L1: Defining Social Innovation
L2: Social Enterprise and Social Entrepreneurship
L3: Social Entrepreneurship, Social Intrapreneurship & Social Work
L7: Innovative Micro Social Work Practice
L8: Innovative Macro Social Work Practice
L1:Impact of globalization and regionalization on economic insecurity
L2: Concepts & Measurement of Poverty
L3: Poverty in China, India and Hong Kong: A video reflection
L4: Poverty alleviation strategies I- Investment of Human Capital and ALMP
L5: Poverty alleviation strategies II-Building social capital & Community Economic Development
L6: Poverty alleviation strategies III: Social protection and Social Insurance Policy
L7: Poverty alleviation strategies IV- Social Business & Micro Enterprise
L8: Helping Working Poor: From LIFA to Living Wage
L1: Defination of SocialEntrepreneurship
L2: Overview of mission of Social Entrepreneurship
L3: Key Models of Social Entrepreneurship
L4A: Grameen Danone Food
L4A: Grameen Veolia Water
L2: Introduction to Service Learning
L2: Development of Community Work in Hong Kong
L3: Principle and Values of Community Work
L4: Knowing and Entering the Community
L5: Comm Work Intervention Strategy(I): Locality Development and Organizing-CO,CD, & CED
L7: Comm Work Intervention Strategy(II)-Social Action and Policy Advocacy
L8: Comm Work Intervention Strategy(III)-Community Care & Networking
L2: Migration of Capital and Labour
L3: Global Financial Crisis and IMF
L4: Is World Bank Good for Poor People?
L5: Free Trade or Fair Trade: Impacts of WTO
L6: Marginalisation of Labour
L7: Human Right and Social Justice
L8: Global Public Policy
L9: Global Social Movement
L2: Changing Employment in Hong Kong
L3: Labour and Employment
L5: Local and Overseas Employment Service
L6: Labour Education and Training
L7: Service to the Unemployed and Marginal Workers
L8: Mimimum Wage and Universal Retirement Protection
L2: Social Security: Definition & Choices
L3: Economic Insecurity under Globalization
L4: Changes and Reforms in Social Security
L5: Old Age and Retirement Protection
L6: Social Assistance as Safety Net
L7: Unemployment Benefit and ALMPs
L9: Affordable and Sustainable Health Care
L10: Evaluating Social Security System