: A syndemic perspective.. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(15), 8168. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18158168 (SSCI & SCIE)
Chen, J. K., Wang Z., Wong, H, & Tang, V. M. Y. (2021). Child deprivation as a mediator of the relationships between family poverty, bullying victimization, and psychological distress. . Child Indicators Research DOI: 10.1007/s12187-021-09835-y (SSCI)
Chung, R. Y. N., Chung, G. K. K., Marmot, M., Allen, J., Chan, D., Goldblatt, P., Wong, H., Lai, E., Woo, J., Yeoh, E. K., Wong, S. Y. S. (2021). COVID-19 related health inequality exists even in a city where disease incidence is relatively low: a telephone survey in Hong Kong.. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 75(7), 616-623. DOI: 10.1136/jech-2020-215392 (SSCI & SCIE)
Chung, Y. R., Marrot, M., Mak, J. K. J., Gordon, D., Chan, D., Chung, G. K. G., Wong, H., & Wong, S. Y. (2021). Deprivation is associated with anxiety and stress. A population-based longitudinal household survey among Chinese adults in Hong Kong. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 75(4), 335-342. DOI: 10.1136/jech-2020-214728 (SSCI & SCIE)
Woo, J., Leung, D., Yu, R., Lee, R. and Wong, H. (2021). Factors affecting trends in societal indicators of ageing well in Hong Kong: Policies, politics and pandemics.. The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 25(3), 325-329. DOI: 10.1007/s12603-020-1488-z(SCIE)
Fung, E.H.C., Chiu, S.W., Lam, H.M., Chung, R.Y. N., Wong, S.Y.S., Chan, S.M., Dong, D., & Wong, H. (2021). The Impact of Bedbug (Cimex spp.) Bites on Self-Rated Health and Average Hours of Sleep per Day: A Cross-Sectional Study among Hong Kong Bedbug Victims.. Insects, 12 (11), 1027. DOI: 10.3390/insects12111027 (SCIE)
Chung, Y. R., Chung, G. K., Gordon, D., Mak, J. K., Zhang, L. Chan, D., Lai, F. T. T., Wong, H., & Wong, S. Y. (2020). Housing affordability effects on physical and mental health: household survey in a population with the world’s greatest housing affordability stress. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health,74(2), 164-172. DOI: 10.1136/jech-2019-212286 (SSCI & SCIE)
Chan S. M., & Wong, H. (2020). Impact of Income, Deprivation and Social Exclusion on Subjective Poverty: A structural equation model of multidimensional poverty in Hong Kong. Social Indicators Research DOI: 10.1007/s11205-020-02476-8 (SSCI)
Chan S. M., Wong, H., Au-Yeung, T. C., Hua, X. & Gao, Q. (2020). Impacts of poverty stigma on negative affect among welfare recipients: path analysis on Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR. Journal of Asian Public Policy DOI: 10.1080/17516234.2020.1806428 (ESCI)
G. K., Lai, F. T. T., Chan, D. C., Wong, H., Yeoh, E. K. & Chung, Y. R. (2020). Socioeconomic disadvantages over the life-course and their influence on obesity among older Hong Kong Chinese adults. European Journal of Public Health ckaa072. DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckaa072 (SSCI, SCIE)
Chung, G. K., Dong, D., Wong, S. Y., Wong, H. & Chung, Y. R. (2020). Perceived poverty and health, and their roles in the poverty-health vicious cycle: a qualitative study of major stakeholders in the healthcare setting in Hong Kong. International Journal for Equity in Health,19 13. DOI: 10.1186/s12939-020-1127-7 (SSCI)
Chung, Y. R., Chung, G. K., Gordon, D., Mak, J. K. Zhang, L. Chan, D., Lai, F. T. T. Wong, H., & Wong, S. Y. (2019). Housing affordability effects on physical and mental health: household survey in a population with the world’s greatest housing affordability stress. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. DOI: 10.1136/jech-2019-212286 (SSCI, SCI)
Wong, H., & Chan S. M. (2019). The impacts of housing factors on deprivation: The case of Hong Kong. Social Policy & Administration, 2019(53), 872-888. DOI: 10.1111/spol.12535 (SSCI)
Chung, Y. R., Chan, D., Chau, N. N., Huang, S., Wong, H., Wong, S. Y. (2019). Poverty affects access to regular source of primary care among the general population in Hong Kong. Social Policy & Administration, 2019(53), 854-871. DOI: 10.1111/spol.12538 (SSCI)
Sauders, P. & Wong, H. (2019). Editorial: Poverty and social disadvantage in Hong Kong. Social Policy & Administration, 2019(53), 817-819. DOI: 10.1111/spol.12537 (SSCI)
Zhang, Y., Wong, H., Chen, J. K. & Tang, M. Y. V. (2019). Comparing income poverty gap and deprivation on social acceptance: A mediation model with interpersonal communication and social support. Social Policy & Administration, 2019(53), 889-902. DOI: 10.1111/spol.12536 (SSCI)
Chung, G. K., Chung, R. Y., Chan, D. C., Lai F. T., Wong, H., Lau, M. K., Wong, S. Y., Yeoh, E. (2018). The independent role of deprivation in abdominal obesity beyond income poverty. A population-based household survey in Chinese adults. Journal of Public Health , fdy161 DOI: 10.1093/pubmed/fdy161 (SSCI)
Chung R. Y. N. , Chung, G. K. K., Gordon, D., Wong, S. Y. S, Chan, D., Lau, M. K. W. , Tang, V. M. Y., and Wong, H. (2018). Deprivation is associated with worse physical and mental health beyond income poverty: a population-based household survey among Chinese adults. Quality of Life Research DOI: 10.1007/s11136-018-1863-y (SSCI)
Wong, S. Y. S., Chung, R. Y., Chan, D. C., Chung, G. K., Lai F. T., Li, J., Mak, D., Lau, M., Tang, V., Gordon, D., & Wong, H. (2018). What are the financial barriers to medical care among the poor, the sick and the disabled in the Special Administrative Region of China? PLoS One, 13 (11), e0205794 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0205794 (SSCI)
Wang, J., Huang, B., Zhang, T., Wong, H. and Huang Y. (2018). Impact of Housing and Community Conditions on Multidimensional Health among Middle- and Low-Income Groups in Hong Kong. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(6), 1132. DOI: 10.1007/s11482-018-9661-9 (SSCI)
Liu, X., & Wong, H. (2016). The reform of the medical welfare system and health equity for the elderly in China: a study in Zhehiang. The Journal of Chinese Sociology, 3(6). doi: 10.1186/s40711-016-0027-0
Liu, X. T., Wong, H. & Liu, K. (2016). Outcome-based health equity across different social health insurance scheme for the elderly in China. BMC Health Services Research, 16(9), 1-12.
Liu, X. T., & Wong, H. (2015). The reform of medical care system and health equity for the elderly population in China: A study in Zhejiang. . Sociological Studies, 2015 4,94-117.
Wong, H. (2015). Is Poverty Eradication Impossible? A Critique on the Misconceptions of the Hong Kong Government. The China Review, 15(2), 147-169. (SSCI)
Saunders, P., Wong, H., & Wong, W. P. (2014). Signposting disadvantage - social exclusion in Hong Kong. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 7(1), 3-7. doi: doi:10.1080/17516234.2013.873338 .(ESCI)
Tang, M. Y. and Wong, H. (2013). An Empirical Review on Child Poverty Alleviation Policies and Programmes in Hong Kong: Strategic Change on School-based and Community-based Project. Journal of Youth Studies, 16 (2), 121-137.
