
Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops Organized

Electronic Learning Resources Launching and Sharing Session on “By me, not for me” for Supporting People with Intellectual Disabilities in Life-planning by Wong, P.K.S. (21 September 2024)
Sharing Session on a Group-based Self-Determination Enhancement Intervention for People with Intellectual Disability by Wong, P.K.S. – held online (24 June 2022)
Mainland-Hong Kong Multidisciplinary Disability Research Conference 2022 co-organized by Beijing - Hong Kong Universities Alliance, Department of Social Work, CUHK, and School of Sociology and Population Studies, Renmin University of China – held online (14 May 2022)
Seminar on “Experiences and Needs of People with Mental Disorders in Parenting” co-organized by Beijing - Hong Kong Universities Alliance, Department of Social Work, CUHK, and School of Sociology and Population Studies, Renmin University of China – held online (30 April 2022)
Seminar on “Face-to-face and Online Family Interventions for the Development of Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities” co-organized by Beijing - Hong Kong Universities Alliance, Department of Social Work, CUHK, and School of Sociology and Population Studies, Renmin University of China – held online (26 March 2022)
Seminar on “Mezzo-level Intervention: Promoting Workplace Inclusion for People with Disabilities (PWDs)” co-organized by Beijing - Hong Kong Universities Alliance, Department of Social Work, CUHK, and School of Sociology and Population Studies, Renmin University of China – held online (19 February 2022)
Seminar on “Research on Children with Autism in a Multidisciplinary Context” co-organized by Beijing - Hong Kong Universities Alliance, Department of Social Work, CUHK, and School of Sociology and Population Studies, Renmin University of China – held online (15 January 2022)
Seminar on “Research on Wage Discrimination against People with Disabilities (PWDs) in China” co-organized by Beijing - Hong Kong Universities Alliance, Department of Social Work, CUHK, and School of Sociology and Population Studies, Renmin University of China – held online (18 December 2021)
Seminar on “Persons with Disabilities in the Digital Society – Current Situation, Activities and Social Impact” co-organized by Beijing - Hong Kong Universities Alliance, Department of Social Work, CUHK, and School of Sociology and Population Studies, Renmin University of China – held online (27 November 2021)
Seminar on “A Possible Path for Persons with Disabilities to Gain Equal Judicial Protection” co-organized by Beijing - Hong Kong Universities Alliance, Department of Social Work, CUHK, and School of Sociology and Population Studies, Renmin University of China  – held online (23 October 2021)
Seminar on “Action Research on Social Work Services for Migrant Workers with Mental Illness” co-organized by Beijing - Hong Kong Universities Alliance, Department of Social Work, CUHK, and School of Sociology and Population Studies, Renmin University of China  – held online (25 September 2021)
Sharing Session on “Self-Determination of People with Intellectual Disabilities” by Wong, P.K.S. – held online (28 May 2021)
Sharing Session on “Application of Positive Behaviour Support” co-organized by the Department of Social Work, CUHK and the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong by Wong, P.K.S. – held online (5 March 2021)
Family-based caregiving under transforming regimes: Challenges and opportunities in Asian societies in the 3rd Transforming Care Conference, thematic panel session organized and convened by Wong, P.K.S. – held at the Polytechnic of Milan, Italy (26-28 June 2017)
Report on Better Protection of Legal Rights for Vulnerable Victims / Witnesses, co-organized by the Department of Social Work, CUHK and the Civil Society Law Reform Committee by Wong, P.K.S. – held at CUHK (1 April 2017)
Symposium on How to improve the legal protection and support services for victims of sexual assault who have intellectual disability (ID) by Wong, P.K.S. – held at CUHK (9 December 2016)


