E-learning platform for enhancing life planning competence of people with intellectual disabilities
Project Collaborator |
Dr. Wong King-shui, Phyllis |
Duration | 2023-2024 |
Funding Body | Knowledge Transfer Project Fund |
Amount | HKD 400,000 |
Description |
A curriculum which aims to enhance the life-planning skills for people with ID has been developed, and its effectiveness has already been evidenced by an RGC-funded randomized controlled trial study in 2020. This project aims to develop an e-learning platform to provide self-help resources, such as activity plans, worksheets, videos, presentation files, and articles, for social workers, special educators, and parents to learn the know-how of applying the curriculum. To facilitate their adoption of the curriculum in practice, teaching tools kits and an educational app which helps people with ID to learn and execute life-planning skills will be produced. |
Promotion of a strength-based approach in understanding and helping children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD)
Project Collaborator |
Prof. Joyce Ma |
Duration | 2019-2021 |
Funding Body | Knowledge Transfer Project Fund |
Amount | HKD 399,978.4 |
Description |
This 24-month cross-disciplinary project aims to disseminate the knowledge and wisdom regarding ADHD among children diagnosed with ADHD and their families, teachers, and helping professionals (including school social worker, educational psychologist and clinical psychologist); and to promote the understanding of the strength and talent of children with ADHD and the collaboration between the parents, teachers and helping professionals in supporting these children. |
Train the trainers: Minority girls and gender justice
Project Collaborator |
Prof. Raees Baig |
Duration | 2018-2019 |
Funding Body | Knowledge Transfer Project Fund |
Amount | HKD 337,442 |
Description | This project aims to provide educational programme for minority Muslim young women to learn about gender equality and women’s movement as well as skills training to be spokespersons on gender equality issues. |
Impact Assessment for Good
Project Collaborator |
Prof. Wong Hung |
Duration | 2018-2019 |
Funding Body | Sustainable Knowledge Transfer Project Fund |
Amount | HKD 400,000 |
Description |
This project is going to set up a social enterprise "Impact Assessment for Good" and it will be registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee in Hong Kong. In the hope of promoting a sustainable and justice society, the SE will offer quality research services and specialize on face-to-face survey, focus group discussion and social impact assessment (SIA) primarily for SEs and NGOs. "Impact Assessment for Good" will also provide quality survey services to government and public bodies who need to evaluate and assess policy and project outcomes. |
Institute for User Participation (IUP)
Project Collaborator |
Prof. Leung Tse-fong, Terry and Dr. Wong King-shui, Phyllis |
Duration | 2018 |
Funding Body | Sustainable Knowledge Transfer Project Fund |
Amount | HKD 200,000 |
Description | With the second year funding, their Institute for User Participation (IUP) will continue to promote experience-based planning among welfare service providers and support empowerment evaluation of social and welfare projects. |
Institute for User Participation (IUP)
Project Collaborator |
Prof. Leung Tse-fong, Terry and Dr. Wong King-shui, Phyllis |
Duration | 2017 |
Funding Body | Sustainable Knowledge Transfer Project Fund |
Amount | HKD 400,000 |
Description | The Institute for User Participation (IUP) aims to promote user participation and participatory decision-making. The first workshop was successfully held on 4 Dec 2017. |
An Evidence-Based Neuropsychological Intervention for Mildly Cognitive/Emotionally Deteriorating Elderly in Hong Kong
Project Collaborator |
Prof. Cheung Mei-chun |
Duration | 2015-2016 |
Funding Body | Knowledge Transfer Project Fund |
Amount | HKD 399,534 |
Description | This proposed service-based project aims to provide an ecologically valid intervention that is developed based upon Chinese culture for older adults in Hong Kong who show the early signs of cognitive and/or mood disorder. |
「福利服務使用者參與管理」資源網站 (Web-based resource hub on user involvement in welfare service planning and management)
Coordinating Leader |
Prof. Leung Tse-fong, Terry |
Duration | 2013 - 2014 |
Funding Body | Knowledge Transfer Project Fund, CUHK |
Amount | HKD 140,260 |
Description | (Only in Chinese) 基於社工理念的自決原則,以及配合社會福利署的評估需要,本港社福機構越來越重視服務使用者的參與,然而,機構人員對於使用者參與服務決策及管理仍有很多憂慮和困惑。「福利服務使用者參與管理」的資源網站設立的目的是透過方便的渠道,為有意推動服務使用者參與的人士,提供有用的資訊及建議。 |
Website | http://www.user-involvement.com.hk/ |
Grief Detection and Management for Caregivers of People with Dementia
Project Collaborator |
Prof. Chan Chi-ho, Wallace |
Duration | 2013 - 2015 |
Funding Body | Knowledge Transfer Project Fund, CUHK/ UGC Earmarked Fund for Knowledge Transfer |
Amount | HKD 285,000 |
Description | The project aims to develop a guideline of protocol for clinical and social service professionals to effectively identify grief and loss of family caregivers of people with dementia and provide necessary support so as to provide better and holistic care to both the caregivers and the people with dementia. |