Book & Book Chapter

Poverty & Social Security

Wong Hung - Poverty & Social Security - Book Chapter


Wong, H. (2014). Hope for poverty eradication: Examination of poverty problem in Hong Kong (revised ed.). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co. (in Chinese)

Refereed Book Chapter

Wong, H. (2020). No poverty, zero hunger and reduced inequalities: Why do these Sustainable Development Goals matter to us? In Taylor & Francis (Eds.). Core Essay in Sustainable Development Goals Online . Online article collection. London: Taylor & Francis

Wong, H. (2017). Is Poverty Eradication Impossible? A Critique on the Misconceptions of the Hong Kong Government. In K.W. Lau & D. Gordon (Eds.). Poverty in a rich city: The case of Hong Kong (pp.179-202). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.

Wong, H. (2015). Chinese definition of poverty. In Odekon, M. (Ed.). The SAGE encyclopedia of poverty (pp.232-233). Thousand Oak, CA: SAGE.

Wong, H. & Fong, M. Y. (2013). Women and Poverty: Polarization trend. In Susanne Y. P. Choi & Fanny M. Cheung (Eds.). Women and girls in Hong Kong: Current situations and future challenges (pp. 57-82). Hong Kong: Commercial Press. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. & Fong, M. Y. (2012). Women and Poverty. In Susanne Y. P. Choi & Fanny M. Cheung (Eds.). Women and girls in Hong Kong: Current situations and future challenges (pp. 69-98). Hong Kong: HKIAPS, CUHK.

Wong, H. (2007). Human capital, social capital and social exclusion: impacts on the opportunity of households with youth to leave poverty. In D. T. L. Shek, H. K. Ma, & J. Merrick (Eds.). Positive youth development: Development of a pioneering program in a Chinese context (pp. 65-80). Tel Aviv, Israel: Freud Publishing House Ltd.

Wong, H. (2007). Poverty alleviation policy in Hong Kong. In C. K. Wong, K. L. Tang, & N. P. Ngai (Eds.). Social policy of China, Taiwan and Hong Kong: Theory and practice (pp. 157-174). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2005). Cost of living and income security in Hong Kong. In E. Richard (ed.), Social development in Hong Kong: the unfinished agenda (pp. 51-60). Hong Kong: Oxford University Press.

Wong, C. K, & Wong, H. (2004). How many poor people are there in Hong Kong? In S. K. Lau, K.Y. Wong, & B.S. Wan (Eds.). Society and politics in Hong Kong: Continuity and change (pp. 75-94). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Press. (in Chinese)

Non-refereed Book Chapter

Wong H. (2014). Review of Civil Society in advocacy of Universal Retirement Protection. In Alliance for Universal Pension (Ed.). Hong Kong MUST Stand UP (pp. 25-37). Hong Kong: Alliance for Universal Pension. (in Chinese)

Wong H. (2012). Povery and social capital in Tai O. In C. K. Cheung, C. H. Chan, & S. F. Wu (Eds.). Profile of Tai O (pp. 1-10). Hong Kong: YWCA Hong Kong. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2011). Review and Project Income Disparity Problem in Hong Kong. In T. K. Lee, (Ed.). Big hatred against the rich: Voices from all walks of citizen (pp.44-54). Hong Kong: Subculture Press. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2006). Poverty is innocent: Too dependent or too independent? In S. Y. Wong, W. H. Yan, & C. K. Choi (Eds.). No Solution: Possibility of Social Science (pp. 106-169). Hong Kong: Facaulty of Social Scienece, CUHK. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2006). The Impact of Globalization on Livelihood of Hong Kong Citizens. In N. Goishi (Ed.). 東アジア大都市の グロ一バル化と二極分化 (Globalization and Polarization of the East Asian Big Cities) (pp. 205-232). Tokyo: Kokusai Shoin. (in Japanese)

Wong, H. (2002). Social exclusion is the root of poverty. In Fellowship of Evangelical Students (Ed.), A glass of cool water: Record of field practices for the vulnerable groups (pp. 49-51). Hong Kong: Fellowship of Evangelical Students (HK) Ltd. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2000). The cause for poverty in 1990s Hong Kong: Micro, macro and meso analysis. In H. T. K. Mok, (Ed.). Poverty and Social Development - Asian Social Development Series (pp.3-30). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Social Security Society and Asia Monitor Resource Center. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2000). The development and prospect of CSSA. In Alliance for Concerning the Evaluation of CSSA (Ed.). Deep Poverty (pp. 67-71). Hong Kong: Alliance for Concerning the Evaluation of CSSA. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (1997). Deterioration of Hong Kong poverty problem: Causes and impacts. In Hong Kong Institute of International Strategy and Policy Studies (Ed.). Challenges to Hong Kong's order and prosperity upon its return to China (pp.194-205). Hong Kong: Hong Kong International Politics and Economics Press. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. and Lui, T. L. (1996). Poverty In Editorial Department, the Commercial Press (Ed.). Hong Kong in focus 1996 (pp.144-155). Hong Kong: Commercial Press. (in Chinese)