Saunders, P., Wong, H., & Wong, W. P. (2012). Deprivation and Poverty in Hong Kong. Social Policy & Administration,48(5), 556-575. doi: 10.1111/spol.12042 . (SSCI)
Wong, H. (2011). Quality of life of poor people living in remote areas in Hong Kong. Journal of Social Indicators Research, 100, 435–450. doi: 10.1007/s11205-010-9622-7 (SSCI)
Wong, H. (2007). Misled intervention by a misplaced diagnosis: the Hong Kong SAR Government's policies in alleviating poverty and social exclusion. The China Review, 7(2), 124-147. (SSCI)
Lee K. M., Wong, H., & Law, K. Y. (2007). Social polarisation and poverty in the global city: the case of Hong Kong. China Report, 43(1), 1-30. doi: 10.1177/000944550604300101 (ESCI)
Wong, H. (2006). Human capital, social capital and social exclusion: Impacts on the opportunity of households with youth to leave poverty. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 18(3), 521-534. doi: 10.1515/IJAMH.2006.18.3.521
Wong, H. (2006). Intergenerational poverty problem in Hong Kong and its tackling strategy. Journal of Youth Studies, 9(1), 3-14. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2005). The quality of life of Hong Kong's poor households in the 1990s: Levels of expenditure, income security and poverty. Social Indicators Research, 71(1), 411-440. (SSCI)
Wong, H. (2004). Deprivation of social capital among marginal groups in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, 38(1), 53-71. doi: 0.1142/S0219246204000051 (in Chinese)
Wong, C. K., & Wong, H. (2004). The case for an expenditure-based poverty line for the newly industrialized East Asian societies. Issues & Studies, 40(2), 187-205.
Wong, H.(2000). The failure of social security in alleviating poverty in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work, 10(2), 86-100. (SSCI)
Wong, H. (2000). Poverty in Yau Tsim Mong District: Poverty concentration in old urban area and alleviation strategy. The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, 34(1&2), 27-42. (in Chinese)
Liu, Z., Wong, H., & Liu, J. (2022). Why do social workers leave? A moderated mediation of professionalism, job satisfaction, and managerialism. Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023 (20), 230. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph2001023 (SSCI)
Wong, H., & Ip, P. K. (2021). Social business founders’ values and their implementation: A Study of five cases in Hong Kong. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. DOI: 10.1080/19420676.2021.1961288 (ESCI)
Huang, Y., Wong, H., & Fu, Y. (2019). Resilience and depression among the survivors of the 2013 Yaan earthquake. Journal of Social Work. DOI: 10.1177/1468017319852593
Wong, H., Huang, Y., Fu, Y., Zhang, Y. (2018). Impacts of structural social capital and cognitive social capital on the psychological status of survivors of the Yaan earthquake. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 1-23. DOI: 10.1007/s11482-018-9661-9
Huang, Y. & Wong, H. (2018). Creation of a social work practice plan: an attempt to learn from business and logic modelling. China Journal of Social Work. DOI: 10.1080/17525098.2018.1512364
Lu, S. & Wong, H. (2017). Challenges of development of community-based long-term care from welfare Pluralism perspective: A case study of N district, Foshan.Journal of South China University of Technology (Social Science Edition), 19.(2),78-86. DOI: 10.19366/j.cnki.1009-0055X.2017.02.009 (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
Chen, W. & Wong, H. (2017). The "Effectiveness Collusion" and "Risk Sharing" under the Long-term Care System: An Interpretation under "Collaborative Governance". Zhejiang Academic Journal, 2017.(2),21-28. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
Chen, W. & Wong, H. (2017). ). The "Effectiveness-Risk Bi-axial Interplay" under the Long-term Care Structural System: A Theoretical Interpretation under "Collaborative Governance". Hebei Academic Journal, 2017.(4),178-183. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
Huang, Y., Wong, H., & Tan, N. T. (2015). Associations between economic loss, financial strain and the psychological status of Wenchuan earthquake survivors. Disasters, 39(4), 795-810. DOI: 10.1111/disa.12126 (SSCI)
Chen, W. & Wong, H. (2015). Regional adaptability of urban community management model: Case study of practice of “party-resident committee-social work station” model Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Social Science Edition), 17.(1), 44-50. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
Huang, Y., & Wong, H. (2014). Impacts of Sense of Community and Satisfaction with Governmental Recovery on Psychological Status of the Wenchuan Earthquake Survivors. Social Indicators Research, 2014(117), 421-436 (SSCI)
Huang, Y., Wong, H., & Tan, N. T. (2014). Associations among Chinese cultural beliefs of adversity, income recovery and psychological status of Wenchuan earthquake survivors. Social Work in Mental Health. DOI: 10.1080/15332985.2014.889061
Chen, W. & Wong, H. (2014). Urban Community Governance: Middle-range theory’s construction and risk management system’s exploration. Social Science in Nanjing, 2014(12), 72-78. (CSSCI) (in Chinese)
Huang, Y., & Wong, H. (2013). Effects of social group work with survivors of the Wenchuan earthquake in a transitional community. Health and Social Care in the Community, 21(3), 327-337. doi: 10.1111/ijsw.12029 (SSCI)
Huang, Y., Fu, Y., & Wong, H. (2013). Challenges of social workers’ involvement in the recovery of the 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake in China. International Journal of Social Welfare, 23(2), 139-149. (SSCI)
Crabtree, S. A., & Wong, H. (2013). ‘Ah Cha’! The Racial Discrimination of Pakistani Minority Communities in Hong Kong: An Analysis of Multiple, Intersecting Oppressions. British Journal of Social Work, 43(5), 945-963. (SSCI)
Chen, W., & Wong, H. (2012). Social Work for the Elderly from a Critical Perspective: A reflection upon the rights and interests of the elder service users in the home-and community-based services for the elderly. Social Science in Hanjing, 2012(1), 70-77. (CSSCI) (in Chinese)
Wong, H. & Leung, T. F. T. (2008). Collaborative vs. adversarial relationship between the state and civil society in facing public disaster: The Case of Hong Kong in the SARS Crisis. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 18 (2):45-58. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Academic. doi:10.1080/21650993.2008.9756042 (SSCI)
Lam, C. M., Wong, H., & Leung, T. F. (2007). An unfinished journey to reflexivity: social work students' narratives of their placement experiences. British Journal of Social Work, 37(1), 91-105. doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcl320 (SSCI)
Leung, T. F., Lam, C. M., & Wong, H. (2007). Repositioning risk in social work education: Reflections arising from the threat of SARS to social work students in Hong Kong during their field practicum. Social Work Education, 27(4), 1-10. doi:10.1080/02615470601081704 (ESCI)
Leung, T. F., Mok, B. H. & Wong, H. (2005). Tension of managerial change in the emotional labour of social work. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 5(3), 1-8. doi: 10.18848/1447-9524/CGP/v05i03/49520
Leung, T. F. & Wong, H. (2005). Community reactions to the SARS crisis in Hong Kong: Analysis of a time-limited counseling hotline. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 12(1), 1-22. doi: 10.1300/J137v12n01_01 (ESCI)
Wong, H. (2005). Using asset-based strategy in implementing community economic development: the experience and practice in Hong Kong Jiangsu Social Sciences, 2005(2), 411-440. doi: 10.1007/s11205-004-8030-2 (SSCI)
Lam, C. M., Wong, H., & Leung, T. F. (2004). Impacts of SARS crisis on social work students – reflection on social work education. The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, 38(1&2), 93-108.
