Book & Book Chapter
Poverty & Social Security
| Wong, H. (2014). Hope for poverty eradication: Examination of poverty problem in Hong Kong (revised ed.). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co. (in Chinese) |
Refereed Book Chapter
| Wong, H. (2020). No poverty, zero hunger and reduced inequalities: Why do these Sustainable Development Goals matter to us? In Taylor & Francis (Eds.). Core Essay in Sustainable Development Goals Online . Online article collection. London: Taylor & Francis |
| Wong, H. (2017). Is Poverty Eradication Impossible? A Critique on the Misconceptions of the Hong Kong Government. In K.W. Lau & D. Gordon (Eds.). Poverty in a rich city: The case of Hong Kong (pp.179-202). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. |
| Wong, H. (2015). Chinese definition of poverty. In Odekon, M. (Ed.). The SAGE encyclopedia of poverty (pp.232-233). Thousand Oak, CA: SAGE. |
| Wong, H. & Fong, M. Y. (2013). Women and Poverty: Polarization trend. In Susanne Y. P. Choi & Fanny M. Cheung (Eds.). Women and girls in Hong Kong: Current situations and future challenges (pp. 57-82). Hong Kong: Commercial Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. & Fong, M. Y. (2012). Women and Poverty. In Susanne Y. P. Choi & Fanny M. Cheung (Eds.). Women and girls in Hong Kong: Current situations and future challenges (pp. 69-98). Hong Kong: HKIAPS, CUHK. |
| Wong, H. (2007). Human capital, social capital and social exclusion: impacts on the opportunity of households with youth to leave poverty. In D. T. L. Shek, H. K. Ma, & J. Merrick (Eds.). Positive youth development: Development of a pioneering program in a Chinese context (pp. 65-80). Tel Aviv, Israel: Freud Publishing House Ltd. |
| Wong, H. (2007). Poverty alleviation policy in Hong Kong. In C. K. Wong, K. L. Tang, & N. P. Ngai (Eds.). Social policy of China, Taiwan and Hong Kong: Theory and practice (pp. 157-174). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2005). Cost of living and income security in Hong Kong. In E. Richard (ed.), Social development in Hong Kong: the unfinished agenda (pp. 51-60). Hong Kong: Oxford University Press. |
| Wong, C. K, & Wong, H. (2004). How many poor people are there in Hong Kong? In S. K. Lau, K.Y. Wong, & B.S. Wan (Eds.). Society and politics in Hong Kong: Continuity and change (pp. 75-94). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Press. (in Chinese) |
Non-refereed Book Chapter
| Wong H. (2014). Review of Civil Society in advocacy of Universal Retirement Protection. In Alliance for Universal Pension (Ed.). Hong Kong MUST Stand UP (pp. 25-37). Hong Kong: Alliance for Universal Pension. (in Chinese) |
| Wong H. (2012). Povery and social capital in Tai O. In C. K. Cheung, C. H. Chan, & S. F. Wu (Eds.). Profile of Tai O (pp. 1-10). Hong Kong: YWCA Hong Kong. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2011). Review and Project Income Disparity Problem in Hong Kong. In T. K. Lee, (Ed.). Big hatred against the rich: Voices from all walks of citizen (pp.44-54). Hong Kong: Subculture Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2006). Poverty is innocent: Too dependent or too independent? In S. Y. Wong, W. H. Yan, & C. K. Choi (Eds.). No Solution: Possibility of Social Science (pp. 106-169). Hong Kong: Facaulty of Social Scienece, CUHK. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2006). The Impact of Globalization on Livelihood of Hong Kong Citizens.
