2023 |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2023, January). Development and validation of the Self-Help Organization Development Scale (SHODS) among patients with chronic health conditions in Hong Kong. 23rd International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations. Auckland, New Zealand. |
2022 |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2022, November). Program Evaluation Capacity Scale (PECS): Factor structure and scale validation in Hong Kong NGO practitioners. The International Forum on Social Policy and High-Quality Development. Hangzhou, China. |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2022, September). Relationship between group interaction, emotional support reception and provision, and psychological well-being among young patients with chronic health conditions. International Forum on Public Health and Health Care Management. Budapest, Hungary. |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2022, July). The mediating effect of self-management on the relationship between trust in mutual aid group members and well-being among young patients with chronic illness. 17th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. Athens, Greece. |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2022, July). Model development for indigenizing best practices for sustainable self-help movement: A study of self-help organizations in Hong Kong. 2022 International Summer University in Social Work Program on Community Engagement and Social Justice. Los Angeles, USA. |
2021 |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2021, October). Promoting NGO capacity building in program evaluation and social impact assessment: The experience of the Jockey Club MEL Institute Project. International Conference on Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment. Hong Kong, China. |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2021, July). Capacity building for sustainable NGO development: Blended learning experience in the Jockey Club MEL Institute Project. 2021 International Summer University in Social Work Program on Online Social Work—Practice and Practitioners. Jinan, China. |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2021, March). An exploration of best practices for promoting sustainable development of self-help organizations. 15th International Interdisciplinary Conference: Comparative Studies in Modern Societies; Balkans in European and Global Context. Prizren, Kosovo. |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2021, March). Effects of supportive interaction and facilitator input variety on treatment adherence of young patients participating in mutual aid groups. International Social Work Education and Development Online Conference 2021. |
2020 |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2020, December). Lesson learned from the Jockey Club MEL Institute Project. Annual Conference of the International Association for Outcome-based Evaluation and Research on Family and Children’s Services: The Challenges of Outcome Evaluation in Human Services. Padova, Italy. |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2020, July). Development and validation of an illness management instrument among Chinese adolescents and young adults in Hong Kong. 15th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. Athens, Greece. |
Ngai, S.S.Y., & Cheung, C.K. (2020, July). Model development and best practice strategies for sustainable development of self-help organizations in Hong Kong: Key findings. Symposium on Development of Mutual Aid among Chronic Patients in Hong Kong. Hong Kong, China. |
2019 |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2019, November). How CUHK nurtures philanthropy leaders. Annual Symposium of the Collaborative Networks for Social Work in Chinese Societies: Innovative Social Work Education and Future Social Service Ecosystem Development. Macao, China. |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2019, September). Nurturing of philanthropy leaders: The case of OSC/UBS NGO Leadership Program in Hong Kong. 2019 World Philanthropy Forum. Shenzhen, China. |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2019, July) Strategies for engendering mutual aid among young people with chronic illness: A study of helping professionals in Hong Kong. 14th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. Mexico City, Mexico. |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2019, June). Factors conducive to mutual aid and rehabilitation of young people with chronic illness: A discussion on stigmatization. Paper presented in the 2019 Conference of European Association of Schools of Social Work. Madrid, Spain. |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2019, March). Model development and best practice guideline for advancing self-help organizations: Success stories. Paper presented in The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation 60th Anniversary Symposium on New Perspectives on Holistic Rehabilitation and Social Inclusion towards 2030. Hong Kong, China. |
2018 |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2018, December). Co-creating a caring and sustainable community with young people. Paper presented in the 2018 Community Investment and Inclusion Fund (CIIF) Forum. Hong Kong, China. |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2018, July). Participation, partnership and protection: Integrating community engagement into the Master of Social Work education in six Australasian and East-Asian countries. Paper presented in the International Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development. Dublin, Ireland. |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2018, July). Factors conducive to mutual aid among young people with chronic illness. Paper presented in the 13th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. Granada, Spain. |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2018, January). Ethical social work practice in a globalizing yet polarizing world. Paper presented in the International Conference for South East Asia on Two Decades Discourse about Globalizing Social Sciences―Concepts, Strategies, Achievements. Hanoi, Vietnam. |
2017 |
Chen, J.K. (2017, June). Prevalence and associates of student violence against students and teachers in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Paper presented in the Stockholm Criminology Symposium 2017. Stockholm, Sweden. |