Conference Presentations/ Participations

Wong P. K. S. (2024). Co-creation Process of the Educational Applications and Videos on Self-determination Skills with People with Intellectual Disabilities: Hong Kong’s Experience. Chicago, Illinois, USA: The 17th IASSIDD World Conference
Wong P. K. S. (2024). Facilitating group-based intervention on self-determination competence enhancement for adults with intellectual disability in Hong Kong: Group workers’ experiences, challenges and reflections. Gothenburg, Sweden: The 2024 international conference on social work research, education, and practice
Chen, J., Wong, Y.H., Cheung, M.C., Yip, J. (2024, July 24-27). Development and evaluation of a body mapping tank-top for early stage scoliosis treatment in adolescents. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Nice, France.
Che, R.P., Cheung, M.C. (2024, July 11-15). Factors associated with intended utilization of home-based long-term care among older adults in China: The moderating effect of community support. Paper presented at the 4th European Conference on Aging & Gerontology (EGen2024), London, United Kingdom. (online)
Cheung M.C., Leung, Y.M., Law, D., Yip, J., Cheung, J.P.Y. (2024, July 3-4). “Back You Up” protocol: Individualized empowerment programme for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business, Economy, Management, and Social Studies, Tokyo, Japan.
Han, Y.M.Y., Chan, M.M.Y., Shea, C.K.S., Cheung, M.C., and Chan, A.S. (2024, May 15-18). Effects of multisession prefrontal tDCS and concurrent cognitive remediation training for enhancing social and cognitive functions in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Paper presented at the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) 2024 Annual Meeting, Melbourne, Australia.
Cheung, M.C., Leung, Y.M., Wong, Y.H., Yip, J. (2024, June 12-13). Gender differences in the influence of excessive smartphone use on physical and mental health of early adolescents. Paper presented at the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) Symposium, Leeds, United Kingdom.
Law, D., Cheung, J., Cheung, M.C., Yip, J. (2024, May 23-27). Integrating social design into design pedagogy. Paper presented at the 15th Asian Conference on Art and Humanities, Tokyo, Japan.
Che, R.P., Cheung, M.C. (2024, March 25-29). Adaptation and validation of the Perceived Community Support Questionnaire (PCSQ) for older Chinese adults. Paper presented at the 10th Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology, Tokyo, Japan.
Wong P. K. S. (2023). Adapting and Applying a Positive Behaviour Support Model for People with Intellectual Disabilities in Adult Services and a Special School: An Initial Experience in Hong Kong. Osaka, Japan: The 4th Asia Pacific International Conference on Positive Behaviour Support
Wong P. K. S. (2023). Effects of a Group-Based Intervention on Self-Determination Competence Enhancement for Adults with Mild Intellectual Disabilities: A Randomized Controlled Trial Study in Hong Kong. Aalborg, Denmark: The 6th International Conference on Practice Research in Social Work 2023
Wong, Y.H., Yip, J., Cheung, M.C. (2023, July 20-24). Biofeedback posture training for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patient. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences, San Francisco, U.S.A.
Wan, F.K.W., Yip, J., Mak, A.T.H., Kwan, K.Y.H., Cheung, M.C., Cheng, B., Yick, K.L., Ng, Z.S.P. (2023, July 20-24). Anomaly detection of bicep curl using pose estimation. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics
and the Affiliated Conferences, San Francisco, U.S.A. (p.45-53)
Cheung, M.C., Yip, J., & Cheung, P.Y.J. (2023, July 19-21). Interdisciplinary collaboration in posture training for community-dwelling adolescents with mild scoliosis. Paper presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Cheung, M.C. & Yip, J. (2023, May 26-29). Influence of excessive smartphone use during COVID-19 on health-related quality of life of early adolescents. Paper presented at the 14th Asian Conference on the Social Sciences (ACSS2023), Tokyo, Japan.
Kodate, N., Hauray, B., Maeda, Y., Chan, W.C.H., Cheung, M.C., Dalgalarrondo, S., Donnelly, S., Mannan, H., & O'Shea, D. (2022, May 2-4). A vision of future care? Public and stakeholders’ perceptions of care robots in Ireland, France and Hong Kong SAR China. Paper presented at the STS Conference Graz 2022, Graz, Austria.

Wong, P. K. S. (2021). Measuring the Impact of an ICF-Based Practice on Staff Valence. Demark (Virtual): The 24th Rehabilitation International World Congress 2021

