

Conferences / Seminars / Workshops Organized

CLAP@JC Conference 2024 on “Good transition from school to work: Unlocking talents for hopeful future” held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (8 - 9 March 2024)  [Details]
Mini-Conference on Poverty and Deprived Groups (7 March 2024)
CLAP@JC Community of Practice Session on “Promoting Equity and Sustainability through CLD Intervention” (12 January 2024) [Details]
CLAP@JC Community of Practice Session on “Theory of Change and Model Development for Powerful CLD Interventions” (14 April 2023) [Details]
CLAP@JC Community of Practice Session on “Co-creating High-quality Career and Life Development Services: NGO Impact Stories and Practice Wisdom of CLAP@JC Hong Kong Benchmarks (Community)” (9 Dec 2022) [Details]
CLAP@JC Online Symposium on ‘Strengthening Career and Life Development (CLD) among Non-engaged Youth (NEY): Co-creating a Youth-enabling Environment’ (8 – 9 July 2022) [Details]
CLAP@JC Community of Practice Session on “Good Career and Life Development (CLD) Policy Practice for Youth: The Experiences in OECD Countries and European Countries” (29 March 2022) [Details]
CLAP@JC Community of Practice Session on “The Challenges and Advantages of Technology Application in Career Guidance – Establishing Good Practices” (26 January 2022) [Details]
CLAP@JC Community of Practice Session on ‘Creating a youth-enabling environment via a systematic framework and cross-sectoral collaboration to facilitate students’ life exploration’ (16 July 2021) [Details]
CLAP@JC Community of Practice Session on ‘The Road to Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Opportunities for Non-engaged Youth to Uncover their Talents’ (28 May 2021) [Details]
Jockey Club YouthCreate Series Symposium: ‘Actualizing Youth-Adult Co-creations in the Community: Challenges, Opportunities, and Innovations’ (23 April 2021)
CLAP@JC Community of Practice Session on ‘Good Practices in Non-Engaged Youth (NEY) Services: The Cases of the European Union, South Korea, and Hong Kong’ (22 April 2021) [Details]
CLAP for Youth@JC Phase II Public Seminar and Community of Practice Session on ‘COVID-19 Crisis and Employment Outlook 2021: Implications for Employment & Career and Life Development Services for Youth’ (15 January 2021) [Details]
International Conference on Cyber Youth Work: Innovation and Inspiration, co-organized by the Youth and Childhood Research Programme, Social Welfare Practice Research Centre, Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Caritas-Hong Kong, The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong, and The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups – held at CUHK (17-18 May 2018)
Supporting Drug-Abusing Parents: Symposium on Holistic Parent Counselling and Education, co-organized with the Youth and Childhood Research Programme, Social Welfare Practice Research Centre, Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, and the Comprehensive Child Development Service of the United Christian Hospital – held at CUHK (15 June 2017)
BGCA 80th Anniversary Scientific Conference on Invest in Our Young for a Brighter Tomorrow, co-organized with the Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong – held at CUHK (7-8 October 2016)
Conference on Young People and Sexual Offences: Policy, Issues, and Practice, co-organized with the Caritas Youth and Community Service, Caritas Hong Kong and the Youth and Childhood Research Programme, Social Welfare Practice Research Centre, Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong – held at CUHK (27-28 May 2016)
Symposium and Exposition on Drug Rehabilitation Services, co-organized with the Hong Kong Council of Social Service – held at CUHK (11-12 March 2016)
Symposium of the Cyber Youth Outreach Project for Youth at Risk of Social Exclusion, co-organized with the Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong, Caritas-Hong Kong, and Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups – held at CUHK (5 March 2016)
Symposium on Youth Work and Youth Support in a Changing Society: Challenges, Opportunities and Innovations [Details]
International Conference on "Comparative Research on Social Welfare Policies in Chinese Societies" on 10-11 December, 2010 and presented by scholars from Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau in 2 Parallel sessions of themes "Youth policy " and "Child and family policy " . [Details]
Press release: Research by CUHK and CityU Reveals that Mutual Aid Groups can Alleviate Emotional and Behavioral Problems among Youth [Details]
Press release: CUHK Social Work Department Conducts a Public Survey on School-based Sex Education in Hong Kong[Details]
Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau Youth Research Roundtable Conference with the main theme "New Youth Agenda in an Era of Cyber Information" on 12-13 May,2007 and presented by scholars from Mainland China, Macau and Hong Kong [Details](In Chinese)

Conference Presentations/Participations

Ngai, S.S.Y. (2023, October). Unlocking potential in empowering non-engaged youth through quality career and life development interventions—Insights from the Hong Kong Benchmarks (Community) Pilot Program. CUHK SWK 60th Anniversary International Conference on Social Welfare Policy, Practice, Research and Education: Toward an Equitable and Sustainable Future. Hong Kong, China.