Chan, S. M., Chung, G. K. K., Chan, Y. H., Chung, R. Y., Chan, Y. H., Wong, H., Yeoh, E. K., & Woo, J. (2022). Resilience and coping strategies of older adults in Hong Kong during COVID-19 pandemic: A mixed methods study. BMC Geriatrics, 22(2022), 299. DOI:10.1186/s12877-022-03009-3(SSCI)
Chung, G. K. K., Chan, Y. H., Chan, S.M., Chen, J. K., Wong, H., Chung, R. Y. N. (2022). The impact of trust in government on pandemic management on the compliance with voluntary COVID-19 vaccination policy among adolescents after social unrest in Hong Kong. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 99285. DOI:10.3389/fpubh.2022.992895(SSCI)
Chung, Y. N. R., Chung, K.K.G., Chan, Y. H., Lee, S. K. T., Ho, S. C. E., Chan, S. M., Chen, J. K. & Wong, H. (2022). Trust in government and compliance to COVID-19 vaccination policy. Annals of Epidemiology, 73, (September 2022), 48. DOI:10.1016/j.annepidem.2022.06.012(SCIE)
Zhang, T., Huang, B., Wong, H., Wong, S. Y. S., Chung, R. Y. (2022). Public rental housing and obesogenic behaviors among adults in Hong Kong: Mediator role of food and physical activity environment. Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, (5), 2960. DOI:10.3390/ijerph19052960 (SSCI)
Zhang, T., Huang, B., Wong, H., Wong, S. Y. S., Chung, R. Y. (2022). Built Environment and Physical Activity among Adults in Hong Kong: Role of Public Leisure Facilities and Street Centrality. Land, 11, 243. DOI:10.3390/ijerph19052960 (SSCI)
Fung, E. H. C., Wong, H., Chiu, S. W., Hui, J. H. L., Lam, H. M., Chung, R. Y. N., Wong, S. Y. S. & Chan, S. M. (2021). Risk factors associated with bedbug (Cimex spp.) infestations among Hong Kong households: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. DOI: 10.1007/s10901-021-09894-1 (SSCI)
Chan, S. M., Au-Yeung, T. C., Wong, H., Chung, R. Y. N. & Chung, G. K. (2021). Long working hours, precarious employment and anxiety symptoms among working Chinese population in Hong Kong.. Current Psychology DOI: 10.1007/s11126-021-09938-3 (SSCI)
Lau, Y.K. & Wong, H. (2016). Statutory minimum wage in Hong Kong: a family impact analysis. Journal of Family Studies. DOI: 10.1080/13229400.2016.1176590 (SSCI)
Wong, H. & Ye, S. (2014). Impact of enforcing a statutory minimum wage on work and quality of life of vulnerable groups in Hong Kong. International Journal of Social Welfare DOI:10.1111/ijsw.12117. (SSCI)
Crabtree, S. A. & Wong, H. (2013). Ah Cha'! The racial discrimination of pakistani minority communities in Hong Kong: An analysis of multiple, intersecting oppressions. British Journal of Social Work, 43,(5) 945-963. DOI:10.1093/bjsw/bcs026. (SSCI)
Crabtree, S. A. & Wong, H. (2010). Barriers militating against the social inclusion of low-income Pakistani minority groups in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 20(2), 63-75. DOI: 10.1080/21650993.2010.9756087 (SSCI)
Wong, H. (2009). Book reviews: masked cavalier: selected works of Subcomandante Marcos from Mexico. Chinese Journal of Communication, 2(3), 388-391. DOI:10.1080/17544750903209259 (SSCI)
Lee, K. M., & Wong, H. (2004). Marginalized workers in postindustrial hong kong. Journal of Comparative Asian Development, 3(2), 249-280. DOI:10.1080/15339114.2004.9678402
Wong, H. (2002). Causes and solutions of youth unemployment problem: lessons for Hong Kong from overseas experience. Journal of Youth Studies, 5(2), 3-17. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2000). The impact of globalisation: Marginalisation of Hong Kong labour. Asian Exchange, 16(1), 74-85.
Book Chapter
| Wong, H. (2014). Hope for poverty eradication: Examination of poverty problem in Hong Kong (revised ed.). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co. (in Chinese) |
Refereed Book Chapter
| Wong, H. (2020). No poverty, zero hunger and reduced inequalities: Why do these Sustainable Development Goals matter to us? In Taylor & Francis (Eds.). Core Essay in Sustainable Development Goals Online . Online article collection. London: Taylor & Francis |
| Wong, H. (2017). Is Poverty Eradication Impossible? A Critique on the Misconceptions of the Hong Kong Government. In K.W. Lau & D. Gordon (Eds.). Poverty in a rich city: The case of Hong Kong (pp.179-202). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. |
| Wong, H. (2015). Chinese definition of poverty. In Odekon, M. (Ed.). The SAGE encyclopedia of poverty (pp.232-233). Thousand Oak, CA: SAGE. |
| Wong, H. & Fong, M. Y. (2013). Women and Poverty: Polarization trend. In Susanne Y. P. Choi & Fanny M. Cheung (Eds.). Women and girls in Hong Kong: Current situations and future challenges (pp. 57-82). Hong Kong: Commercial Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. & Fong, M. Y. (2012). Women and Poverty. In Susanne Y. P. Choi & Fanny M. Cheung (Eds.). Women and girls in Hong Kong: Current situations and future challenges (pp. 69-98). Hong Kong: HKIAPS, CUHK. |
| Wong, H. (2007). Human capital, social capital and social exclusion: impacts on the opportunity of households with youth to leave poverty. In D. T. L. Shek, H. K. Ma, & J. Merrick (Eds.). Positive youth development: Development of a pioneering program in a Chinese context (pp. 65-80). Tel Aviv, Israel: Freud Publishing House Ltd. |
| Wong, H. (2007). Poverty alleviation policy in Hong Kong. In C. K. Wong, K. L. Tang, & N. P. Ngai (Eds.). Social policy of China, Taiwan and Hong Kong: Theory and practice (pp. 157-174). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2005). Cost of living and income security in Hong Kong. In E. Richard (ed.), Social development in Hong Kong: the unfinished agenda (pp. 51-60). Hong Kong: Oxford University Press. |
| Wong, C. K, & Wong, H. (2004). How many poor people are there in Hong Kong? In S. K. Lau, K.Y. Wong, & B.S. Wan (Eds.). Society and politics in Hong Kong: Continuity and change (pp. 75-94). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Press. (in Chinese) |
Non-refereed Book Chapter
| Wong H. (2014). Review of Civil Society in advocacy of Universal Retirement Protection. In Alliance for Universal Pension (Ed.). Hong Kong MUST Stand UP (pp. 25-37). Hong Kong: Alliance for Universal Pension. (in Chinese) |
| Wong H. (2012). Povery and social capital in Tai O. In C. K. Cheung, C. H. Chan, & S. F. Wu (Eds.). Profile of Tai O (pp. 1-10). Hong Kong: YWCA Hong Kong. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2011). Review and Project Income Disparity Problem in Hong Kong. In T. K. Lee, (Ed.). Big hatred against the rich: Voices from all walks of citizen (pp.44-54). Hong Kong: Subculture Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2006). Poverty is innocent: Too dependent or too independent? In S. Y. Wong, W. H. Yan, & C. K. Choi (Eds.). No Solution: Possibility of Social Science (pp. 106-169). Hong Kong: Facaulty of Social Scienece, CUHK. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2006). The Impact of Globalization on Livelihood of Hong Kong Citizens.
