Presentation (Course, Conference & Seminar)

Year Course Code Course Title Topic
2017 SOWK 5953A/C
Integrated Social Work Practice III Lec 1: What is Community?
Lec 2: History of Community Work in Hong Kong
Lec 3: Values and Principles of Community Work
Lec 4: How to enter Community?
Lec 5: Community organising, Community development and Community Economic Development
Lec 6: Community Care and Networking
Lec 7: Social Action and Policy Advocacy
Lec 8: Dynamic Analysis and Intervention Strategy

6/2018 Staff Training organized by St. James' Settlement, Hong Kong Building social capital by Community Economic Development: Experience of HK NGOs. (in Chinese)
11/2016 Managing the Politics of Social Policy Reforms in Chinese Societies Workshop organized by Education University, Hong Kong Politics in Framing Retirement Protection Policy by Government, Civil Society Organizations and Young Localists
4/2016 74th Conference, organized by Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago The Social Governance and Revocation Crisis of Advocacy NGOs in Contemporary China. (with Anna Chen)
4/2015 Midterm Outcome Exchange Meeting of "Journey of Love" -- Social Work Service & Capacity Building Project for Poor People in All China , organized by Ministry of Civil Affair & Li Ka Shing Foundation. Hefei Evaluation of Social Work Service and its practical application. (in Chinese)
11/2011 Workshop organized by the Hong Kong Social Workers General Union Community Research and Action Research (in Chinese)
4/2011 Seminar on How to improve retirement protection system in Hong Kong. Organized by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. Hong Kong Role of Civil Society in advocacy of Retirement Protection System. (in Chinese)
6/2010 2010 Progressive Social Work: Civil Society Social Welfare Forum. Hong Kong The prospect of progressive social work in Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
11/2006 Seminar on Pilot Projects on Human Resource Development of 2016 Taiwan Social Welfare Practitioners and Community Work Education Exchange, organized by Department of Social Welfare, National Chung Cheng University, Hualien Development of community work in Hong Kong and its future. (in Chinese)