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2023, July). Promoting social well-being through career interventions among non-engaged youth: The experience of CLAP@JC in Hong Kong. International Summer University in Social Work Program on Creating Sustainable and Equitable Societies: The Intersection of Social Work and Sustainability in the Aftermath of COVID-19. Sydney, Australia.
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2023, July). Career and Life Development Hope (CLDH) Scale: Factor structure and scale validation among non-engaged youth in Hong Kong. 18th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. Oxford, UK.
Ngai, S.S.Y., & Cheung, C.K. (2023, May-June). Impact of career interventions on career competency and social well-being: A study of non-engaged youth in Hong Kong. OECD Conference on Disrupted Futures 2023: International Lessons on How Schools Can Best Equip Students for Their Working Lives. Paris, France.
Ngai, S.S.Y., Cheung, C.K., & Wang, L. (2021, October). Youth Career Development Competency (YCDC) Scale: Factor structure and scale validation among Hong Kong youth aged 15-18. OECD Conference on Disrupted Futures: International Lessons on How Schools Can Best Equip Students for Their Working Lives. Paris, France.
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2021, March). Work motivation of unemployed youth: Effects of length of unemployment, job information acquisition, self-actualization, and financial dependence on parents. Annual Postgraduate Research Symposium on Social Welfare and Social Work in a Volatile World: Policy, Research and Practice. Hong Kong, China.
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2021, February). The influence of key training elements on work motivation and work engagement: A study of unemployed youth participating in vocational training schemes in Tianjin, China. IV ISA Forum of Sociology. Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2019, November). The assessment of parenting behavior by using the Parental Bonding Instrument among Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong. 2019 International Conference of Korea Youth Research Association. Seoul, South Korea.
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2019, November). Promoting competence in drug rehabilitation work through Cognitive-Behavioral Integrated Therapy (CBIT) training: A ten-year effort in Hong Kong. East Asia Forum on Social Welfare and 11th Annual Conference of Chinese Academic Association of Social Welfare. Guangzhou, China.
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2019, July). Factors hindering or facilitating the school-to-work transition of economically disadvantaged youth. 2019 International Summer University in Social Work Program on Social Care and Well Being of the Vulnerable Populations. Kerala, India.
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2019, June). Relationships between drug use history, virtuous orientation, and the realization of drug harm among at-risk youth. Paper presented in the 9th International Conference on Addictive Disorders and Alcoholism. Brisbane, Australia.
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2019, March). A validation study of the Chinese version of the Parental Bonding Instrument: Data from a Chinese adolescent sample in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the 1st International Scientific Conference of Research on Family Services. Toruń, Poland.
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2018, October). Enhancing helping professionals’ competence in anti-drug work through Cognitive-Behavioral Integrated Therapy (CBIT) training. Paper presented in CUHK Department of Social Work 55th Anniversary International Conference on Social Welfare Policy, Practice, Research and Education: Public Engagement and Social Impact. Hong Kong, China.
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2018, September). Vocational education and youth development: A consolidation of success stories. Paper presented in the World Philanthropy Forum 2018. Shanghai, China.
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2018, March). Service experience, classroom reflection and student outcomes: A study of a service-learning program in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the International Conference on Business and Social Science. Kyoto, Japan.
Chen, J.K. (2017, July). The association between academic performance and school violence in Taiwan. Paper presented in the 2017 Crime and Justice in Asia and the Global South Conference, Cairns, Australia.
Kim, M. (2017, September). Parental Nonstandard Work Schedules and School-Aged Children’s Well-being. Oral paper presented in the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS) Conference, Innsbruck, Austria.
