Presentation (Course, Conference & Seminar)
Year | Course Code | Course Title | Topic |
2012 | MPUP 5301 |
Globalization, Social Problem and Policy | Lec 2 : Migration of Capital & Labour Lec 6: Marginalisation of Labour |
2010 | SWK 4952 | Labour and Employment |
Lec 2 : Changing Employment in HK (in Chinese) Lec 3: Labour Service provided by Trade Union (in Chinese) Lec 5: Employment service in Hong Kong and Overseas (in Chinese) Lec 6: Training and Education (in Chinese) Lec 8: Universal Retirement Protection and Minimum Wage (in Chinese) | >
Month/Year | Conference/Seminar Organizer |
Topic |
6/2017 | FISS 24th International Seminar on Issues on Social Security. Organized by the Foundation for International Studies on Social Security (FISS). Stigtuna, Sweden. | Retirement Protection in Hong Kong in the Crossroads: Forging Ahead or Dead-end? |
6/2012 | FISS 17th International Seminar on Issues on Social Security 'Chanllenges for Social Security' | Impact of Active Labour Market Policies and Statutory Minimum Wage on Welfare Recipients in Hong Kong |
6/2012 | FISS 17th International Seminar on Issues on Social Security 'Chanllenges for Social Security' | A Review of the Impact of Mandatory Provident Fund on Women's Poverty in Hong Kong |
4/2011 | Work & Rehabilitation 2011: An Interdisciplinary Symposium | The Aging Population – Vocation & Employment: social perspectives |
3/2010 | Academic Seminar on Transformation of Labour Relations in Zhujiang Delta, organized by Institute for Civil Society (ICS) of Sun Yat-sen University, Development Research Center of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province, and Think Tank Center, Xinhua News Agency of Guangdong Province. Qing Xin | Impacts of trade unions, NGOs and mass incidents on conflict and resolution of labour disputes (in Chinese) |
12/2009 | Workshop on Global Civil Society and Justice | Marginal Workers and Migrants in Hong Kong and China - Migration, Exclusion and Collective Action |