11/9, 9/10, 6/11, 4/12, 2019; 8/1, 2020; 27/4, 4/5, 11/5, 18/5, 25/5, 2021
Training Programme for Lutheran Drug Abuse Centres
- A group of about 24 participants from the Lutheran Drug Abuse Centres.
Feedback from participants
Participants rated the talk regarding several aspects as listed below:
- an average score of 4.31 points (out of 5 points) on whether the participants have a basic understanding of the theoretical knowledge in working with families.
- an average score of 4.25 points (out of 5 points) on whether the participants have a basic understanding of systemic view point in family assessment.
- an average score of 4.19 points (out of 5 points) on whether the participants have a basic understanding of treatment principles in family therapy.
- an average score of 3.94 points (out of 5 points) on whether the participants feel confident when working with families.
- an average score of 3.88 points (out of 5 points) on whether the participants are competent when working with families in need.
- an average score of 4.00 points (out of 5 points) on whether the participants often worry about my performance during the family interviews.
- an average score of 4.13 points (out of 5 points) on whether the participants have a basic understanding on the culture of families with a member having substance abuse
- an average score of 3.81 points (out of 5 points) on whether the participants are confident to apply my knowledge and skills on group practice.
- an average score of 3.94 points (out of 5 points) on whether the participants are have a clear understanding of my self-sensitivity and awareness on use of self
- an average score of 3.73 points (out of 5 points) on whether the participants are would rate myself as a specialist in family therapy.
- an average score of 4.25 points (out of 5 points) on whether the participants feel comfortable in working with people having substance abuse.
- an average score of 4.13 points (out of 5 points) on whether the participants feel comfortable in working with families.
- an average score of 4.44 points (out of 5 points) on whether the training introduced basic family interview techniques.
- an average score of 4.50 points (out of 5 points) on whether the training enhanced my sensitivity to family needs on top of individual needs.
- an average score of 4.56 points (out of 5 points) on whether the training enhanced my understanding of theoretical foundation for working with families.
- an average score of 4.50 points (out of 5 points) on whether the participants are satisfied with the performance of the trainer.
Participants’ written comments on the most useful things they have learned in the training: (Extract):
- The genuine and not knowing are the key factors of being the social worker
- Family relationship is very important. Provide hope for them
26 Apr, 3 May, 10 May, 17 May 2021
Training Programme on Family Therapy for Hong Kong Christian Service – Training Workshops
- A group of about 45 participants from the HKCS School Social Services.
Feedback from participants
Participants rated the talk regarding several aspects as listed below:
- an average score of 5.48 points (out of 6 points) on whether the contents covered could accomplish the objectives of the workshop.
- an average score of 5.36 points (out of 6 points) on whether the workshop was practical.
- an average score of 4.95 points (out of 6 points) on whether the participants shall be able to put the knowledge learnt into practice.
- an average score of 5.34 points (out of 6 points) on whether the workshop met the participants’ expectation.
- an average score of 5.52 points (out of 6 points) on whether the participants would recommend the workshop to others if the workshop would be rerun.
- an average score of 5.45 points (out of 6 points) on whether the trainer was able to grasp the training needs and focus of the training contents.
- an average score of 5.43 points (out of 6 points) on whether the trainer was able to deliver the professional knowledge and skills in an organized way.
- an average score of 5.36 points (out of 6 points) on whether the trainer was able to answer questions from participants effectively.
- an average score of 5.61 points (out of 6 points) on whether the participants are satisfied with the performance of the trainer.
Participants were satisfied with this training course (the overall satisfaction score = 5.43 points out of 6).
Participants’ written comments on the most useful things they have learned in the training: (Extract):
- How to observe family pattern and provide clues of intervention
- Changing one person could change all the system
- Theroretical framework, case study and analysis, handy and pragmatic micro skills
- How to apply the family therapy into practice
- Explanation on concepts by practical life examples
- The family has its own power to solve the problem
- Making good use of the family resources
- The logic of intervention and case conceptualisation
- Remind the importances of assessing in systems level
- basic concepts of family therapy, how to listen to the presenting problem and the family needs
- Try to involve all the family members in the family interview session.
