
Journal Articles

Julia W.K. Lo, Joyce L.C. Ma. (2025). Factors mediating the intergenerational transmission of depressive symptoms: A Hong Kong study. Children and Youth Services Review, 169, 108080.
Dai, H. & Ma, G. (2024). The broken link: Learning habitus of rural students in county key high schools during COVID-19 related school closure in China. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility.
Dai, H., Ma, G., Jiang, N., & Gong, H. (2024). Behavioral and attitudinal support to zero-COVID policies among adolescents in a Chinese coastal area: direct experience and political socialization. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 17(2), 311–330.
To, S.M., Dong, L., Yang, L., Yan, M.W., So, Y.Y., & Chung, M.Y. (2024). Practitioners’ capacity-building for parent empowerment: A pilot non-randomized controlled trial. Family Process, Advance Online Publication, DOI: 10.1111/famp.12970 (SSCI Journal; 2022 Impact Factor: 3.90)
Lo, J. W. K., & Ma, J. L. C. (2023). Generating mutual support in multifamily therapy to promote father involvement and family communication quality of Chinese families of adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A qualitative study. Family Process, 00, 1–16. (pdf available here)
Jin, S. & Dai, H. (Accepted). Mismatched: Intensive mothering in China’s urban villages. Positions: Asia Critique, Special Issue “Expansive Trajectories: Re-Mapping Transnationalism in the Global China Era” (Edited by Fran Martin).
Dai, H., Jung, N., & Li, N. (Accepted). Business structures, stereotypes and knowledge of discrimination: Understanding employers’ support to paid family leave in Hong Kong. Social Policy and Society.
Xia, L. L. L., Wong, M. M. C., Ma, J. L. C., & Wan, P. (2023). The Family Structural and Socioeconomic Characteristics of the Family Well-being of Hong Kong People. International Journal of Social Welfare, 1–14. (pdf available here)
Lo, J. W. K., Ma, J. L. C., & Wong, J. C. Y. (2023). The Feasibility and the Therapeutic Process Factors of Online vs. Face-to-Face Multifamily Therapy for Adults with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder in Hong Kong: A Multi-Method Study. Contemporary Family Therapy (pdf available here)
Dai, H., Jung, N., Li, N., & Hu, M. (2022). Market merits and family virtues: Family caregivers in the labor market of Hong Kong. The China Review, 22(3), 325-351.
Dai, H., Jiang, N., & Li, R. (2022). Social worker turnover under the Lump Sum Grant Subvention System in Hong Kong: Organization-level analyses. British Journal of Social Work, 52, 1683-1702.
Dai, H., Jiang, N., & Li, R. (2022). The myth of organization autonomy: Social workers’ salary under the Lump Sum Grant Subvention System in Hong Kong. Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 16, 22-32.
Kim, M., Jung, N, & Wulandar, L. (2022). Parenting in a 24/7 economy: Mothers’ nonstandard work schedules and involvement in children’s education. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 905226.
Kim, M. (2022). Who works nonstandard schedules voluntarily? The role of having children. Journal of Family Studies, 28(3), 950-967.
Lee, L. H., & Kim. M. (2022). The effect of work on criminal behavior among formerly incarcerated young adults: A panel analysis. Social Work Research. 46(2), 115-126.
