Presentation (Course, Conference & Seminar)

Year Course Code Course Title Topic
2012 MPUP 5301
Globalization, Social Problem and Policy Lec 2 : Migration of Capital & Labour
Lec 6: Marginalisation of Labour
2010 SWK 4952 Labour and Employment
Lec 2 : Changing Employment in HK (in Chinese)
Lec 3: Labour Service provided by Trade Union (in Chinese)
Lec 5: Employment service in Hong Kong and Overseas (in Chinese)
Lec 6: Training and Education (in Chinese)
Lec 8: Universal Retirement Protection and Minimum Wage (in Chinese)

Month/Year Conference/Seminar
6/2017 FISS 24th International Seminar on Issues on Social Security. Organized by the Foundation for International Studies on Social Security (FISS). Stigtuna, Sweden. Retirement Protection in Hong Kong in the Crossroads: Forging Ahead or Dead-end?
6/2012 FISS 17th International Seminar on Issues on Social Security 'Chanllenges for Social Security' Impact of Active Labour Market Policies and Statutory Minimum Wage on Welfare Recipients in Hong Kong
6/2012 FISS 17th International Seminar on Issues on Social Security 'Chanllenges for Social Security' A Review of the Impact of Mandatory Provident Fund on Women's Poverty in Hong Kong
4/2011 Work & Rehabilitation 2011: An Interdisciplinary Symposium The Aging Population – Vocation & Employment: social perspectives
3/2010 Academic Seminar on Transformation of Labour Relations in Zhujiang Delta, organized by Institute for Civil Society (ICS) of Sun Yat-sen University, Development Research Center of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province, and Think Tank Center, Xinhua News Agency of Guangdong Province. Qing Xin Impacts of trade unions, NGOs and mass incidents on conflict and resolution of labour disputes (in Chinese)
12/2009 Workshop on Global Civil Society and Justice Marginal Workers and Migrants in Hong Kong and China - Migration, Exclusion and Collective Action