In N. Goishi (Ed.). 東アジア大都市の グロ一バル化と二極分化 (Globalization and Polarization of the East Asian Big Cities) (pp. 205-232). Tokyo: Kokusai Shoin. (in Japanese) |
| Wong, H. (2002). Social exclusion is the root of poverty. In Fellowship of Evangelical Students (Ed.), A glass of cool water: Record of field practices for the vulnerable groups (pp. 49-51). Hong Kong: Fellowship of Evangelical Students (HK) Ltd. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2000). The cause for poverty in 1990s Hong Kong: Micro, macro and meso analysis. In H. T. K. Mok, (Ed.). Poverty and Social Development - Asian Social Development Series (pp.3-30). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Social Security Society and Asia Monitor Resource Center. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2000). The development and prospect of CSSA. In Alliance for Concerning the Evaluation of CSSA (Ed.). Deep Poverty (pp. 67-71). Hong Kong: Alliance for Concerning the Evaluation of CSSA. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (1997). Deterioration of Hong Kong poverty problem: Causes and impacts. In Hong Kong Institute of International Strategy and Policy Studies (Ed.). Challenges to Hong Kong's order and prosperity upon its return to China (pp.194-205). Hong Kong: Hong Kong International Politics and Economics Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. and Lui, T. L. (1996). Poverty In Editorial Department, the Commercial Press (Ed.). Hong Kong in focus 1996 (pp.144-155). Hong Kong: Commercial Press. (in Chinese) |
Refereed Book Chapter
| Huang, Y. N., & Wong, H. (2017). Disaster recovery and sustainable community development. In C. N. Madu & C. H. Kuei (Eds.) Handbook of disaster risk reduction & management (pp.787-804). London: World Scientific Publishing Company. doi: 10.1142/9789813207950_0033 |
| Wong, H. (2012). A Reflection on community humanity rebuilding after the Sichuan 5.21 Earth Quake . In Z.H. Yang & Z. P. Yang (Eds.), Green start 3: Rethinking relationship between nature and human (pp.807-820). Taipei: Yuan-Liou Publishing. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2006). Experience of community economic development in Hong Kong: How social work faces the challenges of poverty and degeneration of social capital. In C. C. Chang, L. G. Sheu, J. H. Su, & S. H. Luo, (Eds.). Knowledge and practice of community work in Chinese society (pp. 13-36). Taipei: Song-Hui Publishing. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2006). Comment: Community and community work: A social worker's perspective. In M. C. Yan & J. G. Gao (Eds.). Community social work: Exchange of Chinese and western perspectives (pp. 266-275). Beijing: China Social Science Publishing. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (1997). Community research and action research. In P. K. Kam, M. L. Woo, K. K. Fung & C. B. Leung (Eds.). Skills in community work (pp. 55-72). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. and Li, P. W. (1996). Rethinking of empowerment: marginal groups and community work. In Community Development Division, Hong Kong Council of Social Service (Ed.). Community development: Challenges & changes (pp.105-119). Hong Kong: Writers' & Publishers' Cooperative. (in Chinese) |
Non-refereed Book Chapter
| Wong, H. (2006). Social capital change social dynamics. In Y. T. Kong (Ed.), Change life, change community: the story of Po Tin Estate. (pp.150-153). Hong Kong: The Urban Peacemaker Evangelistic Fellowship Ltd. |
| Wong, H. (2003). Q&A on hour coupons. In S. M. Chau, & W. L. Lau, (Eds.). Not a utopia: Theory and practice of community economic development (pp. 24-27). Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2003). Community: A place for life and living. In S. M. Chau, & W. L. Lau, (Eds.). Not a utopia: Theory and practice of community economic development (pp. 172-175). Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2003). What is community economy? In S. M. Chau, & W. L. Lau, (Eds.). Not a utopia: Theory and practice of community economic development (pp. 197-199). Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2003). Develop third sector, practice community economy. In S. M. Chau, & W. L. Lau, (Eds.). Theory and practice of community economic development (pp. 200-201). Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2003) Sustain social capital, rebuild poor community. In S. M. Chau, & W. L. Lau, (Eds.). Theory and practice of community economic development (pp. 201-202). Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese) |
Edited Book
| Cheng, C.H., Wong, H., Law, S. K., Yeung, S. H., Mak, K.Y., Hung, L.Y., Chan, W. S, Mak, P. T. & Lin, K. H. (Eds.). (2003). The road of employment of youth. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Boys' and Girls' Children Association. (in Chinese) |
| Lam, S. H., Lai, Y. M., Wong, H., Lee, K. M., Pun, N., & Choi, Y. Y. (Eds.). (2002). Oral history of marginal workers in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese) |
Refereed Book Chapter
| Wong, H. & Baig, R. B. (2019). Anti racist social work: The Hong Kong context. In S. Gurnam & S. Masicha (Eds). Anti-Racist Social Work: International Perspectives (pp.203-218). London: Red Globe Press. |
| Kornatowski, G. & Wong, H. (2018). Homelessness in Hong Kong: The evolution of official homeless assistance and the context of housing. In C. Zufferey & N. Yu (Eds.). Faces of Homelessness in the Asia Pacific (pp.93-110). Oxford: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315475257 |
| Wong, H., & Ip, P. K. (2017). Change of Hong Kong spirit: Interpretation and reflection . In Law, K. Y. (Ed.). Hong Kong in Twenty Years: The changing spirit (pp. 3-26). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H.、Zhang, Y., & Tang, M. Y. (2017). Changes and Trend of Quality of Life in Hong Kong. In F. M. Cheung & W. K. Chiu (Eds.). HKSAR at 20。 (pp. 343-366). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong |
| Wong, H., Zhang, Y., Ho, C.T., & Ng, S.L. (2016). Change of livelihood of youth: Evidence from quality of life index of youth. In W.K. Chiu, C.Y. Ip & H. Li (Eds.). Restless youth: Observation of Hong Kong’s new generation (pp. 78-92). Chung Hwa Book Store. (in Chinese). |
| Wong, H., (2012). The lost of dignity and peers: Poverty situation of men in Hong Kong. In S. M. Tam, H. M. Yip, W. C. Wong & K. W. Lo (Eds.). Gender awareness: Social Gender Studies in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong (pp.236-255). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Commercial Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2012). Changes in social policy in Hong Kong since 1997: Old wines in new bottles? In W.M. Lam, P. L. Lui, & W. Wong (Eds.). Contemporary Hong Kong Government and politics: Expanded second edition (pp.277-296). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. |
| Pun, N., & Wong, H. (2006). Cross border space: class politics and identity of Hong Kong people working in Mainland China. In C. H. Ng, K. W. Ma, & T. L. Lui (Eds.). Hong Kong. Culture. Research (pp. 233-256). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2005). Facing poverty and social exclusion: situation of streetsleepers in Hong Kong. In M. Tam, H. B. Ku, & T. Kong. (Eds.). Rethinking and recasting citizenship: social exclusion and marginality in Chinese societies (pp. 233-256). Hong Kong: Centre for Social Policy Studies, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2004). Marginalisation of Hong Kong labour and labour Policy. In K. W. Chan, & C. T. Wong (Eds.). Hong Kong social policy review (pp. 1-14). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2003). The socially excluded marginal workers in Hong Kong. In H. B. Ku, & M. K. Lee (Eds.). Social exclusion and marginality in Chinese societies (pp. 167-190). Hong Kong: Centre for Social Policy Studies, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. and Lee, K. M. (2002). The socially excluded marginal workers under globalisation. In K. S. Zheng, & J. Y. S. Cheng (Eds.). Labour and social security under globalisation (pp. 275-302). Beijing: China Labour and Social Security Publishing House. (in Chinese) |
Wong, H. (2001). Labour policy. In K. W. Chan, & C. T. Wong (Eds.).