Lo, J. W. K. & Ma, J. L. C. (2022). The perceived helpfulness of structural family therapy in caring for Hong Kong Chinese families of an adolescent with intellectual disabilities: A qualitative inquiry. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 1-10, (pdf available here)
Ma, J. L. C., Xia, L. L., Yau-Ng, M. & Yiu, C. (2022). Treatment efficacy of multiple family therapy in helping Chinese children of depressed parents in Hong Kong, China. Family Process, 61, 198-212,
Lo, J. W. K., & Ma, J. L. C. (2022). Use of Nature in a Multi-Family Therapy for Chinese Families of Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Photo-elicitation Study. Journal of Family Therapy, 00: 1-16, (pdf available here)
Xia, L. L., Ma, J. L. C., Yau-Ng, M., & Yiu, C. (2022). An interactive process model of knowledge transfer for social work through university-agency collaboration: subjective experiences of the agency social workers in Hong Kong. British Journal of Social Work, 00, 1-22. https// (pdf available here)
Wong, M. M. C., Ma, J. L. C., Wan, P. S., Xia, L. L. L. & Fok, M. H. T. (2022). Development and validation of a family well-being index for Chinese families in Hong Kong. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 1-15, . (pdf available here)
Mustafina, A., Amitov, S., & Ma, J. L. C. (2022). Multiple Levels of Factors Protecting Against Peer Rejection in Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. SAGE Open. (pdf available here)
Joyce L. C. Ma (2021) Family-based intervention for Chinese families of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in Hong Kong, China, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, DOI: 10.1002/anzf.1468 (pdf available here)
Ma, J. L. C., Xia, L. L., Yau, M. L. T., Yiu, C. Y. Y. (2021). Treatment efficacy of multiple family therapy in helping Hong Kong Chinese parents recover from depression. Journal of Family Therapy, 0: 1–2. Doi: 10.1111/1467-6427.12340 (pdf available here)
Lily L. L. Xia & Joyce L. C. Ma (2021) A gendered analysis of symptom severity and perceived social support of Hong Kong Chinese parents with depression, Social Work in Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/15332985.2021.1917473 (pdf available here)
Dai, H., Jung, N., Li, N., & Hu, M. (2021). Market merits and family virtues: Family caregivers in the labor market of Hong Kong. The China Review, 22(3), 325-351.
Garcia, A. R., Kim, M., Myers, C. & Trinh, X. (2021). Do implementation contexts for the Positive Parenting Program improve child and parental well-being? Journal of Social Work, 21(6), 1512-1532.
To, S. M., Yan, M. W., & Lau, C. D. (2021). Meaning-making of motherhood among mothers with substance abuse problems. Frontiers in Psychology, 3817.
Ma, J. L. C., Wong, J. C. Y., & Xia, L. L. (2020). Helping a Chinese depressed adult with high functioning autism to reconnect with his family through structural family therapy. Journal of Family Therapy, 42: 518-535. Doi: 10.1111/1467-6427.12281.
Ma, J. L. C., Wong, J. C. Y., Xia, L. L. L., & Lo, J. W. K. (2020). Repairing the parent-child relationship for a Hong Kong Chinese family of an adult daughter with high functioning autism (HFA) through structural family therapy and multiple family therapy. Contemporary Family Therapy, 42: 121-130. 
Ma, J. L. C., Wong, J. C. Y. and Xia, L. L. (2020). Resolving intergenerational conflicts for a Hong Kong Chinese couple with a wife having high functioning autism (HFA) through structural family therapy. Asian Journal of Family Therapy, 4(1), 15-29. (pdf available here)
Si, Y., Ma, J. L. C., & Zhang, J. (2020). Factors Influencing Parenting Stress among Chinese Families of Children with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder in Xi’an, China, Children & Youth Service Review, .
Xia, L. L. L., & Ma, J. L. C. (2020). Sitting in: The experience of learning and practicing family therapy through being a cotherapist in Hong Kong. Family Process, 59,1914-1927, doi: 10.1111/famp.12531
Ho, H. W. M., Ma, J. L. C., & Lai, K. Y. C. (2020). Power relation in a school-context: Resistance of Chinese caregivers of school-age children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. International Social Work, 1-15, DOI: 10.1177/0020872819896825.
Siu, A. F. Y., & Lo, J. W. K. (2020). Promising effect of a family ruby program for children with ADHD: Promoting parent-child relationship and perceptual change on child’s behaviour. Complementary Therapies in clinical practice, 39 (101135).
Ma, J. L. C. (2019). Educational poverty of children of the poor and alleviation measures of it in Hong Kong, China. Supplement to the Journal “Studi Zancan”, 3-4: 22-29. (Italian) and (English).
Ma, J. L. C., Lai, K., Wan, E. S. F., & Xia, L. L. (2019). Multiple family therapy for Chinese families of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: treatment efficacy from the children’s perspective, and their subjective experiences. Journal of Family Therapy, 41:599-619. Doi: 10.1111/1467-6427.12240.
