Study mode:
- Part-time: 6 – 12 months
- 96 contact hours in total
- Face-to-face (Online teaching may be adopted depending on actual operational needs)
- For programme offered in 2024/25, it will start in September 2024. For details, please refer to the programme schedule.
The programme consists of 6 courses. The courses are taught in weekday daytime.
- Understanding the Needs and Challenges of Non-engaged Youth (NEY)
- This course aims to enhance students’ awareness and knowledge on the diverse needs and challenges of various special target groups (STGs) of NEY in Hong Kong. With a primary focus on NEY’s career and life development (CLD), needs assessment on their career aspiration, identity, motivation and network, theories of career development and life design approaches, and Youth Development and Intervention Framework (YDIF) will be introduced and applied to increase students’ competency in helping NEY find their career and life perspectives.
- Understanding Non-engaged Youth (NEY) with Ecosystem-based Navigation-oriented Career and Life Development (CLD) Competencies Framework
- This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the Ecosystem-Based Navigation-Oriented CLD Competencies Framework to conceptualise the challenges facing NEY in Hong Kong in a systematic way. Intervention tools of Youth Development and Intervention Framework (YDIF) and the concept of opportunity structures will be introduced to equip students with knowledge to help NEY navigate in their career and life planning adventure.
- Holistic Case Management for the Activation Stage I – Co-creating with Non-engaged Youth (NEY)
- This course shreds light on the concept of holistic case management on NEY’s career and life development (CLD) which can be divided into two major stages: activation and navigation. With a primary focus on the activation stage, heterogeneity of the special target groups (STGs) of NEY will be introduced to help students identify NEY’s unique challenges and the success factors to co-create meaningful engagement with them. Emphasis will also be put on various intervention approaches which can assist students to initiate the journey of career transformation with NEY and prepare them for the next navigation stage.
- Holistic Case Management for the Activation Stage II – Working with Families with Non-engaged Youth (NEY)
- This course aims to equip students with knowledge and skills in working with families with NEY to activate NEY’s career and life development (CLD) journey as part of the holistic case management. Recognising the possible family influence on NEY’s CLD, family resilience framework and theories on family system will be explained to help students assess and engage NEY’s families along the CLD intervention during the activation stage. With reference to the heterogeneity of the special target groups (STGs) of NEY, customised family intervention will also be introduced for students to enhance their core competence in family collaboration when serving NEY with diverse needs.
- Holistic Case Management for the Navigation Stage I
- This course aims to equip students with knowledge and skills in helping non-engaged youth (NEY) to navigate in their career and life development (CLD) journey as part of the holistic case management. Stakeholder engagement strategies and occupational psychology theories will be introduced to help students understand the challenges facing NEY during the navigation stage of their CLD and deliver services which can enhance NEY’s navigation skills in the opportunity structures. Service models and social policies on facilitating youth’s school-to-work transition adopted in different regions/countries will be compared to produce better insights on the intervention strategies on NEY’s CLD.
- Holistic Case Management for the Navigation Stage II
- This course aims to enhance students’ competency in facilitating effective coordination and communication among different stakeholders during the navigation stage of non-engaged youth’s (NEY) career and life development (CLD) journey. Leveraging on the advancement of technology, the course will cover knowledge and skills in digital marketing and data monitoring and management for students to obtain, gather, record and disseminate useful CLD-related information in a timely and systematic way. Principles of data ethics and data-sharing practices will also be introduced to enhance students’ data-handling sensitivity and literacy.
Entry requirement
To be eligible to enroll in the programme, you will need to be a Registered Social Worker in Hong Kong with a bachelor’s degree or higher academic qualification in social work.
Applicants with other qualifications will be considered on individual merits based on the following criteria:
The applicant (1) provides a personal statement of applicant or a recommendation letter by the employing organization (please refer to the “application” page); and (2) has a bachelor's degree in a related discipline.
Assessment methods
Diverse assessment methods are used in the programme, including:
- Assignments
- Case studies
- Class participation
- Exam
- Presentation
- Quizzes
- Reflection essay
Graduation requirement
To be awarded an Advanced Certificate in Career and Life Development Services for Non-engaged Youth, students are required to:
- Have no less than 70% attendance rate in each course;
- Obtain an overall grade of D or above in each course; and
- Obtain a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.0 or above
Medium of instruction
Cantonese, supplemented with English
Tuition fee
For 2024/25 intake, programme fee would be HK$37,300.
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust will sponsor each qualified student a total of $ 37,500, including application fee $ 200 and tuition fee $ 37,300.
(Each qualified student has to pay for the total amount first. Student would be reimbursed for the application and tuition fees upon completing the programme and meeting the graduation requirements.)