Hong Kong social policy 2000 (pp. 1-14). Hong Kong: Joint Publishing. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2000). Formation of working class of Hong Kong: An macro, micro and meso level analysis. In S. K. Lau, B. S. Wan, M. K. Lee & S. L. Wong (Eds.). Market, class and politics in changing Chinese societies (pp. 495-526). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (1999). An analysis of the labour policy in Hong Kong. In J. Lee, S. Chiu, L. C. Leung, & K. W. Chan (Eds.). New social policy (pp. 227-250). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (1997). Marginalization of Hong Kong Labour: The Impact of Economic Reunification of China and Hong Kong. In B. Leung, & J. Cheng (Eds.). Hong Kong SAR: In pursuit of Domestic and International Order (pp. 73-96). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. |
Non-refereed Book Chapter
| Wong, H. (2003). Solutions to youth unemployment problem: Overseas and local experiences. In Cheng, C.H., Wong, H., Law, S. K., Yeung, S. H., Mak, K.Y., Hung, L.Y., Chan, W. S, Mak, P. T. & Lin, K. H. (Eds.). The Road of Employment of Youth (pp.29-44). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Boys' and Girls' Children Association. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2002). Can't stop being a hawker. In S. H. Lam, Y. M. Lai, H. Wong, K. M. Lee, N. Pun, & Y. Y. Choi (Eds.). Oral history of marginal workers in Hong Kong (pp. 65-73). Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2001). Labour policy in Hong Kong. In Y. S. Cheng, K. Chang, P. L. Leung, Q. Li & B. L. Huang (Eds.). The labour relations and labour policy of China, Taiwan and Hong Kong (pp. 99-116). Hong Kong: Contemporary China Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong. |
| Wong, H. (2000). Globalisation accelerate marginalisation of labour. In S. M. Chau (Ed.) Millennium, globalisation and new thinking (pp. 114-117). Hong Kong: Ming Pao Publising. |
Research Monograph
Wong, H. & Zhang. Y.(2017). Report on impacts of implementing ‘Low-income Working Family Allowance’ (LIFA) on labour market situation and quality of life of low income working families in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Department of Social Work, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H., Saunders, P., with Wong, W. P., Chan, M. & Chua, H.W. (2012). Research Study on the Deprivation and Social Exclusion in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Council of Social Service.
Wong, H. (2009). The cause of poverty problem in Sham Shui Po and prospect of poverty alleviation. Presentation to the Concern Poverty Task Force of the Sham Shui Po District Council.
Wong, H. (2008). Research on poverty, discrimination and social exclusion: the plight of elders in remote areas - Part three of poverty and social exclusion research series. Hong Kong: Office of Hon. Ronny Tong Ka-wah SC, Legislative Councillor.
Wong, H. (2007). Research on poverty, discrimination and social exclusion, part two: the poverty and working situation of women in remote areas - Part two of Poverty and Social Exclusion Research Series. Hong Kong: Office of Hon. Ronny Tong Ka-wah SC, Legislative Councillor.
Wong, H., & Li, P. W. (2006). Research on poverty, discrimination and social exclusion: youths in far away districts - Part one of poverty and social exclusion research series. Hong Kong: Office of Hon. Ronny Tong Ka-wah SC, Legislative Councillor.
Wong, H., & Lee, K. M. (2002). Hong Kong poverty line study. Hong Kong: Division of Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H., et al. (2000). Impact of reducing CSSA on CSSA households study. Hong Kong: Committee on Social Security, Hong Kong Council of Social Service. (in Chinese)
Wong, H., & Chua, H. W. (1998). An exploratory study on termination and reactivation of CSSA cases - Research on poverty in Hong Kong series No.4. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Council of Social Service & Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H., & Chua, H. W. (1996). Research on Expenditure Pattern of Low Expenditure Households in Hong Kong - Research on Poverty in Hong Kong Series No.1. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Council of Social Service & Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. & Ye, S. (2012). The impact of the introduction of a statutory minimum wage on labour market conditions and the quality of life of vulnerable groups in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Department of Social Work, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Wong, H. & Research Team (2008). Evaluation Study on Yunnan Lianxin Community Care and Service Center. Kunming: Yunnan Lianxin Community Care and Service Center. (in Chinese)
Wong, H., Li, P. W., & Sun, Y. K. (2004). Evaluative research on streetsleepers service - Final service evaluation report. Hong Kong: Division of Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H., Li, P. W., & Sun, Y. K. (2002). Evaluative research on streetsleepers service - Baseline Study report. Hong Kong: Division of Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H., & Lee, K. M. (2001). Trap, exclusion and future: A qualitative study of marginal workers in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. Li, S. F. & Wong, H. S. (2001). Concern streetsleepers 2000: study of late night streetsleepers. Hong Kong: St. James Settlement and Christian Concern for the Homeless. (in Chinese)
Wong, H., & Lee, K. M. (2000). Recent trends of marginal workers in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H., Chan S.M., Lee, C.Y.A. (2021). Summary Report on Hong Kong Homeless Census 2021. Hong Kong: YSBC@CUHK (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2018). Report on Research on Living Wage in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Centre for Quality of Life, HKIAPS, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Wong, H. (2018). Research Report on Streetsleepers in Sham Shui Po District. Hong Kong: Department of Social Work, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Wong, H. et al. (2016). Research Report on Homeless Outreach Population Estimation Hong Kong 2015. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong.
Wong, H. & Ye, S. (2012). The impact of the introduction of a statutory minimum wage on labour market conditions and the quality of life of vulnerable groups in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Department of Social Work, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Wong, H. & Lam, C. M. (2009). The need for employment service of Liaobu Town residents. Hong Kong: Department of Social Work, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H., Li, P. W., & Sun, Y. K. (2004). Evaluative research on streetsleepers service - Final service evaluation report. Hong Kong: Division of Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H., Li, S. F. & Wong, H. S. (2002). Hong Kong: St. James Settlement and Christian Concern for the Homeless. (in Chinese)
Wong, H., & Lee, K. M. (2001).Trap, exclusion and future: A qualitative study of marginal workers in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2001). Concern streetsleepers 2000: study of late night streetsleepers. Hong Kong: St. James Settlement and Christian Concern for the Homeless. (in Chinese)
Wong, H., & Lee, K. M. (2000). Recent trends of marginal workers in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Consultancy Report
Wong, H. (2006). Employed, but Poor: Poverty among Employed People in Hong Kong Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong
Wong, H. (2005). Hong Kong basic need study. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Council of Social Service. (in Chinese)
Wong, H., & Lam, C. M. (2005). Poverty problem and poverty alleviation work in Sham Shui Po District: A need-based and asset-based analysis. Hong Kong: Working Group on Poverty Problem, Sham Shui Po District Council. (in Chinese)
Lui, T. L., & Wong, H. (1995). Disempowerment and empowerment: an exploratory study on low-income households in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong.