Participants’ other written comments: (Extract):
16 Jan 2021
Seminar on Holistic management at school for students with ADHD - “知多一點點:老師協助ADHD學生成長的方法(網上講座)”
Feedback from participants
Participants rated the talk regarding several aspects as listed below:
- an average score of 4.32 points (out of 5 points) regarding their understanding of how children with ADHD view about medication intervention
- an average score of 4.38 points (out of 5 points) regarding their understanding of the importance of parent-child relationship to the development of children with ADHD
- an average score of 4.30 points (out of 5 points) regarding their knowledge level of intervention strategies on the development of children using non-medication interventions
- an average score of 4.22 points (out of 5 points) regarding the usefulness of the talk on their professional development.
Participants were satisfied with this training course (the overall satisfaction score = 4.27 points out of 5).
Participants’ written comments:
-當中實例非常有用 -感謝各位嘉賓,講解詳細清晰,而且三位嘉賓從三個向度出發,但又能連結同一主題,清晰顯示治療步驟,方向及態度。 -希望可以多舉辦類似的主題講座,例如:ASD Spld Depression 等等,從成因,徵狀,藥物治療,認知治療等專業方向講解及分析。

Speaker: Prof. Joyce Ma

Speaker: Dr. Julia Lo

Speaker: Dr. Lily Xia

18 Dec 2020
Seminar on “Family-based intervention for Chinese families of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)”
Feedback from participants
Participants rated the talk regarding several aspects as listed below:
- an average score of 4.53 points (out of 5 points) regarding their understanding of how children with ADHD view about medication intervention
- an average score of 4.65 points (out of 5 points) regarding their understanding of the importance of parent-child relationship to the development of children with ADHD
- an average score of 4.74 points (out of 5 points) regarding their knowledge level of intervention strategies on the development of children using non-medication interventions
- an average score of 4.65 points (out of 5 points) regarding the usefulness of the talk on their professional development.
Participants were satisfied with this training course (the overall satisfaction score = 4.79 points out of 5).
Participants’ written comments:
“作為家長老師要慎重,不要給孩子貼標籤,還是要以臨床診斷為準。 “
21 Nov 2020
Seminar on “Family-based intervention for Chinese families of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)”
Feedback from participants
Participants rated the talk regarding several aspects as listed below:
- an average score of 4.23 points (out of 5 points) regarding their understanding of how children with ADHD view about medication intervention;
- an average score of 4.51 points (out of 5 points) regarding their understanding of the importance of parent-child relationship to the development of children with ADHD
- an average score of 4.49 points (out of 5 points) regarding their knowledge level of intervention strategies on the development of children using non-medication interventions
- an average score of 4.28 points (out of 5 points) regarding the usefulness of the talk on their professional development.
Participants were satisfied with this training course (the overall satisfaction score = 4.46 points out of 5).
Participants’ written comments: (Extract)
- 多謝講者十分生動的演講!
- 非常好, 希望有更多經驗上分享的workshop
- Thank you for sharing, stimulating!
27th, November & 12th Decemeber 2019 Training Programme on Family Therapy for Po Leung Kuk Child Care Services
- A group of about 40 participants from the kindergarten stationing social work service of Po Leung Kuk.
Feedback from participants
- Participants gave an average score of 5.48 points (out of 6 points) on the training content and format, and 5.68 (out of 6) on the trainer’s performance.
- Participants’ written comments: (Extract)
What is (are) the most useful thing(s) you have learned in this training?
- Case formulation skills;
- Non-judgmental;
- Basic skills on family therapy
16th, 17th, & 18th September 2019 Training Programme on Family Therapy for Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (上海政法學院)
- A group of 6 professors from Social Work Department of School of Social Administration, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law
Feedback from participants
- Participants gave an average score of 3.8 points (out of 5 points) before the training and 4.2 points after the training regarding their knowledge level about family therapy, indicating that they acquired an increase of knowledge and understanding about family therapy from this training.
- Participants were satisfied with this training course (the overall satisfaction score = 4.8 points out of 5).
- Participants’ written comments: (Extract)
- This course with a lot of case analysis and vivid explanation is beyond my expectation, which made me benefit a lot;
- I hope (a further) five-day or three-day training courses could be developed.
