Presentation (Course, Conference & Seminar)
Month/Year | Conference/Seminar Organizer |
Topic |
6/2017 | FISS 24th International Seminar on Issues on Social Security. Organized by the Foundation for International Studies on Social Security (FISS). Stigtuna, Sweden. | Retirement Protection in Hong Kong in the Crossroads: Forging Ahead or Dead-end? |
10/2016 | 2016 Seminar of Social Assistance in Chinese Society organized by China Social Security Association and Nanjing University, Nanjing. (in Chinese). | Deprivation and Social Exclusion of CSSA Recipients |
6/2015 | Ecological Civilization and Open Poverty Alleviation Theme Forum at Eco Forum Global Annual Conference Guiyang 2015, organized by People’s Government of China, Guiyang. (in Chinese) | How can rural social associations construct/reconstruct social capital in eradication of poverty? (in Chinese) |
6/2015 | FISS 22nd International Conference - Social Security East and West: Common Challenges, Distinctive Solutions? Organized by Foundation for International Studies on Social Security (FISS), Hong Kong. | Poverty and Social Disadvantages in Hong Kong |
5/2014 | International Conference on Social Work, Social Welfare and Social Policy in Chinese Societies: Cross Cultural Experiences, organised by Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. | How to eradicate poverty in Hong Kong? |
10/2013 | 2013 International Conference on Chinese Social Welfare. Organized by Social Policy Research Centre, National Taiwan University. Taipei. | 'The unsafe safty-net: Review of the changes of CSSA system in Hong Kong. (in Chinese) |
6/2011 | Symposium on Social Work Practice and Policy: Poverty and Poverty Alleviation | Human Capital, Social Capital And Anti Social Exclusion: Review On Different Poverty Alleviation Strategies In Hong Kong |
6/2011 | 2011 Seminar on General Education organized by Hong Kong Professional Teacher Union | Poverty Problem in Hong Kong (in Chinese) |
11/2010 | Seminar on Comparative Social Welfare Policy in Chinese Societies. Organised by NanKai-CUHK Joint Research Centre on Social Policy. Hong Kong. | Compare the changes for social security policy targeted on low-income people between Hong Kong and Taiwan. (in Chinese) |
4/2009 | Anti-Poverty Social Work Practice: Contributions from East Asia International Symposium | Anti-Poverty Social Work Practice: A View from Below |