What’s New?
A series of interviews of Prof. Haijing Dai by HK01on motherhood penalty
母職懲罰.上|生育率倒數第一 職場為什麼還在「懲罰」母親?| 香港01
母職懲罰.下|在市場主導的社會中 誰做照顧者誰倒楣?| 香港01
Publication of a new book: "The Routledge Handbook of Child and Family Social Work Research"
The book "The Routledge Handbook of Child and Family Social Work Research," edited by Elizabeth Fernandez, Penelope Welbourne, Bethany Lee, Joyce L.C. Ma, was published by Routledge in September 2024.
Mini-Conference on "Fertility and Family Challenges in East Asia"
The two day Mini-Conference on ‘Fertility and Family Challenges in East Asia’ was successfully held on 24-25 May 2024 at the The Chinese University of Hong Kong, which was hosted by Centre for Chinese Family Studies, CUHK, and co-hosted by the Faculty of Social Science and the Department of Social Work, CUHK. Over 40 participants from various parts of the world, including United States, Korea, Australia, Singapore, China and Hong Kong, attended the Mini-Conference in person.
An interview of Prof. Haijing Dai by Mingpao on motherhood penalty and fatherhood premium in workplace
An invited talk on Qualitative Research Methods
New Book: 《家·同行不鬱——協助家有抑鬱症病患的「家庭為本」介入先導計劃》
An interview of Prof. Haijing Dai by the Sing Tao Daily on relationships between marriage and fertility rate
二○二一至二二年度「殘障研究華人青年學者網路」線上講座系列 - 3月講座主題 實體/線上家庭為本干預和智障青少年的成長
時間:2022年3月26日星期六 北京時間晚8點至9點半
語言:普通話翻譯 + 手語
請點選連結https://www.wjx.top/vj/wbTlkk4.aspx 或掃碼註冊
本中心與香港耀能協會發布高能力自閉症與家庭為本介入服務研究成果 Our Centre and SAHK release research findings of family-centered intervention for Chinese families of adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder
Prof. Joyce Ma (Director of our Centre) and Dr. Joanne Wong (Clinical Psychologist and Senior Manager (Clinical Service) of the Youth Development Platform, SAHK) held an online press conference cum professional seminar on February 19, 2022 to announce the research findings on “Family-Centered Intervention for Chinese Families of Adults with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder”, a research project jointly run by the Centre and the SAHK from 2018 to 2021.
Below are some selected media reports for your information please:
Media |
Titile |
Communications and Public Relations Office, CUHK |
Oriental Daily |
明報 2022年1月31日 – 終止院舍兒童受虐 重構員工培訓系統
- 可 按此 閱覽文章
明報 2022年1月25日 – 終止院舍兒童受虐 必須改革機構管理
- 可 按此 閱覽文章
2021年11月5日(五) 下午1時45分至3時45分
會議ID: 832 8759 3084
討論會內容及流程 (主持人:夏麗麗教授) :
時間 |
內容 |
講者 |
13:45-14:30 |
實證為本社會工作實務:多家庭小組治療應用在患有憂鬱症的家長的華人家庭 |
馬麗莊教授 |
14:30-14:45 |
小休 |
14:45-15:25 |
線上多家庭小組治療應用在高功能自閉症及輕中度智障子女的華人家庭 |
羅頴嘉博士 |
15:25-15:45 |
提問時間 |
An article on ‘Couples with Breast Cancer Challenges’ by Dr. Chang Man-yan, Fiona and Prof. Ma Lai-chong, Joyce published on Ming Pao (26-4-2021)
(also available in PDF)
An article of Prof. Joyce Ma
An article of Prof. Joyce Ma titled “Living Under the Threat of COVID-19 Pandemic: Personal and Professional Reflection of a Hong Kong Therapist” published online in the 3rd Issue of the Newsletter of Asian Family Therapy Academy (AAFT)
You may read the article by Prof. Ma here
ADHD video EP 3 “Providing Families with Ways of Raising Children with ADHD (協助ADHD家庭尋找教養孩子的方法) (English version)"
The research team of the Family and Group Practice Research Centre, with the support of CUHK’s the Knowledge Transfer Fund of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Social Innovation Fund, has produced three short videos on children with ADHD and their families. The videos (Ep1, 2 and 3) are available in Cantonese and Mandarin in center website (search: Videos on children with ADHD and their families). A new version of the video (Ep3) has been newly published in English.