In N. Goishi (Ed.). 東アジア大都市の グロ一バル化と二極分化 (Globalization and Polarization of the East Asian Big Cities) (pp. 205-232). Tokyo: Kokusai Shoin. (in Japanese) |
| Wong, H. (2002). Social exclusion is the root of poverty. In Fellowship of Evangelical Students (Ed.), A glass of cool water: Record of field practices for the vulnerable groups (pp. 49-51). Hong Kong: Fellowship of Evangelical Students (HK) Ltd. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2000). The cause for poverty in 1990s Hong Kong: Micro, macro and meso analysis. In H. T. K. Mok, (Ed.). Poverty and Social Development - Asian Social Development Series (pp.3-30). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Social Security Society and Asia Monitor Resource Center. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2000). The development and prospect of CSSA. In Alliance for Concerning the Evaluation of CSSA (Ed.). Deep Poverty (pp. 67-71). Hong Kong: Alliance for Concerning the Evaluation of CSSA. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (1997). Deterioration of Hong Kong poverty problem: Causes and impacts. In Hong Kong Institute of International Strategy and Policy Studies (Ed.). Challenges to Hong Kong's order and prosperity upon its return to China (pp.194-205). Hong Kong: Hong Kong International Politics and Economics Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. and Lui, T. L. (1996). Poverty In Editorial Department, the Commercial Press (Ed.). Hong Kong in focus 1996 (pp.144-155). Hong Kong: Commercial Press. (in Chinese) |
Social Work & Community Work
Refereed Book Chapter
| Huang, Y. N., & Wong, H. (2017). Disaster recovery and sustainable community development. In C. N. Madu & C. H. Kuei (Eds.) Handbook of disaster risk reduction & management (pp.787-804). London: World Scientific Publishing Company. doi: 10.1142/9789813207950_0033 |
| Wong, H. (2012). A Reflection on community humanity rebuilding after the Sichuan 5.21 Earth Quake . In Z.H. Yang & Z. P. Yang (Eds.), Green start 3: Rethinking relationship between nature and human (pp.807-820). Taipei: Yuan-Liou Publishing. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2006). Experience of community economic development in Hong Kong: How social work faces the challenges of poverty and degeneration of social capital. In C. C. Chang, L. G. Sheu, J. H. Su, & S. H. Luo, (Eds.). Knowledge and practice of community work in Chinese society (pp. 13-36). Taipei: Song-Hui Publishing. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2006). Comment: Community and community work: A social worker's perspective. In M. C. Yan & J. G. Gao (Eds.). Community social work: Exchange of Chinese and western perspectives (pp. 266-275). Beijing: China Social Science Publishing. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (1997). Community research and action research. In P. K. Kam, M. L. Woo, K. K. Fung & C. B. Leung (Eds.). Skills in community work (pp. 55-72). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. and Li, P. W. (1996). Rethinking of empowerment: marginal groups and community work. In Community Development Division, Hong Kong Council of Social Service (Ed.). Community development: Challenges & changes (pp.105-119). Hong Kong: Writers' & Publishers' Cooperative. (in Chinese) |
Non-refereed Book Chapter
| Wong, H. (2006). Social capital change social dynamics. In Y. T. Kong (Ed.), Change life, change community: the story of Po Tin Estate. (pp.150-153). Hong Kong: The Urban Peacemaker Evangelistic Fellowship Ltd. |
| Wong, H. (2003). Q&A on hour coupons. In S. M. Chau, & W. L. Lau, (Eds.). Not a utopia: Theory and practice of community economic development (pp. 24-27). Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2003). Community: A place for life and living. In S. M. Chau, & W. L. Lau, (Eds.). Not a utopia: Theory and practice of community economic development (pp. 172-175). Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2003). What is community economy? In S. M. Chau, & W. L. Lau, (Eds.). Not a utopia: Theory and practice of community economic development (pp. 197-199). Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2003). Develop third sector, practice community economy. In S. M. Chau, & W. L. Lau, (Eds.). Theory and practice of community economic development (pp. 200-201). Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2003) Sustain social capital, rebuild poor community. In S. M. Chau, & W. L. Lau, (Eds.). Theory and practice of community economic development (pp. 201-202). Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese) |
Labour & Marginal Group
Edited Book
| Cheng, C.H., Wong, H., Law, S. K., Yeung, S. H., Mak, K.Y., Hung, L.Y., Chan, W. S, Mak, P. T. & Lin, K. H. (Eds.). (2003). The road of employment of youth. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Boys' and Girls' Children Association. (in Chinese) |
| Lam, S. H., Lai, Y. M., Wong, H., Lee, K. M., Pun, N., & Choi, Y. Y. (Eds.). (2002). Oral history of marginal workers in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese) |
Refereed Book Chapter
