研 究 報 告

貧 窮 與 社 會 保 障

貧窮與社會保障 - 硏究報告

Wong, H. (2008). Research on poverty, discrimination and social exclusion: the plight of elders in remote areas - Part three of poverty and social exclusion research series. Hong Kong: Office of Hon. Ronny Tong Ka-wah SC, Legislative Councillor.

Wong, H. (2007). Research on poverty, discrimination and social exclusion, part two: the poverty and working situation of women in remote areas - Part two of Poverty and Social Exclusion Research Series. Hong Kong: Office of Hon. Ronny Tong Ka-wah SC, Legislative Councillor.

Wong, H., & Li, P. W. (2006). Research on poverty, discrimination and social exclusion: youths in far away districts - Part one of poverty and social exclusion research series. Hong Kong: Office of Hon. Ronny Tong Ka-wah SC, Legislative Councillor.

Wong, H., & Lee, K. M. (2002). Hong Kong poverty line study. Hong Kong: Division of Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong. (in Chinese)

Wong, H., et al. (2000). Impact of reducing CSSA on CSSA households study. Hong Kong: Committee on Social Security, Hong Kong Council of Social Service. (in Chinese)

Wong, H., & Chua, H. W. (1998). An exploratory study on termination and reactivation of CSSA cases - Research on poverty in Hong Kong series No.4. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Council of Social Service & Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese)

Wong, H., & Chua, H. W. (1996). Research on Expenditure Pattern of Low Expenditure Households in Hong Kong - Research on Poverty in Hong Kong Series No.1. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Council of Social Service & Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese)

社 會 工 作 與 社 區 工 作

Wong Hung - Social Work & Community Work - External Refereed Journal Article

Wong, H., & Ip, P. K. (2021). Social business founders’ values and their implementation: A Study of five cases in Hong Kong. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. DOI: 10.1080/19420676.2021.1961288

Huang, Y., Wong, H., & Fu, Y. (2019). Resilience and depression among the survivors of the 2013 Yaan earthquake. Journal of Social Work. DOI: 10.1177/1468017319852593

Wong, H., Huang, Y., Fu, Y., Zhang, Y. (2018). Impacts of structural social capital and cognitive social capital on the psychological status of survivors of the Yaan earthquake. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 1-23. DOI: 10.1007/s11482-018-9661-9

Huang, Y. & Wong, H. (2018). Creation of a social work practice plan: an attempt to learn from business and logic modelling. China Journal of Social Work. DOI: 10.1080/17525098.2018.1512364

Lu, S. & Wong, H. (2017). Challenges of development of community-based long-term care from welfare Pluralism perspective: A case study of N district, Foshan.Journal of South China University of Technology (Social Science Edition), 19.(2),78-86. DOI: 10.19366/j.cnki.1009-0055X.2017.02.009 (in Chinese) (CSSCI)

Chen, W. & Wong, H. (2017). The "Effectiveness Collusion" and "Risk Sharing" under the Long-term Care System: An Interpretation under "Collaborative Governance". Zhejiang Academic Journal, 2017.(2),21-28. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)

Chen, W. & Wong, H. (2017). ). The "Effectiveness-Risk Bi-axial Interplay" under the Long-term Care Structural System: A Theoretical Interpretation under "Collaborative Governance". Hebei Academic Journal, 2017.(4),178-183. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)

Huang, Y., Wong, H., & Tan, N. T. (2015). Associations between economic loss, financial strain and the psychological status of Wenchuan earthquake survivors. Disasters, 39(4), 795-810. DOI: 10.1111/disa.12126 (SSCI)

Chen, W. & Wong, H. (2015). Regional adaptability of urban community management model: Case study of practice of “party-resident committee-social work station” model Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Social Science Edition), 17.(1), 44-50. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)

Huang, Y., & Wong, H. (2014). Impacts of Sense of Community and Satisfaction with Governmental Recovery on Psychological Status of the Wenchuan Earthquake Survivors. Social Indicators Research, 2014(117), 421-436 (SSCI)