Social Work & Community Work

Wong Hung - Social Work & Community Work - Book Chapter

Refereed Book Chapter

Huang, Y. N., & Wong, H. (2017). Disaster recovery and sustainable community development. In C. N. Madu & C. H. Kuei (Eds.) Handbook of disaster risk reduction & management (pp.787-804). London: World Scientific Publishing Company. doi: 10.1142/9789813207950_0033

Wong, H. (2012). A Reflection on community humanity rebuilding after the Sichuan 5.21 Earth Quake . In Z.H. Yang & Z. P. Yang (Eds.), Green start 3: Rethinking relationship between nature and human (pp.807-820). Taipei: Yuan-Liou Publishing. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2006). Experience of community economic development in Hong Kong: How social work faces the challenges of poverty and degeneration of social capital. In C. C. Chang, L. G. Sheu, J. H. Su, & S. H. Luo, (Eds.). Knowledge and practice of community work in Chinese society (pp. 13-36). Taipei: Song-Hui Publishing. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2006). Comment: Community and community work: A social worker's perspective. In M. C. Yan & J. G. Gao (Eds.). Community social work: Exchange of Chinese and western perspectives (pp. 266-275). Beijing: China Social Science Publishing. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (1997). Community research and action research. In P. K. Kam, M. L. Woo, K. K. Fung & C. B. Leung (Eds.). Skills in community work (pp. 55-72). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. and Li, P. W. (1996). Rethinking of empowerment: marginal groups and community work. In Community Development Division, Hong Kong Council of Social Service (Ed.). Community development: Challenges & changes (pp.105-119). Hong Kong: Writers' & Publishers' Cooperative. (in Chinese)

Non-refereed Book Chapter

Wong, H. (2006). Social capital change social dynamics. In Y. T. Kong (Ed.), Change life, change community: the story of Po Tin Estate. (pp.150-153). Hong Kong: The Urban Peacemaker Evangelistic Fellowship Ltd.

Wong, H. (2003). Q&A on hour coupons. In S. M. Chau, & W. L. Lau, (Eds.). Not a utopia: Theory and practice of community economic development (pp. 24-27). Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2003). Community: A place for life and living. In S. M. Chau, & W. L. Lau, (Eds.). Not a utopia: Theory and practice of community economic development (pp. 172-175). Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2003). What is community economy? In S. M. Chau, & W. L. Lau, (Eds.). Not a utopia: Theory and practice of community economic development (pp. 197-199). Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2003). Develop third sector, practice community economy. In S. M. Chau, & W. L. Lau, (Eds.). Theory and practice of community economic development (pp. 200-201). Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2003) Sustain social capital, rebuild poor community. In S. M. Chau, & W. L. Lau, (Eds.). Theory and practice of community economic development (pp. 201-202). Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese)

Labour & Marginal Group

Wong Hung - Labour & Marginal Groups - Book Chapter

Edited Book

Cheng, C.H., Wong, H., Law, S. K., Yeung, S. H., Mak, K.Y., Hung, L.Y., Chan, W. S, Mak, P. T. & Lin, K. H. (Eds.). (2003). The road of employment of youth. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Boys' and Girls' Children Association. (in Chinese)

Lam, S. H., Lai, Y. M., Wong, H., Lee, K. M., Pun, N., & Choi, Y. Y. (Eds.). (2002). Oral history of marginal workers in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese)

Refereed Book Chapter

Wong, H. & Baig, R. B. (2019). Anti racist social work: The Hong Kong context. In S. Gurnam & S. Masicha (Eds). Anti-Racist Social Work: International Perspectives (pp.203-218). London: Red Globe Press.