Zhou, H., Dai, H., Hu, M. & Tadeo, M. (2017, December). Impact evaluation study of Enrich’s “Financial and Empowerment Education Programme”. Paper submitted to the Investor Education Center of Hong Kong with press release and conference. Hong Kong, China. |
Dai, H. (2017, May) Urbanization and coordinated family care in transitional communities in China. Paper presented at The Transforming Care Conference, Milan, Italy. (Also served as the panel convener) |
Dai, H. (2017, May). Gender and employment: Reemployment programs in Hangzhou and Hong Kong. Conference on Social Policy in Hong Kong and Shanghai, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, China. |
Kim, M. (2017, March). [Invited Speaker] Evidence-based practice in Hong Kong: Challenges and promise. Paper presented at the 6th Conference on Practice and Research for Social Service Excellence, Hong Kong, China. |
Leung, T.T.F. (2017, July). Experiential knowledge in the provision of social services – Towards user involvement in service planning and governance. Paper presented at the 20th Biennale ICSD Symposium, Zagreb, Croatia. |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2017, August). Mutual aid among young people with chronic illness: A critical review of extant literature. Paper presented in the 13th International Symposium and 2017 Annual Conference of Social Policy. Nanchang, China. |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2017, August). Mutual aid among young people with chronic illness: A critical review of extant literature. Paper presented in the 13th International Symposium and 2017 Annual Conference of Social Policy. Nanchang, China. |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2017, May). Cognitive-behavioral integrated treatment (CBIT) training to address youth’s drug abuse. Paper presented in the 5th International Conference on Social Sciences and Management. Kyoto, Japan. |
To, S.M., Lam, C.M., Wu, Q.B., Chen, J., & Tam, H.L. (2017, May). Searching for the meaning of parenthood through parent education: A practice research on Chinese rural-to-urban migrant mothers of left-behind children in Shenzhen, China. Paper presented in the 4th International Conference on Practice Research. Hong Kong, China. |
Wong, H. & Raees, B. (2017, September-October). Protection or exclusion: national and international social protection policy on migrant domestic workers. Paper presented in the Symposium on Hidden Migration and Data for Sustainable Development Goals Monitoring. Bristol, UK. |
黃洪 (2016,9月)。香港社會保障受助人的匱乏與社會排斥: 香港貧窮與社會弱勢的趨勢—跨學科及縱向研究的結果分析。論文發表華人社會救助研討會。中國南京。 |
2016 |
Chen, J.K. (2016, August). School victimization, social support and psychological distress among school students in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China. Paper presented in the 21st ISPCAN International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect. Calgary, Canada. |
Dai, H. (2016, November) Work-integration social enterprises (WISE) and productivist welfare regime in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the Fourth International Conference on Social Policy and Governance Innovation: Innovation in Social Service Delivery, Hong Kong SAR, China. |
Dai, H. (2016, July) The paradox of integration: Work-integration social enterprises (WISE) for marginalized women in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the 12th International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR), Stockholm, Sweden. |
Dai, H. (2016, June) Decentralization and village welfare systems: Community bonding in post-socialist China. Paper presented at the HKU-USC-IPPA Conference on Public Policy, Hong Kong, China. |
Dai, H. (2016, January) From personal ties to village welfare: Changing community bonding in post-socialist rural China. Paper presented at The 20th Annual Conference Anniversary Celebration of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), Washington, DC. |
Kim, M. (2016, October). [Invited Speaker] NGO’s roles in social work and community development in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Symposium Community Development in East Asia, Seoul, Korea. |
Leung, T.T.F. (2016, July). “Consensus” in participatory management: What is in a name? Presented at the Third ISA Forum of Sociology, Vienna, Austria. |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2016, December). Financial dependence on parents, unemployment duration, job information acquisition, self-actualization and work motivation: A study of unemployed youth in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the 2016 International Forum on Social Welfare in Chinese Societies. Taipei, Taiwan. |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2016, July). The labour market experiences of mobile youth population in Hangzhou. Paper presented in the Forum on “Mobile Population Services and Management under a New Mode of Economic Growth: New Issues and Policy Responses” in the 2016 Academic Annual Conference of the Chinese Sociological Association. Lanzhou, China |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2016, July). Informal employment and social exclusion among young rural-urban migrant workers in China. Paper presented in the 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology. Vienna, Austria. |
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2016, March). Cascading effects of training for cognitive-behavioral integrated treatment (CBIT) on youth’s drug abuse. Paper presented in the Symposium and Exposition on Drug Rehabilitation Services. Hong Kong, China. |
To, S.M. (2016, July). Is Mobile Parenting Possible? A Qualitative Study on the Parenting Experiences of Chinese Rural-to-Urban Migrant Mothers of Left-behind Children. Paper presented in the Third International Sociological Association Forum. Vienna, Austria. |
To, S.M., Lam, C.M., Tam, H.L., Wu, Q., & Chen, J. (2016, June). Childrearing at a distance: A qualitative study on the parenting needs and experiences of Chinese rural-to-urban migrant mothers of left-behind children. Paper presented in the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2016. Seoul, Korea. |
Chen, A. & Wong, H. (2016, April). The Social Governance and the Revocation Crisis of Advocacy NGO in Contemporary China. Paper presented at The 74th Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, USA. |