29 August & 31 October 2018, 16 January, 27 February & 24 April 2019 Clinical Supervision Group Feedback from Participants
- A group of 10 psychiatric nurses participated in the supervision group
- Participants gave an average of 5.81 out of 6 for the training content and 6 out of 6 for the trainer.
- Participants comments: (extract)
What is (are) the most useful thing(s) you have learned in this training?
- Exploration; let up a platform for the family
- From symptoms to system approach
- Case formulation, pattern of interaction
- Skills demonstration and exploration
23 August & 15 November 2018, 3 January & 14 March 2019 Clinical Supervision Group Feedback from Participants
- A group of 9 helping professionals including social workers, counselling teachers, and psychiatric nurses participated in the supervision group.
- Participants gave an average of 5.89 out of 6 for the training content and 6 out of 6 for the trainer.
- Participants comments: (extract)
- I practically learn the group design, skills as well as make use of different natural materials.
- It’s a mindfulness practice.
- I learn empathy and how to to feel my patient before responding he/she.
- The trainer has demonstrated the skills in the sessions and all interactions.
25 & 26 January 2019 Clinical Supervision Group Feedback from Participants
- A group of 11 helping professionals including social workers, counselling teachers, and psychiatric nurses participated in the supervision group.
- Participants gave an average of 6 out of 6 for the training content and 6 out of 6 for the trainer.
- Participants comments: (extract)
- The trainer validated the merits in my video presentation as well as identified the rooms for improvement.
- The live case participation as the co-therapist made me learned the systemic exploration in line with the presenting problems.
- I am reminded of the clinical elements in the therapy

5 December 2018 One-day Workshop on Food Art Therapy by Prof. KIM Yeong-hee Feedback from Participants
- A group of 30 helping professionals from different fields such as social work, educational psychology, clinical psychology, attended the training workshop.
- Participants gave an average of 5.41 out of 6 for the training content and 5.48 out of 6 for the trainer while 92% of them revealed that the trainer was able to deliver the professional knowledge and skills in an organized way.
- Participants comments: (extract)
What are the learning points that are most applicable to your work?
- Inspiration on working with food
- Food is powerful and useful
- Food as a medium to stimulate communication
9 & 16 November 2018 2-day Training Workshop: Use of Family Approach in Psychosocial Care by Prof. Joyce MA Feedback from Participants
- A group of 40 medical social workers from the Hospital Authority attended the training workshop.
- Participants gave an average of 5.68 out of 6 for the training content and 5.76 out of 6 for the trainer while they reported 95% likelihood to recommend this workshop to others.
- Participants comments: (extract)
What are the learning points that are most applicable to your work?
- Case formulation
- The rationale and application of family therapy

2 & 3 November 2018 2-day Training Workshop: Family Therapy on Depression and Anorexia Nervosa by Prof. Joyce MA Feedback from Participants
- A group of 159 medical social workers from the Castle Peak Hospital attended the training workshop.
- Participants gave an average of 5.16 out of 6 for the training content and 5.36 out of 6 for the trainer while they reported 5.43 on the trainer’s effectiveness to answer questions from the participants.
- Participants comments: (extract)
What are the learning points that are most applicable to your work?
- Interviewing skills
- Family therapy skills
- Family pattern in AN families
- Case formulation

26 & 27 July 2018 2-day Training Workshop: Working with families whose beloved facing terminal illness Feedback from Participants
- A group of 54 medical professionals including medical social workers, doctors, and nurses attended the training workshop.
- Participants gave an average of 5.44 out of 6 for the training content and 5.77 out of 6 for the trainer while they reported 5.62 on the satisfaction with this program as a whole.
- Participants comments: (extract)
What are the learning points that are most applicable to your work?
- Learn to be a good listener How to read a "story"
- Family assessment
- Slow down & trust the process in the session
- Learning from Prof. Ma's experience sharing
- Applying the framework of family therapy in daily consultation

3 & 4 August 2018 Clinical Supervision Group Feedback from Participants
- A group of 20 helping professionals including social workers, counselling teachers, and psychiatric nurses participated in the supervision group.
