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Report |
10/2021 |
YSBC@CUHK, Christian Concern Homeless Association, Salvation Army, Society for Community Organzing, St. James' Settlement, Impact HK, Mercy HK |
Summary Report of Hong Kong Homeless Census 2021
「全港無家者人口統計調查 2021」是由香港中文大學尤努斯社會事業中心聯同六間非政府機構合辦,包括:基督教關懷無家者協會、救世軍、香港社區組織協會、聖雅各福群會、同路舍及Mercy HK。
基由於疫情延續至2021年, 失業問題的影響亦繼續積累及發酵,有更多人士於2021年無家可歸。因此,我們再次進行全港無家者人口統計調查,以掌握現時香港無家者的數字、露宿原因、精神健康及經濟狀況,來倡議無家者政策及服務的改善。
2017 - 2018 |
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust |
Report on AgeWatch Index for Hong Kong 2016 and Hong Kong Elder Quality of Life Index
This report is our third annual attempt to evaluate the well-being of older people in Hong
Kong. This year’s findings are largely consistent with last year’s: long life expectancy,
satisfaction with transportation systems and physical safety; but again the financial
status, psychological well-being and social connectedness of older people in Hong Kong
could be improved on. The findings highlight the need to build up social networks among
older people and enhance their psychological health.
The Institute of Ageing has developed a new Index, the Hong Kong Elder Quality
of Life (HKEQOL) Index, an extension of the Global AgeWatch Index to include
indicators relating to the Age-Friendly City concept proposed by the World Health
Organization. This is particularly relevant to the territory-wide Age-friendly City
initiative supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. The new
HKEQOL Index aims to capture locally important determinants of well-being
among Hong Kong older adults and monitor and evaluate local age-friendly
11/2017 – 3/2018 |
Sham Shui Po District Council |
Research on street sleepers in Sham Shui Po
6/2017 – 2/2018 |
Oxfam Hong Kong |
Research on living wage in Hong Kong.
1) To understand the household expense of working families in Hong Kong.
2) To propose the implementation of the LW in Hong Kong so that workers can secure a normative living standard.
The estimated basic montly household expenditure was then converted into a standardised hourly LW rate by using census data to estimate
the number of full-time equivalent workers per family as 1.74. The estimated net hourly rate of Living Wage is $54.7 (US$7.0).
It was also suggested that CPI(A) is used to revise and update the standardised hourly LW rate.
6/2017 – 2/2018 |
Homeless Outreach Population Estimation Hong Kong (H.O.P.E.) 2015 |
Homeless Outreach Population Estimation Hong Kong (H.O.P.E.) 2015
“Homeless Outreach Population Estimation Hong Kong 2015” (hereafter: H.O.P.E. HK
2015) was a joint project between five local universities and four social welfare
institutions, namely: City University of Hong Kong, Lingnan University, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The University of
Hong Kong, Christian Concern for The Homeless Association, The Salvation Army,
Society for Community Organization and St. James’ Settlement. H.O.P.E. HK 2015 identified 1,614 homeless individuals in Hong Kong, between the
night of 29 October and the dawn of 30 October 2015. 780 individuals, almost half of the
total homeless population (48.3%) lived on streets, in parks, under flyovers and other
public spaces. Another 256, about one sixth of the homeless population (15.9%) slept in
24-hour restaurants. The rest, 578 homeless individuals, about one third of the homeless
population (35.8%) spent that night at temporary shelters and urban hostels. Of all 780
street sleepers, 689 of them were counted by volunteers on the night of survey and 91
empty bed spaces were identified. As social workers of the community organizations
confirmed that these empty bed spaces had been used by homeless individuals within one
month prior to the survey, they were included in the total homeless population.
5/2016 - 9/2017 |
Central Policy Unit, HKSAR government |
Report of Impacts of implementing ‘Lowincome Working Family Allowance’
(LIFA) on labour market situation and quality of life of low income working families in Hong Kong
The ‘Low-income Working Family Allowance’ (LIFA) Scheme was launched on 3
May 2016, when the Working Family Allowance Office opened for application and
assessment process. According to the webpage of Working Family Allowance Office,
the objectives of the LIFA Scheme are to encourage self-reliance and ease
intergenerational poverty. It aims to alleviate the economic burden of the low-income
working families, to encourage them to remain in employment and to keep them from
falling into the CSSA safety net, and to promote upward mobility for the children and
youth of these families and break the vicious cycle of intergenerational poverty.
This research aims to evaluate whether the LIFA Scheme can achieve its planned
policy outcomes, and to understand the impacts of LIFA Scheme on the quality of life
of the low-income working families. It was funded by the Public Policy Research (PPR)
Funding Scheme of the Central Policy Unit of the HKSAR government. It employed
both quantitative and qualitative methods to collect multiple sources of data from
different perspectives to scrutinize the impacts of LIFA Scheme on the low-income
working families.