This video reported on the treatment efficacy of a multiple family group (MFG) in helping families of children with ADHD. MFG is a family-based intervention aiming to assist families of children with ADHD to utilize their family resources as well as the resources of other families, which are facing similar developmental challenges in raising children with ADHD.
Staff Appointment
Prof. Joyce Ma has been newly appointed by the Government of the HKSAR as a member of the Minimum Wage Commission for two years from 1 March 2021 to 28 February 2023.
The Minimum Wage Commission is tasked with an important mission of reporting to the Chief Executive in Council its recommendation about the Statutory Minimum Wage rate in accordance with the Minimum Wage Ordinance (Chapter 608 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
Please refer to this URL for the press release concerned:
“指出注意缺陷多動障礙兒童的華人家庭:家庭為本干預手法” (29/1/2021星期五 晚上7:00至9:00)
主辦單位: 深圳市兒童醫院社工部及兒童保健與心理健康中心,香港中文大學社會工作學系家庭及小組實務研究中心
研討會簡介: (研討會將透過課堂,影片播放,討論進行。)
時間 |
内容 |
講者 |
19:00-19:50 |
患有注意缺陷多動障礙兒童的華人家庭:家庭為本干預手法 |
馬麗莊教授 |
19:50-20:10 |
多家庭小组應用在患有注意缺陷多動障礙青少年的華人家庭 |
羅穎嘉博士 |
20:10-20:30 |
醫務社工與患有注意缺陷多動障礙兒童的家庭:内地經驗 |
司楊博士 |
20:30-20:50 |
系统式執行技能多家庭團體訓練在學齡期ADHD兒童家庭中的应用 |
張姍红女士 |
20:50-21:00 |
提問時間 |
講者 |
簡介 |
馬麗莊教授 |
香港中文大學社會工作學系教授,美國婚姻與家庭治療協會的臨床院士及認可專業督導,國際家庭治療協會會長(2019-2021) |
羅穎嘉博士 |
香港中文大學社會工作學系家庭及小組實務研究中心博士後研究員,香港註冊社工 |
司楊博士 |
深圳市兒童醫院社會工作服務督導,香港中文大學博士,香港註冊社工 |
張姍红女士 |
應用心理學碩士深圳市兒童醫院心理諮詢師 |
在線會議鏈接: (備註:需要登入騰訊/微信才能進入。)
點擊鏈接入會,或添加至會議列表: https://meeting.tencent.com/s/xOQW1VQUOHKY 會議編號:697 395 249 或 用手機掃描二維碼加入會議 |
手機一鍵撥號入會 |
根據您的位置撥號 |
Seminar on Holistic management at school for students with ADHD - “知多一點點:老師協助ADHD學生成長的方法(網上講座)” on 16 January 2021 (Saturday) from 10a.m. to 12p.m.