Wong, H. (2012). Tracking study for Kwun Tong Town Centre Project: Final report - Consultancy research report commissioned by Urban Renewal Authority. Hong Kong: Public Policy Research Centre, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2011). Tracking study for Kwun Tong Town Centre Project on non-domestic owners-operators and tenant-operators: Interim Report on base-line study - Consultancy research report commissioned by Urban Renewal Authority. Hong Kong: Public Policy Research Centre, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Wong, H. (2010).Tracking study for Kwun Tong Town Centre Project: Interim report on base-line study - Consultancy research report commissioned by Urban Renewal Authority. Hong Kong: Public Policy Research Centre, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Wong, H. & Lam, C.M. (2010). Need survey on youth services of residents in liaobo town - Consultancy research report commissioned by Liaobo Town People's Government. Hong Kong: Centre for Civil Society Studies, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Wong, H. (2009). Social Impact Assessment (SIA) for urban renewal: Summary of practices in the Netherlands, UK and Taiwan - Consultancy Research report commissioned by Urban Renewal Authority. Hong Kong: Public Policy Research Centre, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Wong, H. & Lam, C.M. (2009). Need survey on employment services of residents in liaobo town - Consultancy research report commissioned by Liaobo Town People'S Government. Hong Kong: Centre for Civil Society Studies, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Wong, H., Yu, Ignatius T. S., Li, P. W. & Chan, K. K. (2009). A study on the occupational safety and health of the aged worker in Hong Kong - Consultancy research report commissioned by the Occupational Safety and Health Council. Hong Kong: Occupational Safety and Health Council.
Conference Paper
Wong, H. (2017). Retirement protection in Hong Kong in the crossroad: Foregoing ahead or dead-end presented in the 24th FISS 2017 International Research Seminar on Issues in Social Security. Organized by the Foundation for International Studies on Social Security (FISS) . Stigtuna, Sweden. June 6, 2017.
Wong, H. (2016). Politics in Framing Retirement Protection Policy by Government, Civil Society Organizations and Young Localists presented in the Managing the Politics of Social Policy Reforms in Chinese Societies Workshop organized by the Centre for Greater China Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong. November 23, 2016.
Wong, H. (2016). Deprivation and social exclusion of CSSA recipients(香港社会保障受助人的匮乏与社会排斥). Presented at Seminar on Social Assistance in Chinese Society, organized by China Social Security Association and Nanjing University, Nanjing, October 29 2016. (in Chinese).
Wong, H. (2015). How can rural social associations construct/reconstruct social capital in eradication of poverty? Presented at Ecological Civilization and Open Poverty Alleviation Theme Forum at Eco Forum Global Annual Conference Guiyang 2015, organized by People’s Government of China, Guiyang, June 28 2015. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2015). Poverty and Social Disadvantages in Hong Kong presented in the 22nd International Conference - Social Security East and West: Common Challenges, Distinctive Solutions? Organized by Foundation for International Studies on Social Security (FISS) . Hong Kong. June 9, 2015.
Wong, H. (2014). How to eradicate poverty in Hong Kong? presented in International Conference on Social Work, Social Welfare and Social Policy in Chinese Societies: Cross Cultural Experiences, organised by Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. May 30, 2015.
Wong, H. (2014). Deprivation and Social Exclusion in Hong Kong: Rethinking of causes and solutions for Poverty in Hong Kong (香港的匮乏与社会排斥: 对贫困成因及解决方法的再思) presented in Academic Seminar of Social Work Graduates 2014, organised by CUHK-Nankai Joint Research Centre on Socil Policy, Tianjian, July 8 2014. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2014). Poverty and Social Development in Hong Kong (香港貧困與社會發展)? presented in Forum on Social Development 2014, organised by Hong Kong College of Technology. March 28, 2014. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2013). 'The unsafe safty-net: Review of the changes of CSSA system in Hong Kong' (不再安全的安全網: 回顧香港綜合社會保障援助的轉變). Presented in 2013 International Conference on Chinese Social Welfare(2013華人社會福利政策國際會議). Organized by Social Policy Research Centre, National Taiwan University. Taipei. October 3, 2013. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2011). Human Capital, Social Capital and Anti-Exclusion: Review on Different Poverty Alleviation Strategies in Hong Kong. Presented in Symposium on Social Work Practice and Policy: Poverty and Poverty Alleviation. Organized by the Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong. June 4, 2011.
Wong, H. (2011). The role of Civil Society in advocacy of Retirement Protection System Reform: (民間在推動退休保障制度改革可扮演的角色). Presented in Seminar on How to improve retirement protection system in Hong Kong. Organized by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. Hong Kong. April 8, 2011. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. & Dou, T. R. (2010). Compare the changes for social security policy targeted on low-income people between Hong Kong and Taiwan (比較香港及台灣近年針對低收入人士社會保障政策的改變) presented in Seminar on Comparative Social Welfare Policy in Chinese Societies. Organised by NanKai-CUHK Joint Research Centre on Social Policy. Hong Kong. December 11, 2010. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2009). 'The implication of study on causes of poverty and ways of poverty allevation of Sham Shui Po District' (從深水埗區貧窮問題成因與扶貧出路研究調查看深水埗貧窮的現況與未來). Forum on Poverty of Sham Shui Po: Current Situation and Way Out (深水埗的貧困:現況與出路論壇). Organized by Working Groups on Poverty Alleviation, Sham Shui Po District Board. Hong Kong SAR, China. March 12, 2009. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2006). Poverty Alleviation Policy in Hong Kong (香港的扶貧政策). Presented in Seminar on Theory and Practice: Social Policy of the Chinese Society under Globalization (全球化下兩岸三地的社會政策-理論與實務研討會). Organized by the Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong. July 7, 2006.(in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2005). Experience of Hong Kong Community Economic Development: How Social Work Faces Challenges of Poverty and Degradation of Social Capital (香港社區經濟發展的經驗: 社會工作如何面對貧窮及社會資本弱化的挑戰). Presented in Social Work Seminar of four Chinese Society on Knowledge, Practice and Ethics of Social Community Work in Chinese Society (兩岸四地社會工作研討會「華人社會社區工作的知識、實務與倫理). Organised by Department of Social Work, Fu Jen Catholic University, 28/6/2005 – 30/6/2005. Taipei, Taiwan. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2005). Adopting Asset-based Perspective in Community Economic Development (以資産爲本的角度推行社區經濟發展: 香港的經驗與實踐). Presented in International Symposium on "Social Welfare and Asset-building" (社會福利與資產建設國際研討會), Social Policy Research Centre, Chinese Academy of Social Science, 27/1/05 – 29/1/05. Beijing, China. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2005). A Proposal to Set up Universal Retirement Protection Scheme in Hong Kong (「老有所養」: 在香港設立全民退休保障的建議). Presented in International Conference on Filial Piety of Chinese in the World (全球華人孝親敬老研討會). Organised by the Elderly Commission, HKSAR Government, 29/11/2004. Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2003). Quality of Life of Hong Kong's Poor Households in the 1990s: Cost of Living, Income Security and Poverty situation. Presented in the International Conference on Quality of Life in a Global World, organised by the Faculty of Social Science, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 14/11/2003-15/11/2003. Hong Kong.