Kim, M. (2017, January). Nonstandard work schedules, parental involvement, and children's academic achievement. Poster presented in the 21th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), New Orleans, LA, USA.
Garcia, A.R., Greeson, J.K., Kim, M., Thompson, A., & DeNard, C. (2017, January). Do mental health services disrupt the delinquency pipeline among Latino, African American and Caucasian youth in the child welfare system? Oral paper presented in the 21st Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), New Orleans, LA, USA.
Chui C.M. & Lam C.M. (2017, June). Global Health and Mental Health issues. Invited expert panel presentation at the International conference on Global challenges facing social welfare policy, education, research and practice, Hong Kong, China.
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2017, November). Unemployed youths’ financial dependence on family and work motivation. Paper presented in the World Philanthropy Forum 2017. Beijing, China.
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2017, May). Effects of program characteristics and psychological engagement on service-learning outcomes. Paper presented in the 6th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning, Surabaya, Indonesia
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2017, April). Relationships between parenting behavior and character strengths among Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the 2017 ISA RC06 Conference on Family Research, Pretoria, South Africa.
To, S.M. (2017, July). Meaning in life and existential anxiety among Chinese adolescents living in Hong Kong: Implications for meaning-oriented youth counselling and youth development programmes. International Meaning Conference: Joining Forces in Practice and Research. London, United Kingdom.
To, S.M. (2017, June). [Keynote Speaker] Parental Needs and Experiences of Drug-Abusing Parents: Implications for Practice. Supporting Drug-Abusing Parents: Symposium on Holistic Parent Counselling and Education, Hong Kong, China.
To, S.M., & Wan, K.Y. (2017, June). [Invited Speaker] An Existential Approach to Parent Counselling: Case Intervention for Drug-Abusing Parents. Supporting Drug-Abusing Parents: Symposium on Holistic Parent Counselling and Education, Hong Kong, China.
Wong, M.M.C. (2017, June). The Power Issue in the negotiation process of discharge of out-of-home care children in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the International Conference on “Global Challenges Facing Social Welfare Policy, Education, Research and Practice, Hong Kong, China.
Chen, J.K. (2016, October). [Keynote Speaker] Effectiveness of early identification, psycho-education interventions and peer support group for adolescent psychiatric patients and family caregivers. Paper presented in the Conference on Effectiveness of Adolescent Psychiatric Services, Hong Kong, China.
Chen, J.K. (2016, October). [Keynote Speaker] Effectiveness of early identification, psycho-education interventions and peer support group for adolescent psychiatric patients and family caregivers. Paper presented in the Conference on Effectiveness of Adolescent Psychiatric Services, Hong Kong, China.
Hung, F.N. & Chen, J.K. (2016, June). Minority Stress, Family Relationship and Mental Health of Homosexual Youths in Hong Kong: Level of Coming Out as Mediator. Paper presented in the 8th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health, Singapore.
Kim, M. (2016, August). Parental nonstandard work schedules and young children’s well-being. Oral paper presented in the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS) Conference, Seoul, Korea
Kim, M., & Garcia, A.R (2016, January). Measuring Mental Health Service Disparities in Child Welfare. Oral paper presented in the 20th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), Washington, DC, USA.
Greeson, J.K. Garcia, A.R., Kim, M., Thompson, A., & Courtney, M. (2016, January). Development & Maintenance of Social Support among Aged Out Foster Youth who Received Independent Living Services: Results from the Multi-site Evaluation of Foster Youth Programs. Oral paper presented in the 20th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), Washington, DC, USA.
Lam, C.M. (2016, December). Generational shift of parental belief and practice: A gender perspective (從性別角度看香港父母的育兒觀念及教養方式). Invited presentation at the Family Change and Gender Equality International Forum, Beijing, China.
Lam, C.M. (2016, June). Changing context for child-rearing: A narrative inquiry on generational shifts in parenting. Paper presented in the Joint World conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2016, Seoul, South Korea.
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2016, October). Youth citizenship engagement: The experience of a local service-learning program at Chung Chi College of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Paper presented in the BGCA 80th Anniversary Scientific Conference on Invest in Our Young for a Brighter Tomorrow, Hong Kong, China.