Wong, P. K. S. (2021). Developing protocol for self-determination group intervention for adults with intellectual disability. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Virtual): The 6th Europe Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Kodate, N., Donnelly, S., Cheung, M.C., Maeda, Y., Mannan, H., Chan, W.C.H., & O'Shea, D. (2021, November 18). Can care robots assist older people and long-term care systems? Key stakeholders’ perceptions in Hong Kong SAR, China and Ireland. Paper presented at the Irish Gerontological Society Annual and Scientific Meeting 2021. (online)
Kodate, N., Maeda, Y., Hauray, B., Chan, W.C.H., Mannan, H., Dalgalarrondo, S., Cheung, M.C., Yumoto, A, Suwa, S., Yu, W., Donnelly, S., Sakata, N., O'Shea, D., Obayashi, K., & Masuyama, S. (2021, July 7-9). A vision for the future? Shifting portrayals of care robots in newspaper articles in Asia and Europe. Paper presented at the 50th Anniversary Annual Conference of the British Society of Gerontology. (online)
Wong, P. K. S. (2020). A Culturally-tailored Personal Self-Determination Enhancement Intervention for People with Mild Intellectual Disabilities and Their Caregivers in Hong Kong – A Randomised Controlled Trial. Malaysia (virtual): International Special Education Ecosystem 2020: Reimagining Virtual Inclusiveness – Restart, Rethink, Reshape
Wong, P. K. S. (2019). The Application of a Positive Behaviour Support Model for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Pioneering Study in Hong Kong. Glasgow, Scotland, UK: The World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 2019
Wong, P. K. S. (2019). The Impact of Introducing an ICF-Based Practice on Staff Competency and Readiness: A Framework Development and Scale Construction. Macau, China: Rehabilitation International Asia and Pacific Regional Conference 2019
Cheung, M.C., Yip, J., Wong, C. S. H. (2019, May 21-24). Quality of life among Young Female Adolescents with Regular Daily Use of Electronic/Video Games in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the IISES International Academic Conference, London, United Kingdom.
Cheung, M.C., Yip, J., Wong, C. S. H. (2019, April 1-3). Influence of Computer and Smartphone Usage on Quality of Life in Young Female Adolescents in Hong Kong. Paper presented at 2019 International Symposium on Education and Psychology (ISEP 2019). Fukuoka International Congress Center, Fukuoka, Japan
Wong, P. K. S. (2018). Enhancing Staff Competence of Using Positive Behaviour Support Model for Adults with Intellectual Disability in Hong Kong. Athens, Greece: The 5th IASSIDD Europe Congress Diversity & Belonging: Celebrating Difference
Cheung, M.C., Yip, J., Fok, L., Kwok, G. (2018, June 28-30). Prevalence of pain and mood symptoms in female adolescents with early signs of scoliosis. Paper presented at 2018 International Health Conference, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Wong, P. K. S. (2018, July) Expanding career opportunities with tertiary qualification? – Employment experiences of college graduates with visual disabilities in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the The Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2018. Dublin, Ireland.
Chan K.C., Lai D.W., Yau S. (2017, September). Management of residual symptoms and psychotropic medication side-effects among older and soon-to-be old adults with chronic mental illness. Paper presented at the 13th International Congress of The European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS 2017). Nice, France.
Kwok G., Yip J., Cheung M. C., Yick K. L., (2017, May 4-6). Development of Posture Correction Tank-Top Synchronized with Biofeedback Muscle Training for Adolescents with Early Scoliosis. Paper presented at 12th SOSORT International Conference on Scoliosis, Lyon, France, (p.63-64).
Cheung, M.C., Yip, J., Fok, LH. Kwok, G. (2017, May). Health-related quality of life in adolescents with mild scoliosis. Paper presented at the 31st International Academic Conference, London, United Kingdom.
Wong, P.K.S., Yeung, R.C.F, & Fung, M.H.Y. (2017, June). Impact of Caring on Hong Kong Family Caregivers of People with Disabilities. Paper presented at the 3rd Transforming Care Conference: Innovation and Sustainability, Milan, Italy.