Wong, H. (2003). Rebuilding Social Capital in a Chinese Society: Practice of Community Economic Development in Hong Kong. Presented in Social Work Symposium: Knowledge, Practice and Research in Chinese Societies – Challenges Ahead, organized by Department of Social Work, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2-6/12/2003. Hong Kong.
Wong, H. (2002). Transforming Social Capital: Exploring Experience of Community Economy Development in Hong Kong (改造社會資本: 香港社區經濟發展經驗初探). Presented in Conference on Representing Social Life: Conflicts and Identities, the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Hong Kong Sociological Association, 9/11/2002. Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2000). Geographical Concentration of Poverty in Hong Kong: a Discussion of Community Development Project in Combating Poverty (香港貧窮的地域集中: 兼論社區發展的扶貧作用). Presented in Seminar on Community Building (社區建設研討會) organized by Shanghai Sciences Association, Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau, Shanghai Academy of Community Development and Shanghai University, 9-11/11/2000. Shanghai, China. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2000). Creating and Maintaining Poverty Trap: The Failure of Social Security in Alleviating Poverty in Hong Kong. Presented in the 2nd Asia Regional Conference on Social Security, organised by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service and the Social Welfare Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government, 24-26/1/2000. Hong Kong.Wong, H. (1997). Intensification of Poverty in Hong Kong: Causes and Impacts (香港貧窮問題的惡化). Presented in Symposium on Challenges to Hong Kong's Order and Prosperity upon Its Return to China, organized by Hong Kong Institute of International Strategy and Policy Studies, 31/9/1997. Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (1997). Intervention of Social Work Profession in Social Security System: the Experience of Hong Kong' (社會工作如何介入社會保障制度—香港經驗). Presented in Symposium on the Social Security and Social Work Profession, organised by the Social Workers Association of Macau, 6-7/7/97. Macau. (in Chinese)
Chen, A. & Wong, H. (2016) The Social Governance and the Revocation Crisis of Advocacy NGO in Contemporary China. The 74th Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago. April 7, 2016. (poster presentation)
Wong, H. (2015) 'Problem of Elderly Sevice in Hong Kong' (香港安老服務的問題). Round Table of Two Shores and Eight Regions 2015: Elderly Policy. Organized by Hong Kong Social Security Society and Centre for Social Policy Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. October 15, 2015. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2015) Can Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme Eradicate Absolute Poverty in Hong Kong?. Social Policy and Social Protection in Asia 2015 Workshop.Organized by Hong Kong Institute of Education. Hong Kong. July 25,2015. October 15, 2015.
Wong, H. (2010) Can Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme Eradicate Absolute Poverty in Hong Kong?. The 5th Two straits and three places Humanity and Social Science Forum. Green Initiative: Revisit Relation between Human and Nature (第五屆兩岸三地人文社學科學論壇--綠色啟動:重探人與自然關係學術研討會). Organized by National Central University. Tao Yuan, Taiwan. November 17,2010.
Wong, H. (2010) 'The Prospect of Progressive Social Work in Hong Kong' (本地進步社會工作的展望). Reclaiming Progressive Social Work: Social Welfare Conference 2010(HK) (進步社會工作: 民間社福利論壇 2010(香港). Organized by Hong Kong Policy Viewers, Community Development Alliance, Frontline Welfare Employees Union and Grassroots Social Workers. Hong Kong SAR, China. June 19-20, 2010. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2010). 'Asset Based Community Development: Way to Sustainable Development'. 2010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development. Organized by International Association of School of Social Work, International Council on Social Welfare and International Federation of Social Workers. Hong Kong SAR, China. June 11-13, 2010.
Wong, H. (2009). 'Implication of Hong Kong's Social Service Policy Planning to Mainland China' (香港社會服務政策規劃及其對內地的啟示). Guangdong and Hong Kong Social Service Exchange and Seminar (粵港社會服務交流與研討會). Organized by Sun Yat-sen University, Department of Civil Affairs of Guangdong Province, and Hong Kong Council of Social Services. Dongguan, Guangdong, China. August 20-21, 2009. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2009). 'Community-based Asset Building' (地區為本的資本建設). Seminar on Sham Shui Po Poverty Alleviation: Present and Future (深水埗扶貧工作的現況與前瞻研討會). Organized by Working Groups on Poverty Alleviation, Sham Shui Po District Board. Hong Kong SAR, China. March 12, 2009. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2006). Development of Community Work in Hong Kong and its Future (香港社區工作經驗分享及未來發展). Presented in Seminar on pilot projects on human resource development of Taiwan Social Welfare Practitioner and Community Work Education Exchange, 2006 (2006「建立台灣社會福利工作人才養成模式實驗計畫」總結研討會暨社區工作教育成果交流觀摩會). Organized by Department of Social Welfare, National Chung Cheng University, 24/11/2006 – 25/11/2006. Hualien, Taiwan. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. and Leung, T. F. (2006). Roles of the Civil Society in Facing Public Disaster: NGOs in Hong Kong in Responding to the SARS Crisis. Presented in 2006 biennial inaugural conference on Globalization, Development, and Human Security in the Asia-Pacific Region. Organized by 1st International Consortium for Social Development conference for Asia and Pacific Branch, 18/10/2006 – 20/10/2006. Pattaya, Thailand.
Wong, H., Lam, C. M., & Leung T. F. (2005). An Unfinished Journey to Reflexivity: Social Work Students' Narratives of their Placement Experiences (自我反思的未竟旅程: 社會工作學生對實習經驗的敍述). Presented in International Symposium on Sociology-Social Work Education and Construction of Harmonious Society. Organized by Social Work Department, Political Science and Law College, Capital Normal University and Beijing Sociology Association, 22/11/2005 - 23/11/2005. Beijing, China. (in Chinese)
Leung, T. F., Lam, C. M. & Wong, H. (2004). Re-positioning Risk in Social Work Education: Reflection from the Threat of SARS to Social Work Students during their Field Practicum. Presented in the Symposium on "Learning to practice/learning in practice: Bridging social work education and professional development in workplace, organized by Department of Applied Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong and Department of Social Work, HKBU, HKSAR, 06/2004.
Wong, H. (2002). Transforming Social Capital: Exploring Experience of Community Economy Development in Hong Kong (改造社會資本: 香港社區經濟發展經驗初探). Presented in Conference on Representing Social Life: Conflicts and Identities, the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Hong Kong Sociological Association, 9/11/2002. Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Li, P.W., & Wong, H. (1996). Rethinking Empowerment: Marginal Groups and Community Work in Hong Kong. Presented in Joint Congress of the International Federation of Social Workers and the International Association of School of Social Work, 24-27/7/96. Hong Kong.
Wong, H. & Baig, R. B. (2017). Protection or exclusion: national and international social protection policy on migrant domestic workers presented in WUN IOM GMDAC Synposium on Hidden Migration, Data and Policy Organized by University of Bristol. Bristol, UK. March 9-10, 2017.
Wong, H. (2015). 'Impacts of Labour Legislation to Grassroots Labour: The Case of Legislation of Minimum Wage in Hong Kong' (勞工立法對基層勞工的影響: 以香港最低工資立法為例) International Seminar on Social Security Protection of Peasant Workers: Experience of East Asia and Challenges of China (農民工的社會保障: 東亞的經驗與中國的挑戰國際研討會). Organized by City University of Hong Kong. January 10, 2015. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2013). Impact of Active Labour Market Policies and Statutory Minimum Wage on Welfare Recipients in Hong Kong . Presented in 2013 East Asian Social Policy Symposium. Organized by School of Labor and Human Resources, Renmin University, Beijing, China School of Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley , Beijing. November 26, 2013.