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2016, July). Classroom in community: Experience in a service-learning programme of Chung Chi College at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Paper presented in the Forum on “Living Conditions and Values of Young People under a New Mode of Economic Growth” in the 2016 Academic Annual Conference of the Chinese Sociological Association, Lanzhou, China.
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2016, April). Service-learning programs at CUHK: Opportunities and challenges. Paper presented in the Chung Chi College Symposium on Service-Learning 2016, Hong Kong, China.
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2016, March). Youth at risk of social exclusion: A proposed conceptual framework. Paper presented in the Symposium of the Cyber Youth Outreach Project for Youth at Risk of Social Exclusion, Hong Kong, China.
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2016, January). Factors conducive to effective service-learning outcomes among university students in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the 1st International Conference on Advanced Business and Social Sciences, Bali, Indonesia.
To, S.M. (2016, October). [Invited Speaker] An existential-narrative approach to parent education. International Conference on Parenting in the 21st Century, Hong Kong, China.
To, S.M., & So, Y.Y. (2016, June). [Invited Speaker] Parental experience in non-engaged youth’s career and life development: Implications for practice. CLAP for Youth @ JC 2016 Conference – Towards Meaningful Engagement: Connecting Youth to Stakeholders & Careers, Hong Kong, China.
To, S.M. (2016, May). [Invited Speaker] Drug-abusing Mothers’ Experience in and Reflections on Parenthood: Implications for Practice. Symposium on Parent Education 2016: Changing Families and Parent Education, Hong Kong, China.
Wong, M.M.C. (2016, November). Child and young people voices – The power issue on the negotiation process of discharge – perceptions of children in care, caregivers and social workers. Paper presented in the EUSARF XIV International Conference, Oviedo, Spain.
Wong, M.M.C. (2016, August). The “going home” process of children placed in out-of-home care in Hong Kong: an exploratory study. Paper presented in the 33rd FICE Congress & 2nd CYC World Conference, Vienna, Austria.

Knowledge Transfer Activities (Research Consultation/ Workshop/ Talk)

Honorary Research Consultant: Chen, J.K. (10/2016 - 9/2018). Stewards Limited. Teens Online.
Workshops by Ngai, S.S.Y. (5/2017 – 12/2017) Twenty Half-Day Clinical Supervision sessions for the project on “An Integrated Humanistic and Cognitive-Behavioural Training Program to Promote Effective and Sustained Anti-Drug Work among Practitioners and Students of Social Work and Healthcare Professions”. (May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Oct, Nov and Dec 2017; No. of participants: 32 practitioners and students of Social Work and Healthcare Professions)
Workshops by Ngai, S.S.Y. (9/2016 – 12/2017) Three rounds of 3-Day Advanced Course for the project on “An Integrated Humanistic and Cognitive-Behavioural Training Program to Promote Effective and Sustained Anti-Drug Work among Practitioners and Students of Social Work and Healthcare Professions”. (Sep 2016, Mar, Apr and Dec 2017; No. of participants: 121 practitioners and students of Social Work and Healthcare Professions)
Workshops by Ngai, S.S.Y. (1/2016 – 9/2017) Five rounds of 1-day Introductory Workshops for the project on “An Integrated Humanistic and Cognitive-Behavioural Training Program to Promote Effective and Sustained Anti-Drug Work among Practitioners and Students of Social Work and Healthcare Professions”. (Aug 2016, Jan, Feb, Jul and Sep 2017; No. of participants: 352 practitioners and students of Social Work and Healthcare Professions)
School talk by To, S.M.(13 May 2017). How parents can be assistance rather than hindrance to the life and career development of their children? Talk organized by CLAP for Youth@JC funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. (No. of participants: Around 100 parents and teachers)
School talk by To, S.M.(12 December 2016). Life and career development of young people in a risk society: Implications for parent education. Talk organized by CLAP for Youth@JC funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. (No. of participants: Around 400 parents and teachers)
Talk by Wong, M.M.C.(19 October 2016). The Future Direction of the Residential Child Care Service in Hong Kong – Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage of the Children. Talk invited by S.K.H. Christopher’s Home, Hong Kong. (No. of participants: 200)
Honorary Research Consultant: Chen, J.K. (4/2014 - 6/2016). Stewards Limited. Effectiveness of early identification, psycho-education interventions and peer support group for adolescent psychiatric patients and family caregivers.