10/2009 – 1/2012 |
Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, Research Grants Council |
The Impact of the Introduction of a Statutory Minimum Wage on Labour Market Conditions and the Quality of Life of Vulnerable Groups in Hong Kong
This study uses both quantitative (survey) and qualitative (case study and focus group) methods to measure and assess the impacts of introducing SMW on labour market conditions and on the quality of life of three vulnerable groups (people with
disabilities, newly arrived women, and CSSA recipients)in Hong Kong. It was found that the overall positive effects are greater than the negative effects. However, the level of positive effects on the vulnerable groups is lower than that on low-income group (control group). Also, there have been significant improvements in the lives of the lowincome
group since SMW was implemented.
1/2007 – 12/2007 |
Occupational Health and Safety Council |
Undertaking a Consultancy Study on Aged Worker in Hong Kong
「職業安全健康局 」 為協助僱主和管理階層與僱員共同携手,建設年長僱員友善的、健康和安全的工作環境,
系進行香港年長僱員的職業安全健康的研究,並發展一套適合香港不同行業使用的 促進 年長僱員職業安全健
康的管理策略和工作方法。 這也 是香港第一次就年長僱員的職業安全健康狀況所進行的研究和顧問服務。
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3/2005 – 3/2006 |
Research Sub-Committee of the Action Committee against Narcotics |
Study on the Drug Abuse Situation among Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong
This study is to identify profiles, trends, behaviors, and characteristics of drug abusers who are ethnic minorities in Hong Kong, with special emphasis on high risk behaviors such as needle sharing. The second ojectives is to identify the social consequences associated with their drug abuse, including its relationship with family and involvement in criminal activities; lastly, the study intended to examine the barriers for them to receive services such as language barrier, discrimination, and stigma experienced; and to assess the service needs of these abusers.
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1/2003 – 12/2003 |
The Boys' and Girls' Club Association of Hong Kong |
Evaluation of Integrated Supporting Service for Youth Employment
「手作仔同盟」的服務對象是年齡介乎14-18 歲,中四或以下的青少年。目標是希望透過多元化的介入手法,以適切
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4/2001 – 3/2004 |
Social Welfare Department, HKSAR Government |
An Evaluative Research on the Pilot and Existing Services for the Homeless People in Hong Kong
The target of a new integrated service will be extended from ‘street sleepers’ to ‘homeless people’, that is include those ex-street sleepers, who still live in temporary accommodation or those just temporary enter a permanent accommodation with high risks of relapse by SWD in 2001. Secondly, the main objectives of the services will include 're-housing' as well as 'homelessness prevention' as to lower the relapse rate. Thirdly, new emergency support service will be offered to the ‘new’ ‘marginal’ homeless people, as to prevent them from becoming long-term homeless people.
Owing to the experimental and innovative nature of pilot services for the new marginal homeless people, and the need for integrating the pilot and existing services, it is essential to develop a systematic, scientific and knowledge-generating research about the effectiveness of the pilot and existing services. Under such background, our research team is commissioned by the SWD to conduct an evaluative research on the pilot and existing services for the homeless people in Hong Kong.
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1/2001 – 11/2002 |
Street Sleepers Service, St. James' Settlement & Christian Concern for the Homeless Association |
Homelessness 2000: A quantitative and qualitative analysis of homeless people in Hong Kong
本研究目的有三。一透過問卷調查香港露宿者的數目、地域分佈、類型及露宿原因,以便有準確的數據,制定相關的政策及服務標準。二.透過個案的訪問及研究,深入了解露宿者露宿的成因,了解現時服務及政策的不足及他們與社會接觸的情況。三. 透過出版書籍及光碟,對社區人士尤其是青少年進行社區教育。出版上述個案研究及結果,使他們對露宿者有更深的了解,從而關懷及接納露宿者。
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6/2000 – 12/2000 |
Oxfam Hong Kong |
Trap, exclusion and future: A qualitative study of marginal workers in Hong Kong
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1/2000 – 7/2000 |
Oxfam Hong Kong |
Recent trends of marginal workers in Hong Kong
「邊緣勞工」是指那些被排拒在勞動力市場邊緣的勞工。這些勞工基於年齡、性別、族群及工種等因素而未能進入較穩定的核心勞動力市場。邊緣勞工在香港一直存在。但過去由於邊緣勞工仍然可以透過成為小商販、小廠戶或升職等上升途徑成為主流勞工,邊緣勞工興主流勞工的分隔並不明顯。但自90 年代起,
香港的就業階梯出現了比以往更明顯的分隔現象,工人的階層向上流動的可能性,比起40 至80 年代大大降低,而成為失業、半失業者及貧窮勞工的向下流動機會則大大增加。因此,相對過去來說,現時邊緣勞工在社會地層分佈上有了更清淅的界線,工人亦已比以往更自覺到自己的邊緣處境。。
研究顯示邊緣勞工的數目由 1996 年的45 萬增加至1999 年的64 萬,四年期增幅高達45%。在1999 年,每五名勞動人口中,便有一人是邊緣勞工。由於官方的統計並不計算女性及年長勞工隱性失業的情況,有關數字經己是保守的估
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