- Participants gave an average of 5.8 out of 6 for the training content and 5.9 out of 6 for the trainer.
- Participants comments: (extract)
- ‘I realize what is stuck in the conceptualization (fail to relate the loneliness / attachment loss to the unmet developmental needs of client) as well as the micro skills (use of metaphor & relational language in response to members' different time themes of family stories) during my family counseling, thus learning how to resolve the father-daughter conflicts in the subsequent sessions.’
- ‘I learnt a lot from the role play of the case scenario & all of the case illustration with broad level of understanding upon their nature difficulties’
- ‘I learnt through the case presentations from various service settings.’
From September 2017 to June 2018 Clinical Supervision Group Feedback from Participants
- A group of 10 professional psychiatric nurses participated in the supervision group.
- Participants gave an average of 5.8 out of 6 for the training content and 6 out of 6 for the trainer.
- Participants comments: (extract)
- ‘I learnt to take the case manager’s role in doing family work in clinical practice.’
- ‘I learnt how to be patient with my clients.’
- ‘I learnt the application of family concepts to clinical practice in CPS.’
19 Jan 2018 & 20 Jan 2018 Clinical Supervision Group Feedback from Participants
- A total of 15 professionals from different fields, including counselors, social workers, family therapists and psychiatric nurses have participated in the supervision.
- Participants gave an average of 5.7 out of 6 for the training content and 5.9 out of 6 for the trainer.
- Participants comments: (extract)
- ‘I aware the importance of ‘’unknown’’ position of the therapist.’
- ‘I learnt how to conceptualize the problems and the choice of language.’
- ‘I learnt how and when to intervene in the process.’
19 Oct 2017 & 20 Oct 2017: MFG training workshop for New Life Feedback from Participants
- A total of 30 helping professionals has attended half day and the12 of them has joined the whole training
- Participants gave an average of 5.78 out of 6 for the training content and format, and 5.79 out of 6 for the trainer
- Participants comments: (extract)
- ‘I learnt the concept, efficiency and attitude of group work.’
- ‘I aware the importance to unlearn, take risk and have experimental learning.’
- ‘The tips for program process and video analysis has enhanced my confidence when leading groups.’
05 Oct 2016, 09 Nov 2016, 11 Jan 2017, 25 Jan 2017, 15 Feb 2017, 08 Mar 2017, 05 Apr 2017, 10 May 2017, 28 Jun 2017 & 26 Jul 2017 10-sessions Training Programme on Family Therapy for Castle Peak Hospital Feedback from Participants
- A total of 12 Psychiatric Nurses has joined the training
- Participants gave an average of 5.83 out of 6 for the training content and format and 5.92 out of 6 for the trainer
- Participants comments: (extract)
- ‘It has broaden my view on looking at the pattern of the family intervention and communication rather than focused on the content of it.’
- ‘Prof. Ma keeps me to realize my weakness of family nursing skills and ways to improve.’
- ‘I learnt the important of psychological preparation of the therapist.’
14 Jul 2017 & 15 Jul 2017 Clinical Supervision Group Feedback from Participants
- A total of 22 professionals from different fields, including counselors, social workers, family therapists and psychiatric nurses have participated in the supervision.
- Participants gave an average of 5.75 out of 6 for the training content and 5.86 out of 6 for the trainer.
- Participants comments: (extract)
- ‘It is important to aware on my own blind spot and reflect on it.’
- ‘I learnt different and diverse perspective to understand the family members as person with emotion.’
- ‘I learnt how to be caring, to help client express their stories and to be assertive.’
- ‘Professor Ma can make use of the training materials, integrated theories and practice wisdom. She is a very good trainer.’
5 May 2017 & 12 May 2017 2-day Training Program on Palliative Care Feedback from Participants
- A total of 46 helping professionals who works with terminal illness patients and their family from the Hospital Authority has joined the training.
- Participants gave an average of 5.3 out of 6 for the training content and format and 5.6 out of 6 for the trainer.
- Participants comments: (extract)
- ‘I have widen perspective when encountering patients and their families in need.’
- ‘Prof. Ma’s rich experience and case sharing can illustrate the points in an easily understandable way.’
