BSW (HKBU), MAFCFE (CUHK), PhD (HKBU), RSW, Associate Fellow (HKPCA), Approved Counselling Supervisor (HKPCA), Certified Counsellor (HKPCA), EMDR Therapist (EMDRHK), CCSP (NCDA), FCD Instructor (NCDA); GCDF Trainer (CCE) 3943 3765
- 婚姻和家庭諮詢
- 博域家庭系統理論
- 依附關係及親職
- 心理健康和創傷知情實踐
- 臨床社會工作和小組輔導
- 生涯發展
- 表達藝術治療
- Ng, P.Y.N., Yang, S., & Chiu, R (2024). Features of emerging adulthood, perceived stress and life satisfaction in Hong Kong emerging adults. Current Psychology. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-024-05811-1
- Chiu, R. (2023). A family systems perspective on children and adolescent mental health. In D. Young & P. Ng (Eds) Child and adolescent mental health: Counselling and community-based services (pp. 206). Hong Kong: Commercial Press (in Chinese)
- Ng, P., Chiu, R. & Su, S. (2023). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing for adolescent with anxiety disorder. In D. Young & P. Ng (Eds) Child and adolescent mental health: Counselling and community-based services (pp. 206). Hong Kong: Commercial Press (in Chinese)
- Yang, S., Ng, P.Y.N., Chiu, R. Li, S.S., Klassen, R.M. (2020). Criteria for adulthood, resilience, and self-esteem among emerging adults in Hong Kong: A path analysis approach. Children and Youth Services Review. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105607
- Young, D.K.W., Ng, P.Y.N., Corrigan, P., Chiu, R. & Yang, S. (2020). Self-stigma reduction group for people with depression: A randomized controlled trial. Research on Social Work Practice. Doi: 10.1177%2F1049731520941594.
- Ng, P, Pan, J.Y., Chiu, R. & Su, S. (2016). Application of positive cognitive behavioural intervention, in D. Yeung & P. Ng (Eds.) Mental health and counselling: Theory and case studies. (pp. 229-253). Hong Kong: Commercial Press (in Chinese).
- Chiu, R. (2019). Parental Emotional Attachment and Fear of Intimacy of Emerging Adults in Hong Kong: The Effect of Differentiation of Self (PhD Thesis)
- Enhancing Social Work Students' Clinical Expertise Through Creative Bricks: The BUILD Model. (TDLEG, PI)
- A study on the effectiveness of the use of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® in group to enhance the mental health of secondary school students. (La Violet, PI)
- The effects of the Expanded Coming Out Proud group on reducing self-stigma of people with schizophrenia in Hong Kong. (GRF, Co-I)
- Photovoice intervention on reducing self-stigma of Chinese people with a mental illness in Hong Kong – a randomized control study. (FRG, Co-I)
- 利民會執行委員會成員及臨床顧問
- 國際社家庭學院教學團隊成員
- 港鐵學院顧問
- 青躍臨床顧問
- Sportcanheal852顧問
- 籽職教育榮譽研究顧問
- 國際網絡輔導中心臨床顧問及督導(獲香港浸會大學科技初創企業資助計劃 (TSSSU) 資助)