| Wong, H. & Baig, R. B. (2019). Anti racist social work: The Hong Kong context. In S. Gurnam & S. Masicha (Eds). Anti-Racist Social Work: International Perspectives (pp.203-218). London: Red Globe Press. |
| Kornatowski, G. & Wong, H. (2018). Homelessness in Hong Kong: The evolution of official homeless assistance and the context of housing. In C. Zufferey & N. Yu (Eds.). Faces of Homelessness in the Asia Pacific (pp.93-110). Oxford: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315475257 |
| Wong, H., & Ip, P. K. (2017). Change of Hong Kong spirit: Interpretation and reflection . In Law, K. Y. (Ed.). Hong Kong in Twenty Years: The changing spirit (pp. 3-26). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H.、Zhang, Y., & Tang, M. Y. (2017). Changes and Trend of Quality of Life in Hong Kong. In F. M. Cheung & W. K. Chiu (Eds.). HKSAR at 20。 (pp. 343-366). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong |
| Wong, H., Zhang, Y., Ho, C.T., & Ng, S.L. (2016). Change of livelihood of youth: Evidence from quality of life index of youth. In W.K. Chiu, C.Y. Ip & H. Li (Eds.). Restless youth: Observation of Hong Kong’s new generation (pp. 78-92). Chung Hwa Book Store. (in Chinese). |
| Wong, H., (2012). The lost of dignity and peers: Poverty situation of men in Hong Kong. In S. M. Tam, H. M. Yip, W. C. Wong & K. W. Lo (Eds.). Gender awareness: Social Gender Studies in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong (pp.236-255). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Commercial Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2012). Changes in social policy in Hong Kong since 1997: Old wines in new bottles? In W.M. Lam, P. L. Lui, & W. Wong (Eds.). Contemporary Hong Kong Government and politics: Expanded second edition (pp.277-296). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. |
| Pun, N., & Wong, H. (2006). Cross border space: class politics and identity of Hong Kong people working in Mainland China. In C. H. Ng, K. W. Ma, & T. L. Lui (Eds.). Hong Kong. Culture. Research (pp. 233-256). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2005). Facing poverty and social exclusion: situation of streetsleepers in Hong Kong. In M. Tam, H. B. Ku, & T. Kong. (Eds.). Rethinking and recasting citizenship: social exclusion and marginality in Chinese societies (pp. 233-256). Hong Kong: Centre for Social Policy Studies, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2004). Marginalisation of Hong Kong labour and labour Policy. In K. W. Chan, & C. T. Wong (Eds.). Hong Kong social policy review (pp. 1-14). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2003). The socially excluded marginal workers in Hong Kong. In H. B. Ku, & M. K. Lee (Eds.). Social exclusion and marginality in Chinese societies (pp. 167-190). Hong Kong: Centre for Social Policy Studies, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. and Lee, K. M. (2002). The socially excluded marginal workers under globalisation. In K. S. Zheng, & J. Y. S. Cheng (Eds.). Labour and social security under globalisation (pp. 275-302). Beijing: China Labour and Social Security Publishing House. (in Chinese) |
Wong, H. (2001). Labour policy. In K. W. Chan, & C. T. Wong (Eds.).
Hong Kong social policy 2000 (pp. 1-14). Hong Kong: Joint Publishing. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2000). Formation of working class of Hong Kong: An macro, micro and meso level analysis. In S. K. Lau, B. S. Wan, M. K. Lee & S. L. Wong (Eds.). Market, class and politics in changing Chinese societies (pp. 495-526). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (1999). An analysis of the labour policy in Hong Kong. In J. Lee, S. Chiu, L. C. Leung, & K. W. Chan (Eds.). New social policy (pp. 227-250). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (1997). Marginalization of Hong Kong Labour: The Impact of Economic Reunification of China and Hong Kong. In B. Leung, & J. Cheng (Eds.). Hong Kong SAR: In pursuit of Domestic and International Order (pp. 73-96). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. |
Non-refereed Book Chapter
| Wong, H. (2003). Solutions to youth unemployment problem: Overseas and local experiences. In Cheng, C.H., Wong, H., Law, S. K., Yeung, S. H., Mak, K.Y., Hung, L.Y., Chan, W. S, Mak, P. T. & Lin, K. H. (Eds.). The Road of Employment of Youth (pp.29-44). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Boys' and Girls' Children Association. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2002). Can't stop being a hawker. In S. H. Lam, Y. M. Lai, H. Wong, K. M. Lee, N. Pun, & Y. Y. Choi (Eds.). Oral history of marginal workers in Hong Kong (pp. 65-73). Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese) |
| Wong, H. (2001). Labour policy in Hong Kong. In Y. S. Cheng, K. Chang, P. L. Leung, Q. Li & B. L. Huang (Eds.). The labour relations and labour policy of China, Taiwan and Hong Kong (pp. 99-116). Hong Kong: Contemporary China Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong. |
| Wong, H. (2000). Globalisation accelerate marginalisation of labour. In S. M. Chau (Ed.) Millennium, globalisation and new thinking (pp. 114-117). Hong Kong: Ming Pao Publising. |