Kornatowski, G. & Wong, H. (2018). Homelessness in Hong Kong: The evolution of official homeless assistance and the context of housing. In C. Zufferey & N. Yu (Eds.). Faces of Homelessness in the Asia Pacific (pp.93-110). Oxford: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315475257

Wong, H., & Ip, P. K. (2017). Change of Hong Kong spirit: Interpretation and reflection . In Law, K. Y. (Ed.). Hong Kong in Twenty Years: The changing spirit (pp. 3-26). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press. (in Chinese)

Wong, H.、Zhang, Y., & Tang, M. Y. (2017). Changes and Trend of Quality of Life in Hong Kong. In F. M. Cheung & W. K. Chiu (Eds.). HKSAR at 20。 (pp. 343-366). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

Wong, H., Zhang, Y., Ho, C.T., & Ng, S.L. (2016). Change of livelihood of youth: Evidence from quality of life index of youth. In W.K. Chiu, C.Y. Ip & H. Li (Eds.). Restless youth: Observation of Hong Kong’s new generation (pp. 78-92). Chung Hwa Book Store. (in Chinese).

Wong, H., (2012). The lost of dignity and peers: Poverty situation of men in Hong Kong. In S. M. Tam, H. M. Yip, W. C. Wong & K. W. Lo (Eds.). Gender awareness: Social Gender Studies in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong (pp.236-255). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Commercial Press. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2012). Changes in social policy in Hong Kong since 1997: Old wines in new bottles? In W.M. Lam, P. L. Lui, & W. Wong (Eds.). Contemporary Hong Kong Government and politics: Expanded second edition (pp.277-296). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

Pun, N., & Wong, H. (2006). Cross border space: class politics and identity of Hong Kong people working in Mainland China. In C. H. Ng, K. W. Ma, & T. L. Lui (Eds.). Hong Kong. Culture. Research (pp. 233-256). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2005). Facing poverty and social exclusion: situation of streetsleepers in Hong Kong. In M. Tam, H. B. Ku, & T. Kong. (Eds.). Rethinking and recasting citizenship: social exclusion and marginality in Chinese societies (pp. 233-256). Hong Kong: Centre for Social Policy Studies, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2004). Marginalisation of Hong Kong labour and labour Policy. In K. W. Chan, & C. T. Wong (Eds.). Hong Kong social policy review (pp. 1-14). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2003). The socially excluded marginal workers in Hong Kong. In H. B. Ku, & M. K. Lee (Eds.). Social exclusion and marginality in Chinese societies (pp. 167-190). Hong Kong: Centre for Social Policy Studies, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. and Lee, K. M. (2002). The socially excluded marginal workers under globalisation. In K. S. Zheng, & J. Y. S. Cheng (Eds.). Labour and social security under globalisation (pp. 275-302). Beijing: China Labour and Social Security Publishing House. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2001). Labour policy. In K. W. Chan, & C. T. Wong (Eds.). Hong Kong social policy 2000 (pp. 1-14). Hong Kong: Joint Publishing. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2000). Formation of working class of Hong Kong: An macro, micro and meso level analysis. In S. K. Lau, B. S. Wan, M. K. Lee & S. L. Wong (Eds.). Market, class and politics in changing Chinese societies (pp. 495-526). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (1999). An analysis of the labour policy in Hong Kong. In J. Lee, S. Chiu, L. C. Leung, & K. W. Chan (Eds.). New social policy (pp. 227-250). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (1997). Marginalization of Hong Kong Labour: The Impact of Economic Reunification of China and Hong Kong. In B. Leung, & J. Cheng (Eds.). Hong Kong SAR: In pursuit of Domestic and International Order (pp. 73-96). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.

Non-refereed Book Chapter

Wong, H. (2003). Solutions to youth unemployment problem: Overseas and local experiences. In Cheng, C.H., Wong, H., Law, S. K., Yeung, S. H., Mak, K.Y., Hung, L.Y., Chan, W. S, Mak, P. T. & Lin, K. H. (Eds.). The Road of Employment of Youth (pp.29-44). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Boys' and Girls' Children Association. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2002). Can't stop being a hawker. In S. H. Lam, Y. M. Lai, H. Wong, K. M. Lee, N. Pun, & Y. Y. Choi (Eds.). Oral history of marginal workers in Hong Kong (pp. 65-73). Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2001). Labour policy in Hong Kong. In Y. S. Cheng, K. Chang, P. L. Leung, Q. Li & B. L. Huang (Eds.). The labour relations and labour policy of China, Taiwan and Hong Kong (pp. 99-116). Hong Kong: Contemporary China Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong.

Wong, H. (2000). Globalisation accelerate marginalisation of labour. In S. M. Chau (Ed.) Millennium, globalisation and new thinking (pp. 114-117). Hong Kong: Ming Pao Publising.