Chu, C.Y., Chan K.C. (2016, December). A Qualitative Study on Carer-Resident Relationship and Functional Status Change in Older Adults Receiving Residential Long-term Care. Paper presented at the 2016 International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) Asian Regional Meeting. Taipei, Taiwan.
Chan K.C., Sadavoy J. (2016, October). A Cost-effective Approach of Identifying Community-dwelling Elders with Possible Dementia through Periodic Mini-Cog Screening. Paper presented at The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) 2016 New Zealand Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand.
Chan, K.C. (2016). Invited lecture titled "A Novel Approach in Identifying Elders with Possible Cognitive Impairment through Periodic Screenings". 6th International Summer University. Jinan, China.
Cheung, M.C., & Chan, A.S. (2016, June). Impact of Perceived Social Support on the Cognitive Function of Chinese Elderly. Paper presented at the International Hokkaido Forum – Organizational Behavior, Psychology and Education, Sapporo, Japan.
Kwok G., Yip J., Cheung M.C., Yick K. L., Tse C.Y., Ng S.P. (2016, June) Posture Training Tank-Top For Adolescent Patients with Mild Idiopathic Scoliosis Synchronized with Electromyographic Signal. Paper presented at the Textile Summit and Postgraduate Student Conference, Hong Kong, China.
Kwok, G., Yip, J., Cheung, M.C., Yick, K.L., Tse, C.Y., & Ng S.P. (2016, January) Behavioral Training of Paraspinal Muscles in Sitting Position with Biofeedback for Adolescent Patients with Mild Idiopathic Scoliosis. Paper presented at the CPCE Health Conference: Aging, Health and Long Term Care – Integrity, Innovation and Sustainability, Hong Kong, China.
Wong, P.K.S. & Chow, A.Y.M. (2016, June). The Role of Relational Self-Determination in the Personal Well-being of Adults with Mild Intellectual Disabilities in Hong Kong – A Preliminary Study. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health, Singapore.
Chan, K.C., Sadavoy, J. (2015, October13-16). Concerns of using Mini-Cog to screen Chinese elders for cognitive impairment. 2015 International Congress, International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA). Berlin
Chan, L.F., Yau, S., Lai, D.W.L., & Chan, K.C. (2015, October 19-22) Comorbidity of medical illness among soon-to-be-old and aging adults with mental illness in Hong Kong: Implications for the Directions of Service Provision. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) Asia/Oceanic 2015 Congress. Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Chan, K.C. (2015, July 6). Wellness Centre: an evidence-guided approach in promoting early, equitable and culturally-relevant mental health access for Toronto Chinese elders. International Symposium - Social Work and Social Inclusion: Local Challenges in a Global Context, 6th International Summer University. Jinan, China.
Chan, K.C., Wong, A.T., & Leung, T.K. (2015, January 5-6). Golden Dreams of Elders in Hong Kong. Conference on Aging – Putting Aging Research and Clinical Practice in Cultural Context. Dept. of Psychology, CUHK & Gerontological Society of America. Hong Kong. (Workshop)
Chan, K.C., & Sadavoy, J. (2014, October 23-26). Single-session educational intervention promoting positive post-screening help-seeking for elders with possible dementia and depression. 2014 International Meeting, International Psychogeriatic Association. Beijing, China.
Chan, K.C. (2014, May 28-30). Feasibility and Restrictions of Applying Mini-Cog to Screen Chinese Elders for Cognitive Impairment. International Conference on Social Work, Social Welfare and Social Policy in Chinese Societies. Hong Kong.
Chan, K.C., & Sadavoy, J. (2012, September 30-October 2). Wellness Centre: An Evidence-Guided Approach to Delivering Culturally Relevant Community Psychogeriatric Services for Chinese Elders. Knowledge Mobilization Symposium. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Chan, K.C., Sadavoy, J., Wesson, J., & Chiu, M. (2012, September 30-October 2). The Reitman Centre* CARERS Program - a problem-focused caregiver support and training program tested in the Toronto Chinese community. Knowledge Mobilization Symposium. Vancouver, BC, Canada.