- ‘It was very fruitful, I applied what I learnt in work. Want to join again!’
- ‘I learnt how to open up possibility in exploration and problem solving.’
2 Dec 2016 1-day Workshop on Out-of-home Care Services Feedback from Participants
- A total of 30 professionals from different fields participated, including youth and children services, children residential services and family services.
- Participants gave an average of 4.8 out of 6 for the training content and format and 4.93 of of 6 for the trainer.
- Participants commented that the workshop enhanced their understanding on the emotional needs and attachment styles of children with traumatized experiences in out-of-home care services. They also commented that their knowledge on good practice for enhancing academic learning of those children is also enriched.
25-26 Nov 2016 2-day Workshop on Multi-family Therapy Feedback from Participants
- A total of 16 professionals from different fields participated, including mental health social workers, school social workers and psychologists.
- Participants gave an average of 5.09 out of 6 for the training content and format and 5.18 of of 6 for the trainer.
- Participants commented that the workshop enhanced their knowledge and skills of conducting multi-family therapy. They also particularly appreciated how the experiential learning in workshop in helping them to understanding the implementation of the therapy.
2-3 Sep 2016 Clinical Supervision Group Feedback from Participants
- A total of 31 professionals from different fields participated, including counselors, social workers, family therapists and psychiatric nurses.
- Participants gave an average of 5.84 out of 6 for both the training content and format and the trainer.
- Participants commented that the training can enhance their application of knowledge and skills in actual cases, also it stimulates their self-reflection.
- Other comments:
I learnt the art of 'nurturing' and 'not knowing'.
22 Apr 2016 One-day Workshop on Food Art Therapy Feedbacks from participants
- A total of 19 professionals from different fields participated, including Professors, Nurse Specialists, and Social Workers.
- Participants gave an average of 5.59 out of 6 for the training content and format, and an average of 5.71 out of 6 for the trainer.
- Many participants commented that they learnt how food can serve as a medium of communication for family members, and they also enjoyed the experiential process of food art therapy.
09 Dec 2015 One-day Workshop on Improving Educational Outcomes for Children in Out-of-home Care: Australian and International Perspectives Feedbacks from participants
- Participants gave an average of 4.64 out of 6 for the training content and format, and an average of 4.89 out of 6 for the trainer.
- Participants commented that the workshop has stimulated ideas on new projects and programmes for children in out-of-home care environments. Participants also shared that their understanding on the practice in foreign countries is enhanced.
30 – 31 Oct 2015 Clinical Supervision Group Feedbacks from participants
- A total of 26 healthcare professionals participated, including Family Therapists, Social Worker, Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatric Nurses, Counsellors, Student Guidance Mentors, Advanced Practice Nurses and Social Workers.
- Participants gave an average of 5.78 out of 6 for the training content and format, and an average of 5.90 out of 6 for the trainer.
- Participants commented that the supervision has broadened their perspectives on families. They also highlighted that the supervision has enhanced their conceptualization of cases.
- Other comments:
- Hoping for a re-run of clinical supervision group
17 – 18 Aug 2015 Two-day Workshop - Family and Multifamily Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa Feedbacks from participants
- A total of 29 healthcare professionals participated, including Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologists, Nurse Specialists, and Social Workers.
- Participants gave an average of 5.57 out of 6 for the training content and format, and an average of 5.81 out of 6 for the trainer.
- The most enjoyed content included the introduction and foundation of Multifamily Therapy (MFT), and how to run a MFT or group with practical skills and tips. The participants also enjoyed Professor Eisler’s insightful sharing of practice wisdom.
- Other comments:
- Very impressed by (trainer's) master work, his clinical experiences and creativity in group work
20 Nov 2014 The use of family therapy in handling youths with mental/emotional problem Feedbacks from participants
- 100% of all participants agreed that the workshop helped them to understand the basic concept of family therapy and to handle mental/ emotional problem of adolescents through the perspective of family therapy.
- 95% of all participants agreed that they gained more knowledge about adolescent's mental and emotional problems
- 100% of all participants were satisfied with the workshop.
- Other comments:
- More case studies
- It is good to understand the topic from multiple perspectives
- More workshop on this topic in the future