Ma, J. L. C., Lai, K. Y. C., & Xia, L. L. L. (2019). Perceived social support, perception of competence, and hope among Chinese children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in a Chinese context: Children's perspective. Child & Family Social Work, 1-9. doi:10.1111/cfs.12655
Lo, W. K., & Ma, C. L. (2019). Understanding attention deficit hyperactivity disorder from social-ecological and evolutionary perspectives: Implications for an alternative psychosocial intervention for Chinese families of adolescents with ADHD. Movement and Nutrition in Health and Disease. DOI: 10.5283/mnhd.20
Wong, M. M. C., Ma, J. L. C., & Xia, L. L. L. (2019). A Qualitative Study of Parents’ and Children’s Views on Mediation. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 60(6), 418-435. doi:10.1080/10502556.2018.1558857
Wong, M. C., Ma, J. L. C, Xia, L. L., & Hui, J. K. (2019). A study on family research in Hong Kong: a critical review and annotated bibliography. Family Council of HKSAR government.
Wong, M. M. C., Ma, J. L. C., & Yuan, R. (2019). Effects of mediator’s professional competence and mediation process on user satisfaction with child custody, finances, and property outcomes, Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 13: 242-251, DOI: 10.1111/aswp.12176.
Xia, L. L. & Ma, J. L. C. (2019). Childcare polices and services in Hong Kong after the handover: Beyond a feminist critique. Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 13: 295-306, DOI: 10.1111/aswp.12182.
Mooly Mei-ching Wong, Timothy Yuk-ki Leung, and Kar-choi Chan (2019) The application of a small group learning approach to social group work teaching - an exploratory study. Social Work with Groups 42 (2), 142-157
Ma, J. L. C., Yuan, R. R., Leung, T. Y. K., & Wong, O. L. (2018) Subjective learning experiences of psychiatric nurses being trained in family therapy: A qualitative inquiry in Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Family Therapy. 2(2), 27-41.
Lai, K. Y. C., Ma, J. L. C., & Xia, L. L. (2018). Multifamily therapy for children with ADHD in Hong Kong: The different impacts on fathers and mothers. Journal of Attention Disorders. DOI: 10.1177/1087054718756195
Wan, E. S. F., Lo, J. W. K., Ma, J. L. C., Yau-Ng, M. L. T. & Lai, K. Y. C. (2018) Parental Experience in Multi-Family Therapy for Chinese Families of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Exploring the Role of Mutual Aid. Asian Journal of Family Therapy. 2(1), 62-76.
Leung, G. S. M., Leung T. Y. K., Cheung, C. M. S., Sin, S. F. Y., Yeung, V. Y. Y., & Chan, C. S. Y. (2018). Group intervention for Chinese elderly adults with insomnia using Cognitive-behavioural approach and Strategies and Skills Learning and Development. China Journal of Social Work, 11, 132-151.
Ma, J. L. C. (2017). Growing Up in Pain: Anorexia Nervosa and Family Therapy in a Chinese Context, Eating Disorders - A Paradigm of the Biopsychosocial Model of Illness, Prof. Ignacio Jáuregui Lobera (Ed.), InTech, doi: 10.5772/65247.
Ma, J. L. C. & Xia, L. L. (2017). Development of social welfare service after 1997 in Hong Kong: the case of children service. In M. C. Cheung & W. K. Chui (Eds.), Post-1997 Hong Kong (pp. 413-444). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK. (Chinese). 社會福利: 以兒童照顧為例 ,載於張妙清、趙永佳編<香港特區二十年>,香港中文大學香港亞太研究所。
Ma, J. L. C., Lai, K. Y. C., & Lo, J. W. K. (2017). Impact of age and symptom severity on parent-child relationships and self-perception among Chinese children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Social Work in Mental Health, 15 (5), 538-554. doi: 10.1080/15332985.2016.1261752.
Ma, J. L. C., Yuen, R. R., Leung, Y. K. & Wong, O. L. (2017). Learning Outcome of a Family Therapy Training Course for Psychiatric Nurses in a Chinese Context. Contemporary Family Therapy. doi: 10.1007/s10591-017-9422-1.
