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Research Interest
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Research Grant
I have been successful in applying for funding to support my academic
and applied policy research research projects. Since 1994, as a Principal Investigator,
I have received HKD 18.1M for 41 research projects, including HKD 4.2M (3 projects) from the
Research Grants Council, HKD 6.4M (14 projects) from public bodies, HKD 4.8M (16 projects) from NGOs and HKD 2.6M (7 projects) from the universities.
As Co-investigator, I have received HKD 37.4M (14 projects) of which HKD 32.4M (9 projects) from universities, HKD3.5M (5 projects) from public bodies. In total,
I have received HKD 55.5M research grant since 1994.
Research Grants Council
1/2020 – 12/2021 |
Co-Investigator, Individual-level Income Poverty and Deprivation as Predictors of Health. A Longitudinal Cohort Study in Hong Kong General Research Fund, Research Grants Council. Funding: HKD 1,156,984 |
4/2012 – 3/2017 |
Principal Investigator, Trends and Implications of Poverty and Social Disadvantages in Hong Kong: A Multi-disciplinary and Longitudinal Study Strategic Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, Research Grants Council. Funding: HKD 3,250,000 |
10/2009 – 1/2012 |
Principal Investigator, The Impact of the Introduction of a Statutory Minimum Wage on Labour Market Conditions and the Quality of Life of Vulnerable Groups in Hong Kong. Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, Research Grants Council. Funding: HKD 390,000 |
8/1999 – 2/2002 |
Principal Investigator, Research Topic: Drawing Hong Kong's Poverty Line: An Inter-disciplinary Study Competitive Earmarked Research Grant (CERG) 1999-2000, Research Grants Council Funding: HKD 601,992 |
External Competitive Grant
11/2017 – 3/2018 |
Principal Investigator, Consultancy Research: Research on street sleepers in Sham Shui Po Sham Shui Po District Council Funding: HKD 249,965 |
5/2016 – 9/2017 |
Principal Investigator, Research Topic: Impacts of implementing ‘Low-income Working Family Allowance’ (LIFA) on labour market situation and quality of life of low income working families in Hong Kong Central Policy Unit Funding: HKD 999,299 |
2/2014 – 7/2018 |
Co-Principal Investigator, Research Topic: Evaluation Study on Incentive Scheme to further encourage Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Recipients of the Integrated Employment Assistance Programme for Self-reliance to Secure Employment. Co-PI: Yu-cheung Wong of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Social Welfare Department Funding: HKD 1,430,000 |
10/2015 – 6/2016 |
Principal Investigator, Consultancy Research: Outcome Evaluation for Services of Urban Renewal Social Service Teams Urban Renewal Fund Funding: HKD 400,000 |
7/2014 – 10/2014 |
Principal Investigator, Consultancy Research: Case study on Overseas Experience of Government Purchasing Public Service: Implication to Nanning Nanning Municipal Government, Guangxi Province, China Funding: HKD 186,000 |
4/2010 -3/2011 |
Co-Investigator, Consultancy Research: A Study on the Pattern of Urban Life in Hong Kong: A District Level Community Study of Sham Shui Po. Central Policy Unit, Hong Kong SAR Government Funding: HKD 1,170,062 |
1/2009 - 8/2011 |
Principal Investigator, Consultancy Research: Social Service Planning and Implementation for Liaobu Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province Liaobu Town Government, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province Funding: HKD 210,000 |
6/2009 -12/2010 |
Principal Investigator, Consultancy Research: Tracking Study for KwunTong Town Centre Project Urban Renewal Authority Funding: HKD 301,800 |
1/2009 -2/2009 |
Principal Investigator, Consultancy Research: Consultancy work on Social Impact Assessment (SIA) for Urban Renewal: Summary of Practices in the Netherlands, UK and Taiwan Urban Renewal Authority Funding: HKD 51,000 |
1/2008 – 3/2008 |
Principal Investigator, Consultancy Research: Research on Causes of Poverty Problems in Sham Shui Po District and Future of Poverty Alleviation Policies Sham Shui Po District Council Funding: HKD 99,475 |