Huang, Y., Wong, H., & Tan, N. T. (2014). Associations among Chinese cultural beliefs of adversity, income recovery and psychological status of Wenchuan earthquake survivors. Social Work in Mental Health. DOI: 10.1080/15332985.2014.889061

Chen, W. & Wong, H. (2014). Urban Community Governance: Middle-range theory’s construction and risk management system’s exploration. Social Science in Nanjing, 2014(12), 72-78. (CSSCI) (in Chinese)

Huang, Y., & Wong, H. (2013). Effects of social group work with survivors of the Wenchuan earthquake in a transitional community. Health and Social Care in the Community, 21(3), 327-337. doi: 10.1111/ijsw.12029 (SSCI)

Huang, Y., Fu, Y., & Wong, H. (2013). Challenges of social workers’ involvement in the recovery of the 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake in China. International Journal of Social Welfare, 23(2), 139-149. (SSCI)

Crabtree, S. A., & Wong, H. (2013). ‘Ah Cha’! The Racial Discrimination of Pakistani Minority Communities in Hong Kong: An Analysis of Multiple, Intersecting Oppressions. British Journal of Social Work, 43(5), 945-963. (SSCI)

Chen, W., & Wong, H. (2012). Social Work for the Elderly from a Critical Perspective: A reflection upon the rights and interests of the elder service users in the home-and community-based services for the elderly. Social Science in Hanjing, 2012(1), 70-77. (CSSCI) (in Chinese)

Wong, H. & Leung, T. F. T. (2008). Collaborative vs. adversarial relationship between the state and civil society in facing public disaster: The Case of Hong Kong in the SARS Crisis. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 18 (2):45-58. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Academic. doi:10.1080/21650993.2008.9756042 (SSCI)

Lam, C. M., Wong, H., & Leung, T. F. (2007). An unfinished journey to reflexivity: social work students' narratives of their placement experiences. British Journal of Social Work, 37(1), 91-105. doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcl320 (SSCI)

Leung, T. F., Lam, C. M., & Wong, H. (2007). Repositioning risk in social work education: Reflections arising from the threat of SARS to social work students in Hong Kong during their field practicum. Social Work Education, 27(4), 1-10. doi:10.1080/02615470601081704 (ESCI)

Leung, T. F., Mok, B. H. & Wong, H. (2005). Tension of managerial change in the emotional labour of social work. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 5(3), 1-8. doi: 10.18848/1447-9524/CGP/v05i03/49520

Leung, T. F. & Wong, H. (2005). Community reactions to the SARS crisis in Hong Kong: Analysis of a time-limited counseling hotline. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 12(1), 1-22. doi: 10.1300/J137v12n01_01 (ESCI)

Wong, H. (2005). Using asset-based strategy in implementing community economic development: the experience and practice in Hong Kong Jiangsu Social Sciences, 2005(2), 411-440. doi: 10.1007/s11205-004-8030-2 (SSCI)

Lam, C. M., Wong, H., & Leung, T. F. (2004). Impacts of SARS crisis on social work students – reflection on social work education. The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, 38(1&2), 93-108.

勞 工 與 邊 緣 社 群

勞工及邊緣社群 - 研究報告

Wong, H. & Ye, S. (2012). The impact of the introduction of a statutory minimum wage on labour market conditions and the quality of life of vulnerable groups in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Department of Social Work, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Wong, H., Li, P. W., & Sun, Y. K. (2004). Evaluative research on streetsleepers service - Final service evaluation report. Hong Kong: Division of Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong. (in Chinese)

Wong, H., Li, S. F. & Wong, H. S. (2002). Hong Kong: St. James Settlement and Christian Concern for the Homeless. (in Chinese)

Wong, H., & Lee, K. M. (2001).Trap, exclusion and future: A qualitative study of marginal workers in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese)

Wong, H. (2001). Concern streetsleepers 2000: study of late night streetsleepers. Hong Kong: St. James Settlement and Christian Concern for the Homeless. (in Chinese)

Wong, H., & Lee, K. M. (2000). Recent trends of marginal workers in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Oxfam Hong Kong. (in Chinese)