Ma, J. L. C., Yau, M. L. T., Yuan, R. R. (2017). Roles and Challenges of professional supervision in social service agency development: The case of Jinan, Shandong. Social Work Review, (1), 129-145. (In Chinese). 專業督導在機構發展中的角色與挑戰 - 以山東濟南為例, <社會工作評論>.上海復旦大學出版
Ma, J. L. C., Lai, K. Y. C., & Xia, L. L. L. (2017). Treatment efficacy of multiple family therapy for Chinese children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Family Process. doi:10.1111/famp.12297.
吳惠貞。 (2017) 。「雨後藍天」載於《深耕細作在心田 II -25個優秀社工的故事》 第1版 。香港: 陸續出版有限公司。
Wong, M. M. C., Ma, J. L. C. & Chan, L. C. L. (2017). The impact of poverty on children in out-of-home care services in a Chinese context and the application of multiple family group therapy to enrich their family lives. Children and Youth Services Review. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2017.06.013.
Xia, L. L. L. (2017). The family impasse of adult survivors of father-daughter sexual abuse: a clinical case study with the application of the systemic perspective and attachment theory. Social Work Journal, 4 (271), 54-64 (Chinese). 遭父性侵女性成年后的家庭困局:一项基于系统视角和依恋理论的临床案例分析。社会工作,2017年04期,54-64.文章编号:1672-4828(2017)04-0054-11.
Ma, J. L. C., Lai, K. Y. C. & Lo, W. K. (2016). Impact of Age and Symptom Severity on Parent-Child Relationships and Self-Perception among Chinese Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Social Work in Mental Health, doi: 10.1080/15332985.2016.1261752.
Ma, J. L. C. & Lai, K. (2016). Paternal and maternal experiences in caring for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in a Chinese society. Asian Social Work and Policy Review. 1-15. doi:10.1111/aswp.12089.
Ma, J. L. C., Lai, K. Y. C. & Lo, W. K. (2016). Perceived social support in Chinese parents of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in a Chinese context: Implications for social work practice. Social Work in Mental Health, doi:10.1080/15332985.2016.1159643.
Ma, J. L. C., Lai, K., & Wan, E. S. F. (2016). Multi-family group intervention for Chinese families with a child suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorders in a Chinese context. Social Work with Groups, 1-18. doi:10.1080/01609513.2015.1132028.
Chung CL, Pernice-Duca F, Biegel DE, Norden M, Chang, C. (2016). Family perspectives of how their relatives with mental illness benefit from Clubhouse participation: a qualitative inquiry. Journal of Mental Health, 25(4), 372-378. doi: 10.3109/09638237.2016.1149805.
Wan, E. S. F., Ma, J. L. C., Lai, K., & Lo, W. K. (2016). The Subjective Experiences of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder of Chinese Families in Hong Kong: The Co-construction of Meanings in Multiple Family Group. Health & Social Work, 1-9. doi: 10.1093/hsw/hlw023.
Ma, J. L. C., Wong, C. K., Tse, S. K. (2015). A Community Mental Health Approach in Identifying People at Risk of Poor Mental Health: A Case Study in Hong Kong. Advances in Applied Sociology. 5, 243-257. Doi: 10.4236/associ.2015.59023.
Ma, J. L. C., Lai, K., & Wan, E. S. F. (2015). Maltreatment in parent-child relationships in Chinese families with children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Hong Kong: A qualitative study. British Journal of Social Work, 1-19, doi-10.1093/bjsw/bev079.
Ma, J. L. C. (2014). The father's roles in the recovery of young Chinese suffering from eating disorders in two Chinese cities, Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Journal of Family Therapy, Doi: 10.1111/1467-6427.12037.
Ma, J. L., & Lai, K. Y. (2014). Family Engagement in Children with Mental Health Needs in a Chinese Context: A Dream or Reality?. Journal of Ethnic And Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 23(3-4), 173-189.
