Presentation (Course, Conference & Seminar)

Year Course Code Course Name Topic
2018 UGEC 2819
Grand Challenges for Global Citizens in the 21st Century Lec 8: Poverty in a Society of Abundance
Lec 9: How to eradicate poverty: Rise of Social Business
2018 SOWK 2203/ UGEC 2693 Mission-driven Social Enterprise Lec 1: Definition & Conceptualization of Social Entrepreneurship
Lec 2: Oveview of Mission of Social Entrepreneurship
Lec 3: Key Models of Social Entrepreneurship
Lec 4a: Case Study (I): Grameen Danone Food
Lec 4b: Case Study (II): Grameen Veolia Water
2012 MPUP 5301 Globalization, Social Problem and Policy Lec 3:Global Financial Crisis and IMF
Lec 4: Is World Bank Good for Poor People?
Lec 5:Free Trade or Fair Trade: Impact of WTO
2008 SWK 6061 Comparative Social Security Systems Lec 2: Social Security: Definition and Chocies
Lec 4: Changes and Reforms in Social Security and Welfare Policies
Lec 5: Old Age and Retirement Protection
Lec 6: Social Assistance as Safety Net
Lec 7: Unemployment Benefit and ALMPs
Lec 8: Affordable and Sustainable Health Care

Month/Year Conference/Seminar
6/2017 FISS 24th International Seminar on Issues on Social Security. Organized by the Foundation for International Studies on Social Security (FISS). Stigtuna, Sweden. Retirement Protection in Hong Kong in the Crossroads: Forging Ahead or Dead-end?
10/2016 2016 Seminar of Social Assistance in Chinese Society organized by China Social Security Association and Nanjing University, Nanjing. (in Chinese). Deprivation and Social Exclusion of CSSA Recipients
6/2015 Ecological Civilization and Open Poverty Alleviation Theme Forum at Eco Forum Global Annual Conference Guiyang 2015, organized by People’s Government of China, Guiyang. (in Chinese) How can rural social associations construct/reconstruct social capital in eradication of poverty? (in Chinese)
6/2015 FISS 22nd International Conference - Social Security East and West: Common Challenges, Distinctive Solutions? Organized by Foundation for International Studies on Social Security (FISS), Hong Kong. Poverty and Social Disadvantages in Hong Kong
5/2014 International Conference on Social Work, Social Welfare and Social Policy in Chinese Societies: Cross Cultural Experiences, organised by Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. How to eradicate poverty in Hong Kong?
10/2013 2013 International Conference on Chinese Social Welfare. Organized by Social Policy Research Centre, National Taiwan University. Taipei. 'The unsafe safty-net: Review of the changes of CSSA system in Hong Kong. (in Chinese)
6/2011 Symposium on Social Work Practice and Policy: Poverty and Poverty Alleviation Human Capital, Social Capital And Anti Social Exclusion: Review On Different Poverty Alleviation Strategies In Hong Kong
6/2011 2011 Seminar on General Education organized by Hong Kong Professional Teacher Union Poverty Problem in Hong Kong (in Chinese)
11/2010 Seminar on Comparative Social Welfare Policy in Chinese Societies. Organised by NanKai-CUHK Joint Research Centre on Social Policy. Hong Kong. Compare the changes for social security policy targeted on low-income people between Hong Kong and Taiwan. (in Chinese)
4/2009 Anti-Poverty Social Work Practice: Contributions from East Asia International Symposium Anti-Poverty Social Work Practice: A View from Below