Newsletter / Magazine
Wong, H. (2016). 學者力爭「全民養老金」. Newsletter of HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre (香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心季刊), 2016. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2007). 'Who Create Poverty?'(誰製造了貧窮? — 香港貧窮的成因與對策). SBCPAM(明愛扶貧社區運動特刊), 2007, 11-13. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2005). 'Poverty Alleviation Should Go beyond Barrier of Liberalism'(治理貧窮應超越自由主義的樊籬). Bauhinia (紫荊), 12/2005, 182: 72-75. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2005). 'Poverty Situation in Hong Kong: from Covert to Overt' (香港貧窮狀況: 從隱形到浮現). Bauhinia (紫荊), 11/2005, 181: 48-51. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2005). 'Behind the Deteriorating Poverty: Degrading of Social Capital' (香港貧窮惡化的背後: 社會資本的弱化). Bauhinia (紫荊), 9/2005, 179: 46-48. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2005). 'Analyzing Poverty Problem in Hong Kong'(透視香港的貧窮問題). Bauhinia (紫荊), 8/2005, 178: 14-17. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2005) 'Grassroots Labour and Poverty Alleviation Policy' (基層勞工與扶貧政策). Newsletter of HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre (香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心季刊) , 11: 1-2. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2003) 'Lesson and Reflection from SARS' (從SARS中的學習與反省). Newsletter of Social Service Department, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong. June, 2003. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2002) 'How to Help the Unemployed Youth at service level' (如何從服務層面協助失業青年). Hong Kong Christian Service Newsletter, September, Vol. 229. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2001) 'Right Direction, Inadequate Strength' (方向正確力度不足). Economic Reporter (經濟導報), issue 2741, 15/10/2001. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2000) 'Poverty in Hong Kong and the Role of Social Service' (香港的貧窮狀況及社會服務界的角色). Newsletter of Social Service Department, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong. December, 2000. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2000) ' A Critic on Poverty Alleviation Measures and Social Policy' (評扶貧方針與治港理念). Economic Reporter (經濟導報), issue 2691, 16/10/2000. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (2000) 'History and Future of the Poverty Gap in Hong Kong' (香港貧富懸殊問題的回顧與未來). Newsletter of Justice & Peace Commission of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese, February, 2000. Hong Kong: Justice & Peace Commission of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (1999) 'Which Type of "Minimum Wage" is suitable to Hong Kong?'(香港需要哪類型的「最低工資」?). Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly (信報財經月刊), Vol.272, Nov., 1999, pp.11-14. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (1999) 'The pseudo-debate of minimum wage' (最低工資辯論放飛劍). Outspoken (敢言), Vol.34, 6&7 joint issue, October 1999. Hong Kong: Democratic Party. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (1999) 'The Coping Strategy in High Unemployment Era: An Integrated Planning of Economic, Human Resource and Employment Policy' (高失業年代的對策: 經濟、人力及就業政策的綜合規劃). Policy Watch, Vol.2. Hong Kong: Centre for Social Policy Studies, Department of Applied Social Studies, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. September 1999. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (1998) 'The Coping Strategy of Unemployment of Hong Kong Government' (評香港政府的失業對策). Economic Reporter (經濟導報) Vol.2571, 25/5/1998, pp.34-35. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (1997) 'What Kind of Collective Bargaining System is suitable to Hong Kong?'(香港需要怎樣的集體談判制度). Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly (信報財經月刊), Vol.249, Dec., 1997, pp.29-33. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (1996) 'Labourers and Poverty'. Welfare Digest, 96.1, No.256. Hong Kong Council of Social Service. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. (1996) 'Economic Depression and Unemployment: Phenomenon and Causes' (經濟不景與失業:現象與原因). Bulletin, 96.5, No.28. S.K.H. Diocesan Welfare Council. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. & Choy C. K. (1995) 'An evaluation and analysis of the election campaign of the new functional constituencies' (立法局新九組選戰評析). Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly (信報財經月刊), Vol.223, Oct., 1995, pp.22-26. (in Chinese)
Choy C. K. & Wong, H. (1995) 'Impact of the Legislative Council election: the re-organization and interaction of the political powers'(香港末代選舉啟示錄--權力重組與互動的新形勢). Ming Pao Monthly (明報月刊), Vol.358, Oct., 1995, pp.73-75. (in Chinese)
Wong, H. & Choy C. K. (1995) 'An Analysis of the New Functional Constituencies Campaign in Legislative Council Election' (立法局新九組選舉形勢分析). Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly (信報財經月刊), Vol.221, Aug., 1995, pp.53-58. (in Chinese)