10/2006 – 9/2008 |
Co-Investigator, Consultancy Research: Evaluation Study on the Two Pilot Programs: Special Training and Enhancement Programme (My STEP) and District Employment Assistance Trial (DEAT) Projects PI: Prof. Tang Kwong-leung Co-I: Dr. Cheung Chau-kiu Social Welfare Department Funding: HKD592,480 |
1/2007 – 12/2007 |
Principal Investigator, Consultancy Research: Undertaking a Consultancy Study on Aged Worker in Hong Kong Co-I: Prof. Yu Tak-sun, Prof. Li Ping-wai, Dr. Chan Kan-kam Occupational Safety and Health Council Funding: HKD999,120 |
3/2005 – 3/2006 |
Co-Investigator, Consultancy Research: Study on the Drug Abuse Situation among Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong PI: Prof. Tang Kwong-leung Co-I: Dr. Cheung Chau-kiu In Collaboration with Unison Hong Kong Research Sub-Committee of the Action Committee against Narcotics Funding: HKD 149,523 |
11/2004 – 6/2005 |
Co-Investigator, Consultancy Research: A Study of Strategies for Tackling Child Poverty in Hong Kong PI: Prof. Tang Kwong-leung Co-I: Dr. Cheung Chau-kiu Central Policy Unit Funding: HKD 400,000 |
4/2001 – 3/2004 |
Principal Investigator, Commissioned Research: An Evaluative Research on the Pilot and Existing Services for the Homeless People in Hong Kong Co-Is: Dr. Li Ping-wai, Mr. Sun Yuk-kit, Stephen Social Welfare Department, HKSAR Government Funding: HKD 1,298,562 |
External Non-Competitive Grant
10/2018 - 2/2019 |
Principal Investigator, Commissioned Research: Evaluation Study of the Intermediary Service for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development. Hong Kong Council of Social Service Funding: HKD 75,050 |
4/2018 - 9/2019 |
Principal Investigator, Commissioned Research Topic: Evaluative Study on Support Service for Street Sleepers and Underprivileged by Using the "Outcome Star" Mode. Salvation Army Funding: HKD 199,998 |
4/2018 - 12/2019 |
Principal Investigator, Commissioned Research: A Comparative Institutional Analysis of Social Innovation in Japan and South Korea: Lessons for Greater China Sumitomo Foundation Funding: HKD 97,500 |
6/2017 - 11/2018 |
Principal Investigator, Commissioned Research: Life in Low Income Families in Hong Kong. St. James’ Settlement Funding: HKD 256,700 |
11/2017 - 2/2018 |
Principal Investigator, Commissioned Research:Research on living wage in Hong Kong. Oxfam Hong Kong Funding: HKD 159,686 |
2/2013 - 1/2014 |
Co-Principal Investigator, Commissioned Research: Family Impact Assessment on Statutory Minimum Income. PI: Dr Yuk-king Lau Funding: HKD 307,013 |
9/2010 - 12/2012 |
Principal Investigator, Commissioned Research: Research Study on the Deprivation and Social Exclusion in Hong Kong Hong Kong Council of Social Service Funding: HKD 230,000 |
3/2006 - 10/2006 |
Principal Investigator, Commissioned Research: Hong Kong Poverty Report Oxfam Hong Kong Funding: HKD 175,050 |
7/2005 – 12/2007 |
Principal Investigator, Commissioned Research: Poverty, Social Discrimination, and Social Exclusion of Youth, Women and Elderly Co-I: Prof. Li Ping-wai Legislative Councillor Ronnie Tong's Office Funding: HKD 300,000 |
1/2005 – 8/2005 |
Principal Investigator, Commissioned Research: Poverty Problem and Poverty Alleviation work in Sham Shui Po District: A Need-based and Asset-based Analysis Co-I: Prof. Lam Ching-man Sham Shui Po District Council Funding: HKD 90,500 |
4/2004 – 3/2005 |
Co-Investigator, Commissioned Research: The Relationships between Social Welfare and Economic Performance PI: Prof. Tang Kwong-leung Co-I: Dr. Cheung Chau-kiu The Hong Kong Council of Social Service Funding: HKD 20,000 |
9/2003 – 4/2005 |
Principal Investigator, Commissioned Research: Adequate Standard of CSSA: the Basic Need Approach The Hong Kong Council of Social Service Funding: HKD 83,600 |
4/2003 – 9/2003 |
Co-Principal Investigator, Commissioned Research: An Evaluative Research on the Intensive Employment Supporting Services for the Unemployed CSSA recipients of Construction Industry Co-PI: Prof. Hui Po-keung, Mr. Wong Kwok-ngon Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood Funding: HKD 17,000 |
4/2001 – 3/2004 |