Fong, M. Y. & Wong, H. (2012). Mandatory Provident Fund vs. Universal Old Age Pension : A Review of the Impact of Mandatory Provident Fund on Women’s Poverty in Hong Kong. presented in 19th FISS International Research Seminar on “Challenges for Social Protection”. Organized by the Foundation for International Studies on Social Security. Stigtuna, Sweden. June 11, 2012.
Wong, H. (2012). Impact of Active Labour Market Policies and Statutory Minimum Wage on Welfare Recipients in Hong Kong. presented in 19th FISS International Research Seminar on “Challenges for Social Protection”. Organized by the Foundation for International Studies on Social Security. Stigtuna, Sweden. June 11, 2012.
Wong, H. (2010). The Aging Population – vocation & employment: Social perspectives . Work & Rehabilitation 2011: An Interdisciplinary Symposium. Organized by Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, CUHK. Hong Kong. April 16,2011
Wong, H. (2010). 'Impacts of Trade Unions, NGOs and Mass Incidents on Conflict and resolution of Labour Disputes' (工會,非政府組織,群體性事件 對勞資關係衝突和化解的影響) . Academic Seminar of Transformation of Labour Relations in Zhujiang Delta (珠三角勞資關係轉型學術研討會). Organized by Institute for Civil Society (ICS) of Sun Yat-sen University, Development Research Center, the People's Government of Guangdong Province, and Think Tank Center, Xinhua News Agency of Guangdong Province (中山大學社會學與人類學學院公民與社會展研究中心與廣東省政府發展研究中心社會發展研究所、廣東省新華社智庫中心). Qing Xin, Guangdong, China. March 27, 2010. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2009). 'Marginal Workers and Migrants in Hong Kong and China - Migration, Exclusion and Collective Action'. Global Civil Society and Justice Workshop. Organised by Institute of Social Research, Korea University and The Centre for the Study of Global Governance, London School of Economics and Political Science and Foundation of Young Professionals Institute of Korea. Seoul, Korea. December 1-2, 2009.
Wong, H. and Leung, T. F. (2006). Roles of the Civil Society in Facing Public Disaster: NGOs in Hong Kong in Responding to the SARS Crisis. Presented in 2006 biennial inaugural conference on Globalization, Development, and Human Security in the Asia-Pacific Region. Organized by 1st International Consortium for Social Development conference for Asia and Pacific Branch, 18/10/2006 – 20/10/2006. Pattaya, Thailand.
Wong, H. (2005). Lost of Dignity and Peers: Poverty Situation of Men in Hong Kong (尊嚴與朋輩的失落:香港男性的貧窮處境). Presented in International Conference on Gender Studies in the last twenty years in Chinese Society: Review and Prospect (近二十年華人社會之性別研究: 回顧與前瞻). Organized by Gender Research Centre, Hong Kong Asian Pacific Research Institute, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Gender Studies Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Research Centre on Women Problems in China and Overseas, Peking University, 17/11/2005 – 19/11/2005. Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2004). Helping Youth to Develop their Career Plan: Key to Success of Youth Employment Counseling. Presented in the 6th International Conference on Asian Youth Issues, organized by Research Committee 34–Sociology of Youth, International Sociological Association, 10/2004. Beijing, China.
Wong, H. (2003). Poverty and Social Exclusion: Situation of Streetsleepers (貧窮與社會排斥: 香港露宿者的處境). Presented in the second conference on social exclusion and marginality in Chinese societies, organized by Centre for Social Policy Studies, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 21-22/11/2003. Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H., & Lee, K. M. (2002). The Socially Excluded Marginal Workers of Hong Kong under Globalisation' (全球化下被社會排斥的香港邊緣勞工). Presented in Seminar on Labour and Social Security of Workers in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong under Globalisation, organized by Labour and Personnel College, Remin University and Contemporary China Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong, 4-6/4/2002. Beijing. (in Chinese)
Lee, K. M., & Wong, H. (2001). The Socially Excluded Marginal Workers in Hong Kong' (被社會排斥的邊緣勞工). Presented in Seminar on Socially Exclusion and Marginality Problem of Chinese Society organised by Centre for Social Policy Studies, Department of Applied Social Studies, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 16-17/11/2001. Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2001). Resistance, Coping Strategy and Social Network of Marginal Workers in Hong Kong. Presented in International Conference Labour in a Globalizing World: The Challenge for Asia organised by the Centre for Comparative Public Management and Social Policy, City University of Hong Kong, 4-6/1/2001. Hong Kong.
Wong, H., & Lee, K. M. (2000). Globalisation and Marginalisation of Labour: The Case of Hong Kong. Presented in 12th Annual Meeting on Socio-Economics, organised by the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, 7-10/7/2000. London, UK.
Wong, H. (2000). The Fate of Hong Kong Labour. Presented in Beyond Seattle: Preparing for the Millennium Challenge: A Workshop to Review WTO and post-Seattle Strategies for Action organised by ARENA, Sociology Department, Hong Kong Baptist University and Asian Labour Monitor Resource Centre, 3-5/3/2000. Hong Kong.
Wong, H. (2000). Labour Policy in Hong Kong (香港的勞工政策). Presented in Symposium of Labour Relations and Labour Policy under conditions of Market Economy (市場經濟條件下的勞資關係與勞工政策學術研討會) organised by Contemporary China Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong and Asian Labour Monitor, 18-19/2/2000. Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (1999). Formation of Working Class of Hong Kong: An Macro, Micro and Meso Level Analysis (香港勞工階級的形成: 宏觀、微觀及中程分析). Presented in the 2nd Symposium of Class Studies in Chinese Society, organised by Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong; Centre for Social Policy Studies, Department of Applied Social Studies, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Centre for Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Sociology Association, 21-22/10/99. Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (1999). Coping Strategy in High Unemployment Era: An Integrated Planning of Economic, Human Resource and Employment Policy (高失業年代的對策: 經濟、人力及就業政策的綜合規劃). Presented in Seminar on High Unemployment Era, organised by Centre for Social Policy Studies, Department of Applied Social Studies, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 23/7/99. Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (1998). Active Labour Market Policies: international and Hong Kong's Experiences (積極勞動市場政策—香港和國際經驗). Presented in Symposium on the Employment Problem of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, organised by China Studies Project, City University of Hong Kong and Centre for Asian Studies, Chu Hai College, 30/10/98- 1/11/98. Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (1998). Impact of Changes in Labour Relations and Economic Restructuring on Hong Kong Trade Union Movement (香港勞資關係及經濟結構的變化對工會發展的影響). Presented in Symposium on the Future of Hong Kong Trade Union Movement, organized by Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions, 17/10/1998. Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (1997). Labour Issues and Labour Policy of Hong Kong in the 1990s. Presented in IMF follow-up Seminar on the Future of Metalworkers in Hong Kong, organized by the International Metalworkers Federation, 12/4/97. Hong Kong
Wong, H. (1996). Marginalization Crisis of Hong Kong Labour: the impact of economic re-unification of Hong Kong and China. Presented in International Conference on Hong Kong in Transition: Political Order, International Relations and Crisis Management, organized by the Center for Asian Pacific Studies, Lingnan College, 17-18/9/96. Hong Kong.