Lau, Y. K., Ma, J. L. C., Wan, P. S., & Lai, L. Y (2014). The work-family interface in Hong Kong: Implications for social work practice. Journal of Family Social Work, 17, 3-20. DOI:10.1080/10522158.2013.865286.
Mooly M. C. Wong, Joyce L. C. Ma & Londy C. L. Chan (2014): Multiple Family Group Therapy for Families with Children Placed in Out-Of-Home Care in a Chinese Context, Social Work with Groups, DOI: 10.1080/01609513.2014.921882
Wong, O. L., & Ma, J. L. C. (2013). Development of Family Therapy in Hong Kong, Contemporary Family Therapy. (DOI) 10.1007/s10591-013-9251-9.
Leung, S. F., Ma, J. L. C., & Russell, J. (2013). Enhancing quality of life in people with disordered eating using an online self-help programme. Journal of Eating Disorders, 1:9, doi:10.1186/2050-2974-1-9.
Leung, S. F., Ma, J. L. C., & Russell, J. (2013). Enhancing motivation to change in eating disorders with an online self-help programme. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 22, 329-339. Doi:10.1111/j.1447-0349.2012.00870.x
Leung, Y. K. (2013) Alternative ways of Social Work Education: reflection from C vision experiences In Conference on Alternative Social Work Education dated April 20 ,2013.
Leung, G., Leung, Y. K., &, Ng, L. T. M. (2013). An outcome study of Gestalt oriented growth workshops in International Journal of Group Psychotherapy.


黃美菁、馬麗莊、尹寶珊、夏麗麗。 (2021)。「 香港「家庭幸福」狀況」。載於蕭新煌、尹寶珊、楊文山、鄭宏泰編<勾勒與比較台港社會意索> 37-68頁。香港: 香港中文大學香港亞太研究所。(pdf 在此
廖國康、梁玉麒、黃幹知編著 (2019)。《混合媒介與社會工作:理論與實踐》。於社會工作小組叢書。梁玉麒、游達裕、黃幹知主編。香港:策馬文創。
馬麗莊、溫淑芬、夏麗麗、邱吳麗端、饒欣怡。(2019) 。《多元家庭小組協助受抑鬱症困擾的家長及其家庭的先導計劃》。香港: 經濟日報出版社。
梁玉麒、張敏思、冼鳳儀、楊婉兒、梁淑雯、陳順意編著 (2018年5月)。《尋回清靜心:長者失眠改善小組實務手冊》。基督教香港信義會社會服務部。香港:策馬文創。
陳偉業、 盧浩元、 梁玉麒及黃幹知編. (2015)《相入非屝 – 攝影為本活動與社工介入》. 社會工作小組叢書. 第八卷。梁玉麒、游達裕、黃幹知主編。 香港: 策馬文創有限公司。
黃幹知、梁玉麒編著 (2014)。《一齊玩斗:一百個發展性主題遊戲活動》。於社會工作小組叢書。梁玉麒、游達裕、黃幹知主編。香港:策馬文創。

Research Project Report

馬麗莊、黃美菁 ,邱吴麗端,羅穎嘉 (2021) 「輕中度智障青少的家庭為本介入:探索性研究」。香港中文大學社會工作學系及香港弱智人士家長聯會出版.
Wong, M. M. C., Ma, J. L. C., Wan, P. S., Xia, L. L., & Fok, H. T. (2020). Research report on a study on family wellbeing index in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Family Welfare Society. 
(Family-wellbeing report香港家庭幸福指數調查研究報告: and questionnaire: )
Wong, M. M. C., Leung, G. S. M., Ma, J. L. C., Fok, M. H. T. & Yip, E. Y. C. (2020). Research report on the Kindergarten Stationing Service - Enhancement of Social Emotional Competencies of Preschoolers. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Family Welfare Society.
Wong, M. M. C., Ma, J. L. C., Wan, P. S., Xia, L. L., & Fok, H. T. (2020). Research report on a study on family wellbeing index in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Family Welfare Society.
Research project report by Zhou, H., Dai, H., Hu, M., & Tadeo, M. C. M. (2017). Impact Evaluation Study on Enrich’s Financial and Empowerment Education Programme. Hong Kong: Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.