Principal Investigator, Commissioned Research: Homelessness 2000: A quantitative and qualitative analysis of homeless people in Hong Kong Oxfam Hong Kong Funding: HKD 55,700 |
1/2000 – 12/2001 |
Principal Investigator, Commissioned Research: Marginal Worker in Hong Kong: quantitative and qulitative study Co-I: Mr. Lee Kim Ming Oxfam Hong Kong Funding: HKD 159,200 |
4/1997 – 8/1998 |
Principal Investigator, Commissioned Research: Termination and Reactivation of Ex-CSSA Recipients Hong Kong Council of Social Service and Oxfam Hong Kong Funding: HKD 50,000 |
4/1996 - 12/1996 |
Principal Investigator, Commissioned Research: Expenditure Pattern of Low-Expenditure Households in Hong Kong Hong Kong Council of Social Service and Oxfam Hong Kong Funding: HKD 50,000 |
9/1994 - 12/1995 |
Co-Investigator, Commissioned Research: An Exploratory Study on Low-Income Households in Hong Kong PI: Lui Tai Lok Oxfam Hong Kong Funding: HKD 95,150 |
5/2018 – 12/2019 |
Co-Principal Investigator, Research Topic: Health & Social Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Young People across the Socioeconomic Ladder: A Cross-Country Comparative Study Research Development Fund, Worldwide Universities Network Funding: ₤10,000 |
1/2016 – 12/2019 |
Principal Investigator, Research Topic: CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing - Elderly Quality of Life Index Study Vice-Chancellor's One-off Discretionary Fund Funding: HKD 1,968,000 |
5/2018 – 12/2019 |
Principal Investigator, Research Topic: Ethics and Social Entrepreneurship: Case Study of Social Entrepreneurs' Practice in Hong Kong CUHK Research Committee Funding (Direct Grants) Funding: HKD 48,885 |
1/2016 – 12/2019 |
Principal Investigator, Research Topic: CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing - Elderly Quality of Life Index Study Vice-Chancellor's One-off Discretionary Fund Funding: HKD 1,968,000 |
10/2011 – 9/2014 |
Principal Investigator, Research Topic: Rebuilding Post-disaster Community from Inside Out: Action Research on an Asset-based Social Recovery Project in Beichuan South China Programme, CUHK Funding: HKD 190,000 |
1/2008 – 8/2009 |
Principal Investigator, Research Topic: Model of Community Work for Rural Migrants in China Cities: An Evaluation Study on Yunnan Lianxin Community Care and Service Center. CUHK Research Committee Funding (Direct Grants) Funding: HKD 35,000 |
3/2005 – 12/2006 |
Co-Investigator, Research Topic: Parental beliefs and parenting practice in economically disadvantaged families. PI: Prof. Lam Ching-man CUHK Research Committee Funding (Direct Grants) Funding: HKD 80,000 |
3/2004- 8/2005 |
Principal Investigator, Research Topic: Limits and Possibilities of the Civil Society in Facing Public crisis: Roles and Functions of the NGOs in Hong Kong in Responding to the SARS Crisis. Co-I: Dr Leung Tze-fong, Terry CUHK Research Committee Funding (Direct Grants) Funding: HKD 30,100 |
12/ 2004- 8/ 2005 |
Co-Investigator, Research Topic: n Exploratory Study of Public Opinions on the impact of CSSA in Hong Kong PI: Prof. Wong Chack-kie; Co-I: Prof. Tang Kwong-leung CUHK Research Committee Funding (Direct Grants) Funding: HKD 68,300 |
4/2003 – 3/2004 |
Co-Principal Investigator, Research Topic: The impact of managerialism on the welfare professionals PI: Dr. Leung Tze-fong; Co-I: Prof. Mok Bong-ho CUHK Research Committee Funding (Direct Grants) Funding: HKD 30,000 |
1999 – 2001 |
Co-Principal Investigator, Research Topic: Investigating the Poverty in Hong Kong: A Socio-Economic Discourse Co-PI: Mr. Lee Kim Ming Strategic Research Grant (SRG), City University of Hong Kong Funding: HKD 350,000 |
4/ 2002 – 3/2004 |
Co-Principal Investigator, Research Topic: Getting in and Leaving out of the Low-Skilled Labour Market: A Panel Study of the Job Mobility and Dynamics of Marginal Workers Co-PI: Mr. Lee Kim Ming, Co-I: Prof. Luk Tak Chuen Strategic Research Grant (SRG), City University of Hong Kong Funding: HKD 200,000 |
1998 – 2000 |
Principal Investigator, Research Topic: Poverty in Hong Kong in the 1990s: Causes, Impacts and Prospects the Contemporary China Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong Funding: HKD 100,000 |