Knowledge Transfer Activities (Award/ Press/ Media/ Talk/ Workshop)

2023 - 2024
E-learning platform launching for enhancing life planning competence of people with intellectual disabilities by Wong, P. K. S. (21 Sept 2024). Develop an e-learning platform to provide self-help resources, such as activity plans, worksheets, videos, presentation files, and articles, for social workers, special educators, and parents to learn the know-how of applying the curriculum.

Press conference by Wong, P. K. S. (15 October 2018). Study on Employment Situations of People with Visual Disabilities in Hong Kong. Totally 11 media reported:
Ming Pao:

Oriental Daily:

Sky Post:

Sing Pao:

Ta Kung Pao:




China Daily:


Lion Rock Daily:


Workshop by Wong, P.K.S. (10/2017 – 12/2018). Offered 3 whole-day workshops for social workers of the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong on the Application of Positive Behavioural Support Model for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities (No. of participants: 30).
Workshop by Chan, K.C. (12/2016 – 1/2017, 11/2017) Delivered a series of training workshops on “Working with older adults with mental illness and emotional problems”, organized by the New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, commissioned by the Social Welfare Department. (No. of participants: Over 400 social work, nursing, OT practitioners were trained in those workshops)
Media interview expert list by Chan, K.C. (2016 & 2017). Listed on the CUHK Expert list for media interview.
Workshop by Chan, K.C. (9 December 2017). Offered a one-day workshop to social services professionals on Cognitive Assessment & Screening, organized by New Life Psychiatric Institute. (No. of participants: 15)
Lectures by Chan, K.C. (20 December 2017). Provided 2 lectures on the module focusing on caregiving stress – assessment and intervention, a part of the “Certified Dementia Care Planner” course. (No. of participants: About 60 elderly services workers and professionals (including social workers, nurses, and OTs) are enrolled in that certification training program.)
Award: Cheung, M.C. (2017, April) Gold Medal awarded by The 45rd International Exhibition of Inventions, Geneva, Switzerland.
Award: Cheung, M.C. (2017, April) Special Award awarded by Romanian Association for Nonconventional Technologies, Bucharest, Romania.
Public Talk by Wong, P.K.S. (December 2017) “Service Quality of Residential Homes for People with Disabilities and the Future Ahead”. Alliance for Residential Care. (Carers, social workers, and paramedical professions, No. of participants: 100).
Press conference by Wong, P.K.S. (23 March 2017). Press conference regarding the “Report on Better Protection of Legal Rights for Vulnerable Victims / Witnesses”. News report
(six media outlets have joined the press conference)
Report by Wong, P.K.S. (1 April 2017). Better Protection of Legal Rights for Vulnerable Victims / Witnesses. Co-organized by Department of Social Work, CUHK and the Civil Society Law Reform Committee. (No. of participants: 100 Family members of people with disabilities and disability professionals of NGOs and special schools)
Public talk by Wong, P.K.S. (1 April 2017). People with Intellectual Disability and Sexual Assault: Improvement on Legal Procedure and Victim Support Services. Organized by the Department of Social Work, CUHK. (No. of participants: 200 Family members of people with intellectual disability, and disability professionals of NGOs and special schools).
Workshops by Wong, P.K.S. (11/2017 – 12/2017). Positive Behavioural Support for People with Intellectual Disabilities – Value and Application, organized by the Department for the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong (No. of participants: 4 identical workshops for totally 220 staff members of the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong).
Workshop: Chan, K.C. (18 November 2016). Invited to conduct a training workshop in for the nursing and health-care staff of a Long-term Care Home operated by the Society for the Aged (SAGE) to promote the awareness of and the skills of handling mood problems and suicidal ideations among elderly residents. (No. of participants: 50)
US Patent: Cheung, M.C. (2016, August) Body-sensing tank top with biofeedback system for patients with scoliosis (U.S. Patent no. US 2016/0220174 A1)
Patent: Cheung, M.C. (2016, July) 具有用于患脊柱側凸的患者的生物反饋系統的体感背心 。Filed by 中华人民共和国国家知识产权局 。
Co-organizer: Cheung, M.C. (4/5/2016 – 10/9/2016). Community service programme “Gift of Beauty”. Co-organized with Poly University of Hong Kong and Kwong Wah Hospital Family Medicine and General Out-Patient Department, Kwong Wah Hospital Allied Health Services, Hong Kong. (No. of participants: 500 elders)
Public lecture by Wong, H. (23 May 2016). Forum on retirement protection consultation paper. (No. of participants: 200)
Public talk by Wong, P.K.S. (18 March 2016). Supporting Students with Special Learning Needs in the University, in Symposium on Development Disorders. Office of Student Affairs, CUHK. (No. of participants: 100 University teachers and the concerned colleagues from other universities).
Roundtable Discussion Session: Wong, P.K.S. (14 March 2016). In Symposium on Family Caregiving in Chinese Societies–A Life Span Perspective. Organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences, HKU. (No. of participants: 100 Colleagues from NGOs, caregivers, university teachers,).
Public talk by Wong, P.K.S. (9 December 2016). People with Intellectual Disability and Sexual Assault: Local and Overseas Situations. Organized by the Department of Social Work, CUHK. (No. of participants: 200 Family members of people with intellectual disability, and disability professionals of NGOs and special schools).