The CUHK's 50th Anniversary Social Work Postgraduate Research Symposium (APRS) was held on 30-31 May 2013 on campus. The Symposium was organised by the CUHK-Nankai Joint Research Centre of Social Policy, in association with our Department, Chung Chi College, Department of Social Work and Social Policy of Nankai University, and Social Policy Research Centre of National Taiwan University. It was sponsored by the University, Chung Chi College, United College, New Asia College, Shaw College and S.H. Ho College of the University in the celebration of our 50th Anniversary.
The two-day Symposium aimed at providing an opportunity for research students from different parts of the world to share their research with one another. Nearly seventy research students from UK, Canada, Australia, Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong presented their research projects that contribute to developing knowledge on different fields of social welfare and social work, including poverty, social security and employment; social care, migrants, elderly and disability; and child, youth and family policy. Eleven research students obtained the Best Paper Award.