“作為家長老師要慎重,不要給孩子貼標籤,還是要以臨床診斷為準。 “
「患有注意力不足過度活躍症兒童的華人家庭:家庭為本干預手法」 for students and colleagues of Zhejiang University on 18 December, 2020 (Friday) from 09:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Prof. Joyce Ma
Dr. Julia Lo
Dr. Lily Xia
“作為家長老師要慎重,不要給孩子貼標籤,還是要以臨床診斷為準。 “
Media exposure
An interview of Prof Joyce Ma’s by Miss Cheung Fung Ping and Mr. Liu Yue Siu, the two journalists of Radio Hong Kong on the program “中國點點點: 對談中國” to share her experience of practicing family therapy in Shenzhen and my view in regard to the future development of family therapy in Mainland on December 1, 2020 (Tuesday) from 4:10 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
An interview of Dr. Joanne Leung Kit Ting regarding Palliative Care by Ming Pao
Please refer to the article here
An academic seminar for students and colleagues of Renmin University of China on November 16, 2020 (Monday) from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- “我印象最深刻的是一個小video中關於孩子要不要吃藥的討論,我們太多時候去關注怎麼採取行動讓兒童變乖,卻忽略了兒童自己也曾付出過努力。”
- “馬教授為我們介紹的這種多元家庭治療的小組方法,讓我看到了每個家庭有治愈的能力,我們可以為他們營造具有安全感的親子和同輩支持環境,為這些特殊群體帶來更多生命的可能。”
- “除此之外,馬教授的精彩分享讓我感受到了社會工作專業的獨特魅力。”
- 本次講座中有張圖片引起了我的思考,一個兒童提出‘’不想像狗一樣被反覆訓練‘’。
- “關於多動症兒童的治療,我們往往只關注他們內在行為的表現是否符合傳統的標準,只要能他們安靜、專注,便是‘’好‘’的方法,卻忽視了他們作為獨立個體的內心感受。”
- “馬教授的講座讓我們了解到‘’多元家庭治療‘’的獨特之處,在孩子關係的塑造和朋輩關係的支持中能以更自然的方式為這些特殊兒童帶來更多的發展可能性。”
Press Release on “A study on Mental Health Problems and Needs of Foster Care Children in Hong Kong” (6 Nov 2020)
You may visit here for the news report in Sing Tao Daily's website.
Videos on children with ADHD and their families
The research team of the Family and Group Practice Research Centre of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, with the support of CUHK’s Knowledge Transfer Fund and the Social Innovation Fund, has produced the following three short videos on children with ADHD and their families.
Cantonese Version:
- ADHD video EP 1 “The Voice of Children with ADHD (ADHD孩子的心聲) (廣東話版)”
- ADHD video EP 2 “Importance of Parent-child Relationship to children with ADHD (親子關係對ADHD孩子的幫助) (廣東話版)”
- ADHD video EP 3 “Providing Families with Ways of Raising Children with ADHD (協助ADHD家庭尋找教養孩子的方法) (廣東話版)”
Mandarin Version:
- ADHD video EP 1 “The Voice of Children with ADHD (ADHD孩子的心聲) (國語版)”
- ADHD video EP 2 “Importance of Parent-child Relationship to children with ADHD (親子關係對ADHD孩子的幫助) (國語版)”
- ADHD video EP 3 “Providing Families with Ways of Raising Children with ADHD (協助ADHD家庭尋找教養孩子的方法) (國語版)”
Seminar on “Family-based intervention for Chinese families of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)” (21 Nov 2020)
「ADHD你問我答 X 多家庭小組有辦法」網上家長講座 (24 October 2020)
You may view the part of sharing by Prof. Joyce Ma here:
「ADHD你問我答 X 多家庭小組有辦法」網上家長講座 (24 October 2020) (香港中文大學社會工作學系馬麗莊教授的分享部份)
An interview of Prof. Joyce Ma's by the U Magazine on the impact of COVID-19 on family relationships and how family therapy can help
Interview of Prof. Joyce Ma by Hong Kong Council of Social Service
Sing Tao: 【社聯「港講訴 Time to Heal」訪談系列(二)】秉持社工專業 與年輕人真誠溝通
Bastille Post: 【社聯「港講訴 Time to Heal」訪談系列(二)】秉持社工專業 與年輕人真誠溝通
Time to Heal: 秉持社工專業 與年輕人真誠溝通
Press Release on “A study on family wellbeing in Hong Kong” (15 May 2020)
東方報導:香港家庭幸福指數僅6.23分屬一般 年輕人幸福感偏低
香港01報導:香港家庭幸福指數僅6分 中大調查:港人長工時缺家庭生活
Prof. Joyce Ma’s sharing about the impacts of COVID-19 on family relationships on ViuTV
Press Conference and Press Release on “Treatment Efficacy of Multiple Family Therapy for Chinese families with members suffering from depression” (2 December 2019)
Book of “Multiple Family Groups for Chinese Families of Parents in Recovery of Depression”
Interviewing family therapists at the World Family Therapy Congress, organised by the International Family Therapy Association (IFTA), held in Aberdeen, March 28-30 2019
Media coverage of “Program Evaluation on a Family-centered Project for Children with Special Educational Needs and their Families” for YWCA